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Author Topic: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.  (Read 19182 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #64 on: December 12, 2023, 11:38:22 PM »
          JOHN - I continue waiting on you.  Your Posted Copy of the NIX FILM shows a WHITE SHIRT MAN moving UP The Steps and disappearing into the darkness. NONE of the 3 Men standing on The Steps was wearing a WHITE SHIRT. How do you explain this WHITE SHIRT MAN? Lee Bowers gave WC Testimony detailing his seeing a WHITE SHIRT MAN standing "in line" with the Triple Underpass. Your NIX FILM copy not only corroborates this Lee Bowers WHITE SHIRT MAN testimony, it raises the question of where did this WHITE SHIRT MAN suddenly come from? Not only do we have a Blockbuster Discovery here, we have Further PROOF of a conspiracy. Possibly, "after the fact". I am looking forward to hearing your explanation for WHITE SHIRT MAN being on YOUR Copy of the NIX FILM. As is obvious, none of you LN buddies are rushing forward to help you out and explain WHITE SHIRT MAN. Why? Because they have NO EXPLANATION. You're all alone now.  I am giving you this brief opportunity to explain WHITE SHIRT MAN before I go ahead and take my 1st Victory Lap. There is More on the way!

Nope, the man was wearing a light brown cardigan.

Now go away kid, you bother me.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 11:42:46 PM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #64 on: December 12, 2023, 11:38:22 PM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #65 on: December 13, 2023, 02:49:58 PM »
Why are many people still distrustful of the version of the President JFK assassination, outlined by James Files?

In my opinion, James Files' version is the most convincing of all existing ones. It is perfectly supported by facts, evidence, films and photographs, witness statements, explanations from specialists and experts.

There is no reason not to trust the numerous witness statements about the sound of a shot coming from the Grassy Knoll, about a cloud of smoke at the picket fence, about the smell of gunpowder gases in the area. That is, the shot was fired from there.

Did this shot hit JFK? And did it hit him in the head?

I read an interesting post on another forum about the JFK assassination:

The explanations of specialists and experts set out in this post refute JFK's head injury with only one FMJ bullet, if such a bullet hit the head at all, and correspond to Files' words about his use of an expansive bullet loaded with mercury and about his shot from the front, from behind a picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. Most likely, Nicoletti or another gunman also used expansive bullets for his shot or shots, not excluding another caliber. This also explains the fact that forensic experts could not explain in any way, namely the finding of two fragments of a bullet on the posterior outer surface of the skull, and not in the entry hole itself, but relatively far from it. With a high degree of probability, it can be concluded that the president's head was hit by two shots – both from behind and from the front, with expansive bullets fired not from the LHO rifle.

Witnesses confirm Files' words that immediately after his fatal shot, some people did not let a few other people rush to the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll immediately after the shot, thus giving Files time to escape.

Films, for example, the Malcolm Couch's film, and photographs confirm Files' words that in the first seconds, or maybe even a minute after the assassination attempt, there were few people on the Grassy Knoll, and almost no one ran to the picket fence.

Files' reasoning about firearms, shooting, sighting in, his choice a single-shot the .221 Remington Fireball XP-100 handgun as an assassination weapon also speaks in favor of him. That he is an experienced user of firearms. He chose exactly the firearm that was perfect for the task. It is quite powerful and accurate and, at the same time, compact, stowable in a small case, which few people will pay attention to, since based on the crime scene, everyone will be looking for a rifle. It is unlikely that an impostor would have thought of naming Fireball XP-100 in his fabrications, besides, at that time it was practically still an experimental weapon.

And in the case of guns, I think Files is being tricky about something. He says that he did not know until November 22 that he would have to shoot the president. However, he took the Fireball XP-100 to Dallas, an extremely specific single-shot(!) firearm, an assassination weapon. In addition, it was his own weapon, obtained 8-12 months before. That is, Files should have initially understood that he would be the only to fire this weapon. And there was no talk of any other goals in Dallas other than the president JFK.

Files even told about the rain that had fallen in the morning, and witnesses told about the dirt in the parking lot at the Grassy Knoll, caused, apparently, by this rain. It is such trifles that testify to the truthfulness of the narrator.

In general, James Files' confession is replete with details and minutiae (starting from the description of the actual events and ending with his mental attitude towards them, his psychology, his emotions), making his story so plausible that it is most likely true.

Naturally, Files did not have the full picture of the conspiracy, did not know all its participants and (or) their invented and actual roles, which of them was at the time of the assassination attempt on Dealey Plaza and what they were doing.

It is even possible, but not necessarily, that James Files got into the lenses of photo and film cameras.

So, on the Malcolm Couch' film , a short time after the shots were fired, a man is rapidly passing in the crowd of people standing at the Texas School Book Depository. The glances and movements of all people are directed where the motorcade sped off, towards the Triple Underpass. However, the man is rapidly walking in the opposite direction without looking back. In his right hand he carries an object similar to a briefcase. He is wearing a short or cropped jacket. He follows the route that James Files, according to him, took to his car, parked near the Dal Tex Building.

And in the Mary Moorman's famous photograph above the edge of the picket fence there is an image that is either a play of shadows and light, or maybe the head of a man clinging to the optical sight of a firearm.

