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Author Topic: Do we know anymore at 60 years?  (Read 23303 times)

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2023, 04:27:30 AM »
How do you know what facts I know? Besides the film I presented of Gordan where I illustrated all the problems with his recollections you just ignore all my revelations in favour of your own bonkers interpretation.

Huh? You can't be as crazy as Gordon, according to Gordon the guy who wanted the film threatened him, so obviously this guy thought any film was very very important but you're saying that traveling those extra yards to acquire Zapruder's evidence was too far? Zapruder hung around after the event and any film could be easily acquired but they not only ignored confiscating the film, they helped him develop the film!!

Please Royell, you used to use your brain in trying to figure out your conspiracy because lately you grab hold of any rancid morsel and like a rabid dog just won't let go, even though you must know that devouring your latest "prize" will destroy you.


              Just admit that you have never heard the Sixth Floor Interview of Gordon Arnold. You popped off and now are in way over your head and look foolish.  Once again, we have a "researcher" that is unfamiliar with with the story of an alleged eyewitness to the assassination. It's easy to look at pictures and film. It takes time to find/digest the entire story that an eyewitness has to tell.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2023, 04:27:30 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2023, 05:04:48 AM »
              Just admit that you have never heard the Sixth Floor Interview of Gordon Arnold. You popped off and now are in way over your head and look foolish.  Once again, we have a "researcher" that is unfamiliar with with the story of an alleged eyewitness to the assassination. It's easy to look at pictures and film. It takes time to find/digest the entire story that an eyewitness has to tell.

Stop playing your juvenile games because just like Gordon Arnold, Beverly Oliver, Ed Hoffman, etc, etc you're just looking for your 15 minutes of fame.

And the interview I posted tells me ALL I need to know about Gordon and now you infer that he was lying, well doesn't that take the cake.

Anyway good luck with your "eyewitness" because you gonna need it!


Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2023, 01:22:09 PM »
Stop playing your juvenile games because just like Gordon Arnold, Beverly Oliver, Ed Hoffman, etc, etc you're just looking for your 15 minutes of fame.

And the interview I posted tells me ALL I need to know about Gordon and now you infer that he was lying, well doesn't that take the cake.

Anyway good luck with your "eyewitness" because you gonna need it!


    Whenever anyone says "...tells me ALL I need to know", reveals that they have gotten Lazy. The exploration and accumulation of knowledge should Never Cease. This attitude that you now employ explains why you are behind the curve in many of the issues being discussed on this forum. It explains your recent rebuttals to the Knott Lab Laser 360 SCIENCE that has found, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". Basically, you're now, "All hat, no cattle". 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2023, 01:22:09 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2023, 01:30:12 PM »

Found the interviews at the Sixth Floor website, as well as the camera ( Link ). Gordon was also interviewed on-camera for the 1988 "The Men Who Killed Kennedy". Not sure what you're hoping for but Gordon had lots of opportunity to indulge in his fantasy.

"Lazy" is you being unable to find the interviews and not addressing the gross mismatches in the Don Knotts* Lab "science".  ::)

John Mytton (* also JohnM)

i find it interesting that you seemingly dont accept at all that gordon arnold was on or near the knoll as he claimed . while at the same time you support the 6th floor museum and you speak of the late mr mack in beloved terms . yet was it not the late mr mack along with the late jack white who's work gave us that image of a man in uniform and the so called badgeman on the knoll ? . i am guessing in this regard your praise for the late mr mack dissipates . i say that because i cant see how you can dispute arnold while supporting mr macks work .work which by the way he by his own admission had verified by i think atleast two sources .maybe you agree with macks work but say its not arnold ? . i want your view on this , i want you to share your correct stance on this matter . and on mr macks work . i dont want to misinterpret , so please feel free to correct me if you feel i am wrong .

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2023, 01:40:48 PM »
Listen to Arnold's own words.

Gordon Arnold claims a man with a massive weapon came out and confiscated his film! But obviously left the wide open Zapruder completely alone, as if. And the fact that a man would expose himself to the place where Arnold said he was standing while carrying a huge weapon is just crazy!

Gordon Arnold says where he was, had a bunch of bullets firing over his head, but how many eyewitnesses said there was more than three shots fired? And don't forget we know for a fact that that bothy Kennedy and Connally were shot in the back so there's also that shot/shots to add to the amount of shots fired. And another important piece of information that must be considered is that 94% of eyewitnesses didn't report hearing crossfire therefore all the shots came from one location and logically since we know both Kennedy and Connally were definitely shot in the back by definition all shots came from the top end of Elm street.

Gordon Arnold also says, which to me sounds like he's trying to convince himself, "There's no doubt in my mind I was there...and it did occur" If he was truly there why would he feel the need to introduce the concept of doubt? A normal person who was really there would say "I was there, and it did occur" simple as that.

