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Author Topic: Do we know anymore at 60 years?  (Read 27486 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2023, 04:00:58 AM »
                This is about SCIENCE. Trashing me will Not change what SCIENCE has Declared: "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". LN's are now on the wrong side of SCIENCE. And it's only gonna get worse as the Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE now locates the shooter(s). Just as they do inside court rooms across this country day-in, day-out.

Interesting, you have previously stated that this "SCIENCE" involved the close examination of the still frames and photographs taken on 11/22/63

in junction with computer evaluated still frames and photographs taken on 11/22/63. 

But you have stated that the very essence of what the Knott Labs needed to accomplish their task "The Zapruder Film" is Bogus.

Even though you inadvertently have supplied further Proof of the Current Z Film being Bogus,

Take a look at ill positioned Hulked out Connally and this is what YOU call "SCIENCE"! -giggle-

As I have previously stated the strongest case that the Knott Lab's recreation is "garbage in garbage out" comes from YOU!!!

Btw In an alternate universe where this gets to Court, the best way to refute the Knott's Lab's findings comes from their most vocal incompetent supporter? Talk about stumbling and bumbling and kicking an own goal, you take the cake! Hahahahahaha!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #56 on: December 05, 2023, 04:00:58 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #57 on: December 05, 2023, 11:44:52 AM »
Math is considered science. True story: At a world-renowned major, and highly respected engineering university a math professor would “prove” that the center of the universe (the point of origin of the Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe) was located at a specific place in the downtown area of the professor’s home town. He did this to show his students that math (science) can be used to “prove” some rather absurd things.

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2023, 12:40:50 PM »
"How many times have I got to tell you, I couldn't care less about Gordon Arnold. And you say the interview lasts FORTY FIVE minutes? WOW! So Gordon Arnold got his fifteen minutes of fame times three!" john mytton

It appears that you take an approach to this case where by you pick and choose the witnesses you like , while you choose to ignore those that you do not . I could not call that the work of a dedicated , open minded and honest researcher . From your own words about you seem to make it clear that you have never seen the interview , i myself have sat and watched a lot of BS in regard this case , but none the less i watched it , weighed up the evidence regarding what they may have claimed and considered its validity or lack there of . If you are unwilling to do that , and to be honest many LN are not (but not all ) well then your opinions here could hardly be labelled fair , open  minded and unbiased . But then two things have already confirmed to me what your mentality is in regard this case , one that i have read many of your posts and i can see your stance form them . But also the mere fact that you chose as an avatar a picture of Bugliosi speaks a lot to me . This is a discussion and debate forum , people have views on this case in which they differ , in that sense both sides should always be willing to be open minded , honest and unbiased in their approach , that is if we all truly value the truth in this matter .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2023, 12:40:50 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2023, 12:57:44 PM »
Vast majority (2/3rds ) witness heard the sequence of 3 shots as 1…..2..3 .

If the latest experiment has the SBT trajectory implausible, then there would have to have been either another shooter or the single shooter had a semi auto rifle.

Either way though, the shot sequence would be different would it not ? Since now there had to be a shot hitting JC causing his abrupt shoulder turn very close to JFKs reactions. Therefore shots 1 and 2 would be only probably 1 sec apart.

That would be then a sequence 1..2…..3 which is the reverse of what majority witnesses seemed to have heard.

The only solution , if the the SBT is not viable, to preserve the majority witness perception, would require 2 shooters, one of whom had a silenced rifle that fired the shot at JC about 0.5 sec after JFK is hit at Z-222-223 giving the impression both JFK and JC are simultaneously responding to the same bullet.

But then you still need a 4th shot that’s from a loud rifle shot to have 3 loud shots heard and so when would that 4th shot occur so as to preserve the 1…..2..3 sequence?

Imo it would have to either be between the silenced shot at JC and the Z313 hit on JFK

Or.. it would have to be a 4th shot about 1-1.5 secs AFTER Z313.

Hi Zeon forgive me i am not trying shoulder my way into your discussion with Royell here . But its just that you ask in essence if there was another shooter SOMEWHERE in dealey . And i just wanted to say something in this regard . Given what witnesses have said , witnesses in different locations , is there not evidence (i wont say proof because i feel its difficult to assert such as fact  ) at the least that points to an additional shooter ? . The mark on the concrete by the Manhole cover ?, sparks seen flying up off of the street i believe from just behind the Limo , a fresh Furrow in the grass seen by the Hesters . And if my memory serves the cop stationed up on the overpass saying (and i am sure you will correct me if i am mistaken and that is perfectly ok ) he saw dirt or concrete near the Manhole cover fly up . So on that regard i am just wondering what your stance is on these , and do you think there is any merit in what these witnesses said they saw . Because i feel what the witnesses said they saw above sort of ties in . thanks for your time zeon .

