Semantics. The truth is in the details which you so eagerly ignore.
Hidell ordered C20-T750 from department 358, which is a 36" MC rifle.
He did not order a 40" MC rifle.
You can't possibly be this Stupid?
The Department Number 358 isn't a specific Department within the Kliens warehouse but is a code which applied to every product ordered on that unique Kleins Advertisement, and is purely used to determine the origin of which magazine the coupon came from and is used for marketing. You really don't have a clue about how businesses work, do you!
Mr. BELIN. Can you just give us one or more of the magazines in which this coupon might have been taken?
Mr. WALDMAN. Well, this coupon was specifically taken from American Rifleman Magazine, issue of February 1963. It's identified by the department number which is shown as--now, if I can read this--shown as Department 358 on the coupon.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The "Guns Magazine" had a department Number of 319 in Kleins Feb1963 ad. And interestingly Kleins ad in this magazine up until July63 was for the 36 inch model and thus proving once and for all, that Kleins didn't place any importance on the weight or length of the Carcano rifles that they stocked.
February 1963 Guns Magazine 1963 Guns Magazine 1963 Guns Magazine
Therefore as can be seen by the plethora of various Department Numbers across any number of Kliens rifle ads, the only applicable number is the Order Number.
Oswald ordered C20-T750 and Oswald received C20-T750.