Connally only studied still frames and did the best he could and guessed!
Today we have the technology to closely examine consecutive frames.
As Connally emerges from behind the sign his jacket billows as CE399 passes through and his right shoulder thrusts forward as his left shoulder violently raises.
At the same split second both Connally and Kennedy react simultaneously
Connally's hat flip and look of immense pain happen way before Z230.
Btw Griffith, why do you believers in Zapruder Film alteration still use exact Zapruder frames to prove your theories, you have absolutely no right to use the Zapruder film! Hypocrite!
Wow, it's amazing that Connally himself,
the man who actually experienced the wounding, was absolutely certain that he was not hit before Z228. He looked at every frame from Z222 through Z245 under high magnification and using high-qualify prints of each frame, and he saw no indication that he was hit before Z228. But you say he only "guessed" and could not recognize his own reactions!
His right shoulder does not start to get slammed forward and downward until Z238, and his face does not start to exhibit a pained expression until Z238. Connally said the bullet's impact felt like someone punched him hard in the back, so it's ludicrous to suppose that the impact occurred in Z224. You would not have a 14-frame delay between impact and shoulder collapse. You might have a 3-4-frame delay, but no more. This lines up with Connally's conclusion that the bullet's impact occurred at Z234.
And how do you have an SBT hit at Z224 when JFK begins to react to his non-fatal wounding at around Z200, and when Jackie clearly starts to react to JFK's reaction in Z202, as even the HSCA photographic experts recognized and acknowledged? We now know that the initial Secret Service analysis of the Z film concluded that JFK was hit at Z199.
The HSCA experts also recognized that Willis slide 5 is strong evidence that JFK was hit at least 17 frames before he disappears behind the freeway sign because Willis slide 5 corresponds with Z202. Willis specified that he snapped the picture in a startle reaction to hearing a shot fired. Allowing time for Willis's brain and nervous system to receive, process, and react to the sound of the shot, this means Willis heard the shot at around Z186-190, as the HSCA experts explained. I cover this in some detail in my book.
I use the Zapruder film as evidence because the forgers were not able to remove all the problematic elements from the film. There was only so much editing they could do. They could not get rid of every unwanted sequence. That's why the film was suppressed for so many years. The plotters recognized that even the altered version markedly contradicted the lone-gunman scenario.