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Author Topic: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver  (Read 14000 times)

Offline Duncan MacRae

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Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:13:28 AM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:13:28 AM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2023, 12:44:54 PM »
As I prove in my book, we have much better evidence of an Oswald-Ferrie connection than Raymond Cummings' account, although Cummings' account is good evidence. Cummings came forward with great reluctance, made no effort to get publicity via journalists or newspapers, and only shared his account with law enforcement authorities. He was a former Marine and a former police officer.

Naturally, WC apologists, who always say that "if there had been a conspiracy, someone would have talked," have vehemently attacked Cummings, calling him a liar and even a thief. They also point out that he failed his polygraph, but they never mention that his polygrapher was found to have falsified the results of some of his other polygraphs.

WC apologists will bend over backward to believe dubious pro-WC witnesses, such as Howard Brennan and Jack Tatum. They'll ignore the glaring problems with their accounts, but they treat anti-WC witnesses much differently.

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2023, 03:33:59 PM »

Online Jarrett Smith

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2023, 03:03:39 AM »
Ferrie flew Marcello back to the USA, and lied about not knowing Oswald until that picture was released. Ferrie, Banister, and Oswald were hanging out in New Orleans. Just a ton of evidence.

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2023, 04:26:42 AM »
Nonsense. Ferrie always said that Oswald was sort of familiar. It was other CAP members who told Ferrie that
Oswald was there with him at CAP for a short period. Ferrie then went to the FBI and told them, yes,
I was with Oswald. How often does a suspect do that?

Here is the truth about Ferrie:

This picture was taken in 1955 when Lee Harvey Oswald was just 15 years old. You can see David Ferrie on the left


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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2023, 04:26:42 AM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2023, 10:07:39 AM »
The truth about Raymond Cummings:


I address these attacks in my book.

I think anyone who watches Cummings' interview will conclude that he was a sincere and reluctant witness.

I am surprised at the use of the Clay Shaw defense attorney memo on Shaw, given what we have known for years about the sleazy tactics employed by Shaw's defense team (of course, some of Garrison's tactics weren't much better, admittedly). Plus, the memo contradicts itself. First it says that cab company records show that Cummings was not employed at the time of his reported trip, but then it says that Cummings' log for the trip says nothing about making a trip with Oswald and Ruby to Ruby's club. Which is it?

The Shaw defense team's anti-Cummings memo makes a lot of accusations but provides little actual evidence to support them. Regarding Cummings' "failed" polygraphy test, I repeat the point that the polygrapher was later found to have falsified several of his other polygraphs.

It should be noted that when Garrison's staff showed Cummings pictures of Clay Shaw and asked if Shaw was the third passenger, Cummings said no, the Shaw picture was not the third passenger. If Cummings had wanted to embellish and make his account even more appealing to Garrison, he could have said yes, but he said no.

When you're dealing with this level of society, that stratum of society, the witnesses you find will often have spotty backgrounds, will be less than Boy Scouts, but that doesn't mean that everything they say is false. And, after all, Cummings was a former Marine and a former police officer. His attackers have made many accusations against him, most of which have no direct bearing on his account but are mainly character attacks, and they have produced little evidence to actually document those charges that do involve his account.

Contrary to Shaw's defense team memo, Cummings never gave any sign of being a "publicity seeking nut." No one who watches his interview can reach that conclusion. Recall that Cummings never sought out a journalist or a newspaper. In fact, he tried to avoid publicity, only contacted law enforcement people, and just wanted to share his account and return to his normal life. That is not the behavior of a "publicity seeking nut." 

It is curious how many times pro-conspiracy witnesses were accused of being "nuts," "unstable," etc. For example, FBI and CIA elements accused Elena Garro of being crazy and unstable because she insisted that she saw Oswald in Mexico City with several other people, two of them known Communists, at a time when the real Oswald was not there, according to the official account of his movements. Moreover, Garro had corroborating witnesses and evidence to back up her story. Garro moved in the upper circles of Mexican society. She was an intellectual, a screenwriter, and an award-winning novelist. But these facts didn't stop certain people in the CIA and the FBI from accusing her of being "nuts."

Mary Haverstick deals with Garro's account in detail in her new book A Woman I Know.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 01:13:38 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Offline Fred Litwin

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2023, 02:54:51 PM »
What sleazy tactics of Shaw's defense team.

As you know, there was no discovery in Louisiana Courts at the time.

Shaw had to finance detectives to run down every lead in the press. They had no access to Garrison's
investigative files. So, they talked to Holland McComb who gave them information, which was
reported by Wegmann.

Garrison wouldn't dare call Cummings as a witness in the Shaw trial. And Garrison didn't
mention him in his book.

The Criminal Intelligence file speaks to Cummings' credibility.

His whole story was ridiculous from start to finish.


Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2023, 03:39:19 PM »
What sleazy tactics of Shaw's defense team.

As you know, there was no discovery in Louisiana Courts at the time.

Shaw had to finance detectives to run down every lead in the press. They had no access to Garrison's
investigative files. So, they talked to Holland McComb who gave them information, which was
reported by Wegmann.

Garrison wouldn't dare call Cummings as a witness in the Shaw trial. And Garrison didn't
mention him in his book.

The Criminal Intelligence file speaks to Cummings' credibility.

His whole story was ridiculous from start to finish.


Given the considerable evidence that Ferrie and Oswald knew each other and worked together at times, I don't see anything automatically ridiculous about Cummings' straightforward account that he drove Oswald and Ferrie in his cab to Ruby's club. Cummings never claimed he heard them talking about anything sinister. He declined to ID Clay Shaw as the third passenger. There was nothing exotic or unusual about his account.

When Cummings came forward, he did so only after seeing Ferrie's picture in a newspaper and reading that Ferrie denied being in Dallas in 1963. Cummings sought no publicity, and his videotaped statements make it clear he wanted no publicity. His account contained no exotic claims, just a brief report that he once drove Ferrie and Oswald to Ruby's club and that on a previous occasion he had happened to pick up Oswald at a bus station and drove him to a house. He also mentioned that during the second cab ride, Oswald mentioned that he remembered Cummings from the previous ride a few weeks earlier--again, entirely ordinary and plausible.

What's more, when Cummings spoke with the New Orleans DA's office, he admitted to having been arrested, and he gave his side of the story. Also, Cummings volunteered to take a polygraph if Garrison's office would pay his fare to New Orleans. People who are trying to pawn off a false story rarely volunteer to take a polygraph. Additionally, no actual cab records were ever produced that disproved Cummings' account. Claims were made to this effect, but Cummings' attackers never managed to produce any actual cab records that refuted his account.

Garrison later changed his mind about Cummings after he realized that the polygrapher who had done his poly exam was questionable.

I find Cummings' videotaped statements convincing evidence that he was a sincere witness who was reluctantly coming forward because he thought it was the right thing to do. HIs videotaped interviews certainly give no indication that he was any kind of a "nut."

I find it curious that those who choose to disbelieve Cummings' account and to attack his character are willing to accept Jack Ruby's claims about why he shot Oswald, about whether he was involved in the assassination, about whether he was at Parkland Hospital soon after the shooting, about how he entered the police station, and about why he was following Oswald around with a gun in his pocket. Ruby was a violent thug with a long history of criminal activity, far worse than Cummings' life history, yet WC believers take his word even when several reputable witnesses contradict it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald And Ferrie Seen Together By Dallas Cab Driver
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2023, 03:39:19 PM »