Dan, I’m saying that Clint Hill is certainly seeing JFKs hands going up at Z224-227 so why does not Clint HEAR this shot?
Now if there’s some shot that Clint did hear at Z160 which is the LNs favorite 1st shot, then that’s 3.5 seconds prior to Clint seeing JFK reacting at Z224.
And the SS agent right behind Hill must have missed hearing a 1st shot at Z160 because he is not looking back at TSBD at Z234.
from Z160-234 is 74 frames/18.5 = approx 4 secs and supposedly 2 loud shots have been fired and it’s not until Z255 that Hill finally BEGINS to jump of the car almost 5.5 seconds from the time he has heard the 1st shot that some LNs claim is probably at Z160.
It seems unlikely to me that a trained SS agent, especially the one tasked primarily to keep his eye on JFK at all times would not react until 5.5 seconds have elapsed after he heard 2 loud shots and saw JFK hit.
So either Hill , Betzer, Willis , Altgens are deaf and completely missed hearing a Z160shot ( it had to be about that early otherwise it gets too close to Z224 to be the MC rifle).
OR.. the 1st loud shot that all of them heard must be at Z224 , in which case THEN the reaction by Hill is in about 1.5 -2 secs after hearing the Z 224 shot.
With the Willis Z205 photo is there any wiggle room of him hearing the shot a mere 1 sec AFTER he clicked the camera rather that exactly AS the shot was fired?
The Willis girl slowing and stopping at Z195 maybe is due to something else than a loud rifle shot?
Other than that , the 1st shot at Z224 theory as this thread started out with , seems a pretty good explanation for Altgens , Hill, Willis and Betzner hearing only 1 shot prior to Z255 .
However, IDK about if a 3rd shot was fired after Z313 and why that bullet was not found anywhere. Did they search on the OTHER side of the Triple Underpass? because if the shot was an unaimed shot 2.0 sec later thanZ313 , it might traveled high and possibly landed 1000 yds away from Dealey plaza.