I'm glad you admit what you've been doing to make your Theory "work".
No. It is about what you need to do in order to justify calling it "bats_it crazy". (I would write it out in full but it comes out as batspombleprofglidnoctobuns).

- Your distance between JFK and JBC is much greater (than what photos show)
- Connally a bit lower (than photos show him)
- A bit smaller head (more than a bit though; and not what photos show)
- Your model has JBC too far back (Your model has JFK so far back, he morphs into the seat-back)
(What photos show the President's seat-back as a thin slab, as in your model)?)
I duplicated your model setup with the longer distance between the two men and showed that you used false perspective to align Connally's face with the side window.
When my model has Connally in the middle of the jump-seat, his head aligns with the side window as seen in Z193. But then the bullet goes to the right of Connally's spine.
A sight line is a sightline. The zoom lens changes perspective but not sightlines. Changing focal length does not unblock parts that were previously blocked.
In your zoom "correction" you have JFK too far to the right.

In z193 the sightline from Zapruder blocks up to the right edge of the left trunk hand-hold:

Do you agree with a slope of 21 degrees relative to the car?
How much to raise his thigh (Good Grief) and what is that based on (other than it's necessary to meet your Theory's needs)?
You might use this as a guide: