Too bad that Harold Norman completed his 3 shots fired timing in less than 4 secs.
Too bad Harold Normans description of what he saw was that he heard the 1st shot, then saw JFK “slump” then Norman heard 2 more shots.
Combined together, Norman heard 3 shots in about 3.5 seconds and the 1st shot Must have HIT JFK , causing him to slump , then followed by the next 2 shots Norman heard , which were only 1.5 sec apart resulting in all 3 shots being fired in 4 secs or less.
But yes, only 3 shots did Norman hear as did about 2/3rds majority of earwitness.
And Norman heard 3 shells hiring the floor, and thought he heard the operation of a bolt action rifle as “click click” .
interesting coincidences:
1. The M1941 Johnson 7.62 mm semi auto rifle makes a “click” noise as it ejects a spent shell.
2. The M1941 Johnson. 7.62 mm rifle was one of the type rifles issued to Bay of Pigs invasion soldiers/ CIA operatives.
3. The M1941 when disassembled could fit in a 24” length bag
4. One eyewitness described a rifle she saw as a “machinegun” The M1941 rifle has a partial heat shield similar to a 30 cal machinegun.
5. One M1941 rifle may have been traced back to one Loran Hall who also may have been a BOP operative.
Question: Is there any way that Norman could have mistaken the sound of a semi auto rifle that clicks” when it ejects a shell, as an MC bolt action rifle?
Lee Bowers , the Tower operator , reinforces Norman’s rapid 3-4 sec Time with his own replication rapping his hand 3 times rapidly on his desk, (Mark Lane recorded interview) completing the sequence in about 3 secs also.
The Probability based on these 2 witness, (presuming no 2nd shooter with a silenced rifle), is that 3 shots were fired rapidly , in a span of only 3-4 secs , with the last 2 shots only about 1.5 sec apart and that the FIRST shot DID hit JFK causing him to slump, followed by 2 more shots, the last one being at at Z313.
Conclusion: If only one shooter, he was not using the MC bolt action rifle which would require most likely at least 6-7 secs to get 2 hits , one being the head shot.
The First shot therefore must be the Z223-224 shot , which caused JFK to slump as Norman observed , then followed by 2 more shots which ended with the Z313 shot. By the Z film , therefore, all 3 shots would have been fired in an approx span of 4.8 sec or less.
Note: there was ONE CBS time trial shooter (the old engineer dude) whom was recorded on film managing to fire 3 shots from an MC rifle in 5.1 secs and scoring 3 hits to the body of the JFK target figure. ( but missed the head)
Unfortunately NONE of the CBS time trial
Shooters were using the position of sitting on the box beside the pipes in the SN, and then leaning over, which is the position that is the most likely one used if the TSBD 6th floor SE window shooter remained out of sight during the Hughes film footage of the JFK limo approaching the TSBD along Houston st.