And the way he gets emotional when he sees himself as a blob in Moorman's photo, next to the well known blob known by deluded fantasist's as badgeman, paints a picture of a deranged old man seeking his unwarranted 15 minutes of Fame! Very Sad!


well i guess in that case you a quite well known lone nut advocate consider the late mr mack to have been a deluded fantasist given he gave us badgeman and said his work was verified . tell me have you shared those views with your fellow lone nuts ? .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #36 on: December 03, 2023, 01:40:48 PM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2023, 02:41:49 PM »
i find it interesting that you seemingly dont accept at all that gordon arnold was on or near the knoll as he claimed . while at the same time you support the 6th floor museum and you speak of the late mr mack in beloved terms . yet was it not the late mr mack along with the late jack white who's work gave us that image of a man in uniform and the so called badgeman on the knoll ? . i am guessing in this regard your praise for the late mr mack dissipates . i say that because i cant see how you can dispute arnold while supporting mr macks work .work which by the way he by his own admission had verified by i think atleast two sources .maybe you agree with macks work but say its not arnold ? . i want your view on this , i want you to share your correct stance on this matter . and on mr macks work . i dont want to misinterpret , so please feel free to correct me if you feel i am wrong .

Now I have a stalker. He's even stalking the late Gary Mack. Or, rather, in his mind, he's meekly asking innocent questions.  :D

Imagine, a guy who thinks the the sun shines out of the asses of the likes of Harold Weisberg, Sylvia Meagher, Robert (six shots struck and three misses) Groden, Jim (up to nine shots fired) Marrs, Penn Jones and Jim Garrison questioning the bona fides and legacy of Gary Mack.

Sure, some "LNers" have CT views. Robert Blakey once said there couldn't be a shot fired from the Badge Man location because the acoustic evidence "proved" a knoll shot came from elsewhere. I think it likely both Mack and Blakey figured Oswald fired shots at the President and killed Officer Tippit.

The Ricky White fiasco, I think, convinced Mack to be more cynical about conspiracy claims. Tink Thompson worked with Mack on the Moorman Photo (to demonstrate she was standing on the grass and not the street). I bet Mack was taken aback by the 2004 BadgeMan analysis by Dale K. Myers ( Link ). Interesting that "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" documentary claimed that Geoffrey Crawley "verified and duplicated" the Badge Man figure. According to Myers ...

    "In November 2001, British photographic expert Geoffrey CRAWLEY was
     contacted in London, England. Through a series of interviews, it was learned
     that CRAWLEY did not support MACK and WHITE’s theory, as claimed in
     The Men Who Killed Kennedy program, but came to the same conclusion
     I had 13 years later. In a two-page written report submitted to Nigel TURNER
     in 1988, CRAWLEY concluded that if in fact the Badge Man figure were a
     human being of average height and build he was standing 12 to 18 feet
     behind the fence line and elevated 3 to 4 feet off the ground. CRAWLEY also
     believed that the fatal head shot wasn’t feasible from that position and
     line-of-sight. It was CRAWLEY's belief that MACK and WHITE had
     misinterpreted background elements that were inherent in the original
     photograph. According to CRAWLEY, Nigel TURNER ignored his report
     because he "seemed to think that anything that could cast a doubt on
     the official view of the assassination would help toward getting the whole
     thing reopened and reappraised."

About all Mack was claiming about Badge Man in later years was that he could have been a human, not an assassin.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 03:57:14 PM by Jerry Organ »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2023, 03:45:08 PM »
Now I have a stalker. He's even stalking the late Gary Mack. Or, rather, in his mind, he's meekly asking innocent questions.  :D

Imagine, a guy who thinks the the sun shines out of the asses of the likes of Harold Weisberg, Sylvia Meagher, Robert (six shots struck and three misses) Groden, Jim (up to nine shots fired) Marrs, Penn Jones and Jim Garrison questioning the bona fides and legacy of Gary Mack.

Sure, some "LNers" have CT views. Robert Blakey once said there couldn't be a shot fired from the Badge Man location because the acoustic evidence "proved" a knoll came from elsewhere. I think it likely both Mack and Blakey figured Oswald fired shots at the President and killed Officer Tippit.

The Ricky White fiasco, I think, convinced Mack to be more cynical about conspiracy claims. Tink Thompson worked with Mack on the Moorman Photo (to demonstrate she was standing on the grass and not the street). I bet Mack was taken aback by the 2004 BadgeMan analysis by Dale K. Myers ( Link ). Interesting that "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" documentary claimed that Geoffrey Crawley "verified and duplicated" the Badge Man figure. According to Myers ...

    "In November 2001, British photographic expert Geoffrey CRAWLEY was
     contacted in London, England. Through a series of interviews, it was learned
     that CRAWLEY did not support MACK and WHITE’s theory, as claimed in
     The Men Who Killed Kennedy program, but came to the same conclusion
     I had 13 years later. In a two-page written report submitted to Nigel TURNER
     in 1988, CRAWLEY concluded that if in fact the Badge Man figure were a
     human being of average height and build he was standing 12 to 18 feet
     behind the fence line and elevated 3 to 4 feet off the ground. CRAWLEY also
     believed that the fatal head shot wasn’t feasible from that position and
     line-of-sight. It was CRAWLEY's belief that MACK and WHITE had
     misinterpreted background elements that were inherent in the original
     photograph. According to CRAWLEY, Nigel TURNER ignored his report
     because he "seemed to think that anything that could cast a doubt on
     the official view of the assassination would help toward getting the whole
     thing reopened and reappraised."

