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Author Topic: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.  (Read 19179 times)

Offline Ruslan Sadykov

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The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« on: December 06, 2023, 01:30:48 PM »
Why are many people still distrustful of the version of the President JFK assassination, outlined by James Files?

In my opinion, James Files' version is the most convincing of all existing ones. It is perfectly supported by facts, evidence, films and photographs, witness statements, explanations from specialists and experts.

There is no reason not to trust the numerous witness statements about the sound of a shot coming from the Grassy Knoll, about a cloud of smoke at the picket fence, about the smell of gunpowder gases in the area. That is, the shot was fired from there.

Did this shot hit JFK? And did it hit him in the head?

I read an interesting post on another forum about the JFK assassination:

The explanations of specialists and experts set out in this post refute JFK's head injury with only one FMJ bullet, if such a bullet hit the head at all, and correspond to Files' words about his use of an expansive bullet loaded with mercury and about his shot from the front, from behind a picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. Most likely, Nicoletti or another gunman also used expansive bullets for his shot or shots, not excluding another caliber. This also explains the fact that forensic experts could not explain in any way, namely the finding of two fragments of a bullet on the posterior outer surface of the skull, and not in the entry hole itself, but relatively far from it. With a high degree of probability, it can be concluded that the president's head was hit by two shots – both from behind and from the front, with expansive bullets fired not from the LHO rifle.

Witnesses confirm Files' words that immediately after his fatal shot, some people did not let a few other people rush to the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll immediately after the shot, thus giving Files time to escape.

Films, for example, the Malcolm Couch's film, and photographs confirm Files' words that in the first seconds, or maybe even a minute after the assassination attempt, there were few people on the Grassy Knoll, and almost no one ran to the picket fence.

Files' reasoning about firearms, shooting, sighting in, his choice a single-shot the .221 Remington Fireball XP-100 handgun as an assassination weapon also speaks in favor of him. That he is an experienced user of firearms. He chose exactly the firearm that was perfect for the task. It is quite powerful and accurate and, at the same time, compact, stowable in a small case, which few people will pay attention to, since based on the crime scene, everyone will be looking for a rifle. It is unlikely that an impostor would have thought of naming Fireball XP-100 in his fabrications, besides, at that time it was practically still an experimental weapon.

And in the case of guns, I think Files is being tricky about something. He says that he did not know until November 22 that he would have to shoot the president. However, he took the Fireball XP-100 to Dallas, an extremely specific single-shot(!) firearm, an assassination weapon. In addition, it was his own weapon, obtained 8-12 months before. That is, Files should have initially understood that he would be the only to fire this weapon. And there was no talk of any other goals in Dallas other than the president JFK.

Files even told about the rain that had fallen in the morning, and witnesses told about the dirt in the parking lot at the Grassy Knoll, caused, apparently, by this rain. It is such trifles that testify to the truthfulness of the narrator.

In general, James Files' confession is replete with details and minutiae (starting from the description of the actual events and ending with his mental attitude towards them, his psychology, his emotions), making his story so plausible that it is most likely true.

Naturally, Files did not have the full picture of the conspiracy, did not know all its participants and (or) their invented and actual roles, which of them was at the time of the assassination attempt on Dealey Plaza and what they were doing.

It is even possible, but not necessarily, that James Files got into the lenses of photo and film cameras.

So, on the Malcolm Couch' film , a short time after the shots were fired, a man is rapidly passing in the crowd of people standing at the Texas School Book Depository. The glances and movements of all people are directed where the motorcade sped off, towards the Triple Underpass. However, the man is rapidly walking in the opposite direction without looking back. In his right hand he carries an object similar to a briefcase. He is wearing a short or cropped jacket. He follows the route that James Files, according to him, took to his car, parked near the Dal Tex Building.

And in the Mary Moorman's famous photograph above the edge of the picket fence there is an image that is either a play of shadows and light, or maybe the head of a man clinging to the optical sight of a firearm.

And probably the most important argument in favor of Files. He is not an impostor! No. He kept this secret. And he revealed it only as a result of the longtime and painstaking work of deeply respected Zack Shelton and other people involved, whom I find no reason to distrust.

P.s. I can't upload images from Imgur yet. I can't change the post properties from Hidden to To Community. Can someone explain how to do this? The To Community button is inactive.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2023, 08:42:25 PM by Ruslan Sadykov »

JFK Assassination Forum

The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« on: December 06, 2023, 01:30:48 PM »

Offline Duncan MacRae

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2023, 09:18:14 AM »
The Top Ten Reasons The Jim Files' Story Needs Help - Dave Perry 1997

1. Files claims he was involved with the mob as part of "The Chicago Family" (by timelines after September 1960). He indicated the mob was headed by Tony Accardo and that "(Sam) Giancana was an underling to Accardo."

Tony Accardo turned control of the Chicago mob over to Sam "Mooney" Gianciana in the summer of 1955.

2. Files claims he served in Laos with the 82nd Airborne conducting training of that countries' soldiers in "mechanical ambushes."

Because of the jungle's "triple tree canopy" airborne operations were futile. Helicopter gun ships were used instead. Additionally, he mispronounces the name given the people of Laos as Latoatians. Something which would give great offense to these proud people.

3. Files claims he was recruited for CIA operations in April 1961 by David Atlee Phillips.

In 1961Phillips was Chief of Covert Action in Mexico City and additionally ran the CIA's "propaganda shop." He had nothing to do with CIA recruitment.

4. Files claims responsibility for training some of the Bay of Pigs soldiers at the behest of the CIA and David Atlee Phillips. He describes the training as taking place in the Everglades.

The preparation of invasion forces for the Bay of Pigs took place in Guatemala.

5. Files indicates training for the Bay of Pigs incursion took place at No Name Key in the Everglades.

No Name Key is located about 25 miles east of Key West and about 50 air miles across Florida Bay from the Everglades. This is a distinction that would surely be known to someone actually involved in those covert operations.

6. On the morning of November 22, 1963 Files sits at a counter stool in a "pancake house just off the major highway." He observes a meeting between Jack Ruby and John Roselli during which Ruby passes a "5X9 manila envelope" to Roselli. Later Files discovers the envelope contains "Secret Service identification and a map of the motorcade route." Roselli quips "They only made one change." Files reveals the alteration was the "little zig zag onto Elm they never should have made."

Stories of last minute changes in the motorcade route are pure fabrications. The actual route was approved on Monday, November 18, 1963 and published in both The Dallas Morning News and Dallas Times Herald on November 19, 1963 three full days before the alleged meeting between Ruby and Roselli.

7. Files claimed he hit Kennedy by firing one shot into Kennedy's left (that's correct left) temple.

The alleged "grassy Knoll" shot struck Kennedy in the right side of the head. Files claimed he fired a .222 bullet from his pistol - a Remington XP-100. Experts who own this pistol claim it's not a good weapon in this situation. "It kicks like a mule and sounds like a cannon." Ballistics tests, as well as, ear witnesses would certainly be able to identify the distinctive sound.

8. Files claims he fired only one shot, bit the bullet and left it on the picket fence as "a sort of a calling card."

Not one but two shell casings were discovered in Dealey Plaza. One approximately 60 feet ENE of the one Files claims he left.

Press Here To View The Map Prepared By The Discoverer Of The Shells
Additionally, a Houston, Texas Orthodontist claimed the bullet did have teeth marks on it. The Orthodontist has recanted claiming the question was not asked properly. It could be incisor tooth marks but of either animal or human origin or it could simply be a dent in the casing.

9. Assassination witness Malcolm Summers claims he saw someone fitting Files description carrying a strange weapon.

By Files own version he returned the weapon to its' case immediately after the shooting and as he fled the assassination scene he took a route that was not within Summers field of view.

10. In Summers' voluntary statement of 11/23/63 he indicated he returned to his truck "15 to 20 minutes" after the assassination. He then walked to his truck parked on Houston Street and left. Near the Houston Street viaduct he saw  three slender men who appeared excited in a maroon 1961 or 1962 Chevrolet sedan. They drove over the Houston Street Viaduct and turned onto Marsalis Avenue.

Files claims he returned to a parking lot next to the DalTex building where he met his passengers, Roselli and Nicoletti. Files drove off making a right turn on Houston Street and then proceeded "5 to 6 blocks to a major street, took a left went a few more blocks by the expressway . . ." First, if Files did make a right turn from the parking lot ( it appears the described parking lot did not actually exist) onto Houston he would be going in the opposite direction from that of Summers. Summers would have never seen the vehicle driven by Files.

Secondly, if Files made a left turn and proceeded "5 to 6 blocks to a major street, took a left went a few more blocks by the expressway . . ." he would still have made a turn short of the Houston Viaduct.

Offline Ruslan Sadykov

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2023, 12:47:29 PM »
A strange man with a briefcase

A strange image. Either a trick of light and shadow, or the head of a man clinging to the telescopic sight of a firearm

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2023, 12:47:29 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2023, 01:37:38 PM »

   I believe your "Briefcase Man" is actually DPD Motorcycle Officer Baker running toward the TSBD front door. Go over to YOU TUBE and search for, "Couch Film JFK Assassination". Gil Jesus has a decent copy posted there with regard to Briefcase Man. A clearer Couch Film will make it obvious that your "Briefcase Man" is  allegedly a DPD Motorcycle Cop. Always keep your eye peeled for the Bright White Helmet all DPD Motorcycle Cops wore. Well, they all wore it with the possible exception of the Gordon Arnold, "NO Hat Cop". Whatever you might be researching for in the JFK Assassination, always include YOU TUBE and everything posted by "The JFK Theorist". That kid is currently setting the JFK Assassination Research Community on its' ear. "The JFK Theorist" has done more in the last year than the Old Guard JFK Researchers did in the previous 59.   