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2023, 01:47:52 PM »
Don Knotts Lab worked from this map Royell sent them

    All work that I contribute in the ongoing backstage collaborative effort, always carries my John Hancock along with other security measures. What you see above is a laughably inaccurate imitation. Of course, imitation being the highest form of flattery. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2023, 01:47:52 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #61 on: December 05, 2023, 10:14:42 PM »
"How many times have I got to tell you, I couldn't care less about Gordon Arnold. And you say the interview lasts FORTY FIVE minutes? WOW! So Gordon Arnold got his fifteen minutes of fame times three!" john mytton

It appears that you take an approach to this case where by you pick and choose the witnesses you like , while you choose to ignore those that you do not . I could not call that the work of a dedicated , open minded and honest researcher . From your own words about you seem to make it clear that you have never seen the interview , i myself have sat and watched a lot of BS in regard this case , but none the less i watched it , weighed up the evidence regarding what they may have claimed and considered its validity or lack there of . If you are unwilling to do that , and to be honest many LN are not (but not all ) well then your opinions here could hardly be labelled fair , open  minded and unbiased . But then two things have already confirmed to me what your mentality is in regard this case , one that i have read many of your posts and i can see your stance form them . But also the mere fact that you chose as an avatar a picture of Bugliosi speaks a lot to me . This is a discussion and debate forum , people have views on this case in which they differ , in that sense both sides should always be willing to be open minded , honest and unbiased in their approach , that is if we all truly value the truth in this matter .

It appears that you take an approach to this case where by you pick and choose the witnesses you like , while you choose to ignore those that you do not . I could not call that the work of a dedicated , open minded and honest researcher .

You do realize that I was the one was the one that posted and analysed a Gordon Arnold interview and he not only told me all I need to know, he physically demonstrated it. Royell tells me that he gave a few more made up details in the 45 minute interview like the guys accent, nationality and duration of event, how are any of those lies supposed to add anything to Arnold's well established lack of credibility?

From your own words about you seem to make it clear that you have never seen the interview ,

I really can't remember, I've seen a lot of stuff over the years.

i myself have sat and watched a lot of BS in regard this case , but none the less i watched it , weighed up the evidence regarding what they may have claimed and considered its validity or lack there of .

What a joke, the amount of credible evidence that points to only Oswald is overwhelming but you being close minded, shuts anything out that upsets your delicate one world view.

If you are unwilling to do that , and to be honest many LN are not (but not all ) well then your opinions here could hardly be labelled fair , open  minded and unbiased .

As I said it was me that posted and fairly evaluated the Gordon Arnold video, how many pounds of flesh do you want, that would make you happy?

But then two things have already confirmed to me what your mentality is in regard this case , one that i have read many of your posts and i can see your stance form them .

To give my opinion, by definition I have to fairly evaluate both sides and from your above statement the entire Forum can see, that it is you Fergus who is the close minded one.

But also the mere fact that you chose as an avatar a picture of Bugliosi speaks a lot to me .

Bugliosi just called it as he saw it, you do realize that he also wrote a book attacking the President of the United States "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" Here was a man unlike yourself who stood up for what was right.
Bugliosi who had the hands on experience of well over a hundred cases, nearly all of which he successfully won, spent decades studying this case and in "Reclaiming History" evaluated the most enduring angles for conspiracy for example FBI, CIA, etc and outlined why each and every one was absurd.

This is a discussion and debate forum , people have views on this case in which they differ , in that sense both sides should always be willing to be open minded , honest and unbiased in their approach , that is if we all truly value the truth in this matter .

And tell me Fergus, how open minded are you? because so far from my perspective it doesn't matter how much truth I present, you end up accepting absolutely none of it. The hypocrisy and empty rhetoric that spews forth from every pore of your existence is beyond belief.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 10:31:54 PM by John Mytton »

Offline Paul May

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #62 on: December 06, 2023, 01:22:07 AM »
    How about 2 Autopsies? Even Gunn bought into that.

Like every piece of crap you post, utter science fiction. Frightening ignorant.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2023, 02:53:03 AM »
Like every piece of crap you post, utter science fiction. Frightening ignorant.

    Another guy on Tilt? You used to be far better than this. That's the 1 major issue that Gunn and Horne agreed on. You need to brush up on the ARRB. Especially the "autopsy".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2023, 02:53:03 AM »