For a long time, I didn't believe there was a shot from the front. Several things have now made me think it's at least possible. First, the well-known statement by Parkland MD Malcolm Perry, at a press conference an hour or two after the assassination, that the throat wound was an entrance wound. Perry said he had treated hundreds of patients with similar wounds and he knew the difference between an exit and entrance wound. The SS confiscated all film and transcripts of that press conference. [i([/i] Second, Perry, while still in Parkland, was threatened by an SS agent and warned to retract his statement about the entrance wound. Why would they have done such a thing? The above web page states, correctly, that "Malcolm Perry was a victim of a large-scale crime." Third, NPIC analyst Dino Brugioni, who saw the original Z film on the evening of Nov. 23, 1963, which had been brought to Washington by two SS agents, who themselves had not yet seen the film, said the film showed a piece of JFK's skull flying into the air. Those frames are not in the version we see today. Doug Horne is correct that if any aspect of the Z film has been altered, the entire film is suspect. Fourth, the bullet found by retired SS agent Paul Landis on top of the rear seat of the JFK limo, might be the one that hit JFK's throat from the front.