About all Mack was claiming about Badge Man in later years was that he could have been a human, not an assassin.

You have a stalker ? , i believe this is the second time you have decided to attack me , and i am a stalker ? . When people post here on this forum and give their stand point or opinion well you reply to them yes ? . Well i replied to you , it is no different . I could say that if you dont desire replies that perhaps you should consider not posting and replying your self . In regard the late Mr mack i have not been nasty in any way , i have merely called a spade a spade . This is after all a forum dedicated to not only discussion of this tragic event but also a method of getting at the truth and getting truth out there for people to see . I dont lie , i tell the truth , yes i am human and as such like any human i can and indeed do err at times . So while you can certainly feel free toargue that i may be wrong (something i have no problem with all ) to label me a stalker either jokingly or serious is something i take exception to . I have not indulged in any personal attack on you or any member here and as i have said i take exception to you doing so to me .

To the point in hand here , in regard the topic of this thread , if i recall correctly (without going back through many posts ) you made certain statements regarding both the integrity of mr mack and the 6th floor museum while attacking mr arnold . by the way i never made any statement in regard his reliability or indeed lack there of . I merely asked you what i feel is a valid  question based upon those statements .

I in know way question the undoubted knowledge the late Mr mack had in regard this case . But i do question his deceptive methods which have long been detailed online . SO if there is a question in regards his bona fides well he himself earned it .

In regards any  verification of Mack and whites work on the moormon photo it was Mack himself i believe who said the work had been verified . You now seemingly are stating it was never verified , so can i take that you are stating Mr mack lied ? . But you also then seemingly are saying Mr macks bona fides is not in question , is that not a contradiction ? .

Now Dale Myers ? did he not once say (recorded ) and im not quoting verbatim here , but that in essence he could prove to a reasonable doubt that oswald was guilty of neither killing ? .

So as you seem to be of a view that i am stalking you i will leave things right here .

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2023, 03:57:16 PM »
Now I have a stalker. He's even stalking the late Gary Mack. Or, rather, in his mind, he's meekly asking innocent questions.  :D

Imagine, a guy who thinks the the sun shines out of the asses of the likes of Harold Weisberg, Sylvia Meagher, Robert (six shots struck and three misses) Groden, Jim (up to nine shots fired) Marrs, Penn Jones and Jim Garrison questioning the bona fides and legacy of Gary Mack.

Sure, some "LNers" have CT views. Robert Blakey once said there couldn't be a shot fired from the Badge Man location because the acoustic evidence "proved" a knoll came from elsewhere. I think it likely both Mack and Blakey figured Oswald fired shots at the President and killed Officer Tippit.

The Ricky White fiasco, I think, convinced Mack to be more cynical about conspiracy claims. Tink Thompson worked with Mack on the Moorman Photo (to demonstrate she was standing on the grass and not the street). I bet Mack was taken aback by the 2004 BadgeMan analysis by Dale K. Myers ( Link ). Interesting that "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" documentary claimed that Geoffrey Crawley "verified and duplicated" the Badge Man figure. According to Myers ...

    "In November 2001, British photographic expert Geoffrey CRAWLEY was
     contacted in London, England. Through a series of interviews, it was learned
     that CRAWLEY did not support MACK and WHITE’s theory, as claimed in
     The Men Who Killed Kennedy program, but came to the same conclusion
     I had 13 years later. In a two-page written report submitted to Nigel TURNER
     in 1988, CRAWLEY concluded that if in fact the Badge Man figure were a
     human being of average height and build he was standing 12 to 18 feet
     behind the fence line and elevated 3 to 4 feet off the ground. CRAWLEY also
     believed that the fatal head shot wasn’t feasible from that position and
     line-of-sight. It was CRAWLEY's belief that MACK and WHITE had
     misinterpreted background elements that were inherent in the original
     photograph. According to CRAWLEY, Nigel TURNER ignored his report
     because he "seemed to think that anything that could cast a doubt on
     the official view of the assassination would help toward getting the whole
     thing reopened and reappraised."

About all Mack was claiming about Badge Man in later years was that he could have been a human, not an assassin.

     Jerry - This is a forum and as such issues and positions are Discussed/Challenged. Anyone doing such is therefore Not a "Stalker". Branding someone a "Stalker" is an attempt to intimidate/bully then into silence.  There's nothing  :D about branding someone a "stalker". Sinking to this level is indicative of your position strength with regard to Gordon Arnold & Gary Mack. It's sad to see you sink to this level, but there are now several of you that have been on TILT since the Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE proved, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". Attempting to intimidate others around here will Not reverse SCIENCE.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2023, 03:58:05 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Do we know anymore at 60 years?
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2023, 03:57:16 PM »