Re: It's a blessing-of-sorts that critics boycott the Sixth Floor Museum. Imagine those obnoxious know-it-all blowhards condescendingly "correcting" every display with their web-fueled armchair "expertise", cheap rhetoric and witch-hunt implicating innocents.
Exhibit A:
Imagine that goose-stepping around the sixth floor. And Fergus denigrating a beloved member of the Museum. And they demand respect. 
The above does Not address any of the Sixth Floor issues I Detailed. No mystery why we got Dodge Ball going on here.
Anybody wants to plunk their $$ down and visit that "Museum", it's their $$ to spend. It's no different than plunking $$ down to visit the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. Know it or Not, you're voluntarily paying good $$ to be, "taken onna ride".
I'm not a Groden guy, but he came off very well in that NewsNation JFK Assassination Special.