Maybe we can settle this debate by reference to the lane markers. In this frame from the 1963 Secret Service film, JFK's back is even with the end of the lane markers:
Here is CE882, the scale map of Dealey Plaza showing the lane markers on which I have shown the position of JFK when he is in the position of being even with the ends of the lane markers:

On this, I have shown the sight line from Zapruder to JFK and extended it to the right where it intersects with the very end of the curved concrete wall around the end of the reflecting pool.
So to determine the zframe that this corresponds to, we simply look for the frame in which JFK aligns with the end of that concrete wall. It appears to be z196:

I would have to say it would be well before this position. JFK has been in the clear for almost a car length, say 15-20 feet. Why would the shooter wait at all? I would suggest that, since JFK was visible while passing under the outer oak tree branches, the shooter could easily have pulled the trigger as soon as he was clear and did not have to wait at all. He could have fired even a bit earlier than that while JFK was here but still quite visible:

Maybe we can settle this debate by reference to the lane markers. settle this debate?
How is this a debate?
It is a constant destruction of your demented theory. How is that a debate?
You constantly lie, you are constantly deceitful. How is that a debate?
How can a debate take place in the face of constant lies and deceit?
It clearly cannot.
Are these accusations of lies and deceit unfounded?
Well, let's have a closer look at your post.
In this frame from the 1963 Secret Service film, JFK's back is even with the end of the lane markers:JFK's back is even with the end of the lane markers?
What are you talking about?
In the picture on the left you are saying JFK's back is even with the end of the lane markers.
What are you basing this on?
Is this a case of "Well, it looks that way to me d'uhhh"
Have you got anything to back this demented suggestion up with?
Are you going to ask me to prove his back is not even with the end of the lane markers?But,
for argument's sake, let's say your demented, plucked out of thin air suggestion is correct, and that JFK's back is even with the end of the lane markers.
You then draw our attention to the image on the right, where you believe JFK would be clear of the oak tree.
And here the level of your deceit is truly revealed.
You are trying to convince everyone that the image on the right is a close up of the image on the left - that is how you want to prove that JFK is clear of the oak tree when his back is level with the end of the lane markers.

Look at the arrangement of people around the tree on the left (circled in red). They are different.
Look at the police motorcyclist (circled in blue) present in the image on the right but not on the left!!
This is a deceitful lie of the worst kind as far as "research" is concerned and it makes a mockery of the notion of a debate.
How can a debate truly exist when you will constantly stoop to any depths to prop up your demented theory.
How can you defend such a deceitful approach to this topic?
How do you justify stooping to such depths?
Have you noticed that I never have to employ such weak-minded tactics?
Aren't you embarrassed by your need to resort to such tactics?