Offline Ruslan Sadykov

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2023, 02:09:01 PM »
The Top Ten Reasons The Jim Files' Story Needs Help - Dave Perry 1997

I will try to answer your 10 questions later.

In the meantime, I will say the following. James Files stubbornly and for a long time concealed his involvement in the events at Dealey Plaza, refused to meet with Joe West. This clearly follows from the information provided to me, for example, by you. He was quietly and peacefully serving his sentence. Information about his involvement was obtained by FBI agent Zack Shelton. This leads to the conclusion that Files is not an impostor. He wasn't someone who was looking for someone to tell his fairytales to. They were looking for him because they had received information about his involvement, which he initially rejected anyway.

First of all, I will try to estimate his story about a specific event at Dealey Plaza. I compare this with facts, documents, photographs and films, evidence, witness statements, explanations and conclusions of specialists and experts.

Files's critics, in turn, are mostly busy searching for and perhaps finding contradictions, perhaps justified, in something that is not directly related to the events at Dealey Plaza. All kinds of Laos, Cuba, airborne troops, agents, operatives, controls etc.. First, information about such affairs and operations is itself classified, to which Files' critics have never had and will never have full access. Secondly, the archival materials that they managed to study cannot contain complete and reliable information about real events, since, generally speaking, any document cannot fully reflect the reality, the essence of things. Thirdly, these cases, by definition, involve deliberate misinformation. Fourth, when it comes to such issues, I always prefer to believe one Zack Shelton than 100,500 such critics. Because these critics are incompetent in these matters. Fifth, I always remember that Humanum errare est - it is human nature to make mistakes. Both to James Files and his critics, and to the witnesses, as well as to myself. Especially as time passes. Because, sixth, human memory is imperfect, especially in relation to minor events, persons and objects. For me, for example, what is more important is not where exactly Files left the shell casing that he bite down, whether he left it at all, whether it was found, where it was found, etc., but the fact that his confession to the president JFK assassination is confirmed by many things in the aggregate, among which this shell casing is not the main evidence at all.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2023, 02:42:14 PM by Ruslan Sadykov »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2023, 02:09:01 PM »

Offline Ruslan Sadykov

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2023, 02:32:54 PM »
   I believe your "Briefcase Man" is actually DPD Motorcycle Officer Baker running toward the TSBD front door. Go over to YOU TUBE and search for, "Couch Film JFK Assassination". Gil Jesus has a decent copy posted there with regard to Briefcase Man. A clearer Couch Film will make it obvious that your "Briefcase Man" is  allegedly a DPD Motorcycle Cop. Always keep your eye peeled for the Bright White Helmet all DPD Motorcycle Cops wore. Well, they all wore it with the possible exception of the Gordon Arnold, "NO Hat Cop". Whatever you might be researching for in the JFK Assassination, always include YOU TUBE and everything posted by "The JFK Theorist". That kid is currently setting the JFK Assassination Research Community on its' ear. "The JFK Theorist" has done more in the last year than the Old Guard JFK Researchers did in the previous 59.   

Thank you. Yes, it's a uniformed policeman.

Offline Duncan MacRae

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2023, 02:59:54 PM »
A strange image. Either a trick of light and shadow, or the head of a man clinging to the telescopic sight of a firearm

Debunked Many Years Ago, Ruslan.

Bond 8

Bond 4

Offline Ruslan Sadykov

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2023, 04:29:00 PM »
Debunked Many Years Ago, Ruslan.

Bond 8

Bond 4

I don't see any debunking at all. I see two different shots, taken a little bit, but still from different angles. But I do not see a hat and, accordingly, the Hatman. If in the Moorman's shot there is a gunman, then I see a man's face with a rather open forehead. And James Files, in an accessible photo at this age, combed his hair back. And Files shot with his hats off. The alleged man's head is tilted to the right. This is only possible if the gunman shoots like a right-handed person. In the video, Files simulates aiming like a right-handed person. In addition, Files said that he was purposely standing under some kind of tree branch for additional camouflage. Also, I wonder if both shots were taken at the same time or not?..
With all the desire, with the available resolution, it is impossible to unambiguously decide whether a person or not is captured in the Moorman's shot.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2023, 04:29:00 PM »