And probably the most important argument in favor of Files. He is not an impostor! No. He kept this secret. And he revealed it only as a result of the longtime and painstaking work of deeply respected Zack Shelton and other people involved, whom I find no reason to distrust.

I'm afraid there are many reasons to doubt Files' story. Some of the errors in his story are minor and understandable, and do not necessarily discredit him. However, some of the other errors in his story are major and cast serious doubt on his credibility. Plus, some of his claims, though neither provable nor disprovable, are downright outlandish and extremely unlikely.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #66 on: December 13, 2023, 03:46:03 PM »
  Just my opinion, but people for whatever reason are attracted to that corner shooting position where the E-W Picket Fence section meets the N-S Picket Fence section. People generally just stand a guy in that corner spot. Not only is that corner position highly visible, its' Line-Of-Sight (LOS) is horrible. That position has: (1) a tree to contend with, (2) the Alleged/Unknown 3 Guys standing at/below the Landing on The Steps, and (3) the Stemmons Sign if firing early-on. That corner position is roughly where Files claimed to be. An experienced Assassin such as Files is Not going to place himself in that shooting position. As an aside, I have always liked Files alleged "calling card". His claiming to bite down on the Bullet Shell and then placing that Shell atop the picket fence rail, has a flair to it that would immediately attract the attention of Dirty Harry Callahan.   
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 03:47:51 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #66 on: December 13, 2023, 03:46:03 PM »

Offline Paul May

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #67 on: December 13, 2023, 04:00:35 PM »
       You have extremely serious issues. Get help.

Yawn. My issue is trash such as you and everything you represent. Your history here is perhaps unknown. Not for long.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2023, 09:19:26 PM »
OMG not more disinformation, and to quote a prolific BSer "no wonder after SIXTY years this whole event is clouded in mystery." LOL! 

This crop of (Nix 246) comes from The Gayle Nix Jackson Collection of Full Frame Nix Stills and shows a man in a light brown cardigan about to disappear into the shadows. Compare the light brown cardigan to the WHITE Police Motorcycle helmet. I rest my case!

Here's the (Nix 246) Full Frame.

And here's Duncan's excellent "Light Brown Cardigan Man" collage.

Now get back under your Rock and seriously reconsider your role of being a loudmouth propaganda artist!


             Those of us that are simultaneously working together on several JFK Assassination Projects have concluded that it's time to go ahead and take our Victory Lap regarding our JFK Assassination Blockbuster "WHITE SHIRT MAN" Discovery. We feel debate on the WHITE SHIRT MAN has now ended due to the SCIENCE DENIERS desperately attempting to re-brand the Color WHITE as instead being "light brown". It is obvious from the John Mytton submitted NIX FILM copy, (much thanks for that John), that the man moving UP The Steps is Clearly wearing a WHITE Shirt. As we ALL Know, NONE of the 3 guys standing on The Steps was wearing a WHITE SHIRT. This begs the question, where did this WHITE SHIRT MAN come from ALL OF THE SUDDEN? We believe the WHITE SHIRT MAN explains why the Original (out of the camera) NIX FILM continues to be missing and has been for decades, and makes us wonder what else is on the ORIGINAL NIX FILM that mandated its' disappearance?  For those of you needing further PROOF of the WHITE Shirt Man, Theory asks that you go to YOU TUBE and search out,  "ALL copies of the Orville Nix Film of the Kennedy Motorcade"  by The JFK Theorist  7:40. There are multiple copies of the NIX FILM he has posted there to aid your decision. Know that we are currently enjoying our on-going Victory Lap, with another JFK Assassination Revelation and ensuing Victory Lap just around the corner.     
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023, 09:30:03 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2023, 09:19:26 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #69 on: December 30, 2023, 07:05:05 PM »
Look closely, into which film's still frame did Knott Labs insert Hulk Connally into??

I wonder if "Hulk Connally" ever met Myers' Hunchback Kennedy?

Online Royell Storing

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #70 on: December 30, 2023, 07:13:25 PM »
I wonder if "Hulk Connally" ever met Myers' Hunchback Kennedy?

   From the profile that looks a lot like "Bones" McCoy inna suit.

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2023, 10:02:41 PM »
I wonder if "Hulk Connally" ever met Myers' Hunchback Kennedy?

For a start you've picked a photo that was taken at a completely different point in time, naughty, naughty, and secondly what a pathetic attempt at a cheap shot of a 3D character made over 20 years ago. The level of 3D reconstruction has come a long way since 2003, here's a frame from a recent video game which on top of it's accuracy, has to update each frame in real time, multiple times a second, and explicitly shows what is to be expected in this current technologically advanced time.
Btw the image on the left is completely computer generated by a mass produced video game console.

Here's Knott Lab's current poor effort, that even a child could recreate with greater proficiency.

And at least Dale Myers had the intellectual fortitude to demonstrate his 3D recreation from every conceivable angle for a detailed analysis, instead of Knott Lab's single frame which cannot be studied at any level beyond what is already established, in the often seen Zapruder frame.


« Last Edit: December 31, 2023, 12:31:28 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The James Files' version. A look from across the ocean.
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2023, 10:02:41 PM »