That is why you cannot find any evidence that the money order was ever cashed. That is why there is no evidence that it was processed by the bank or by the Federal Reserve System.
That is why the money order was bought by someone else, while Oswald was at work at Jaggars-Stovall.
Etc., etc., etc.
I know the above post is a few years old but I hope in the meantime you have thought this through because these two ideas, seem to be at cross purposes.
The first part of your post looks like the entire process was fraudulent from the start but your second idea is that the money order was actually sent? So what do you think happened?
Now, if someone(who ever it was), bought the money order and sent it to Kleins with the rifle coupon, what stopped the order from being completed in the usual way that Kleins processed all their orders?
Anyway, let's go deeper, the money order was retrieved from the Federal reserve and as Tom and Tim have pointed out, the Oswald Money Order was retrieved by locating the "File Locator Number"?

And we know it was retrieved because the money order has a chain of custody from the National Archive until it was submitted into evidence

But let's suppose that the Money Order was entirely fraudulent, how would we fill in the original blank Money Order and get the Money Order to the Archive?
We'd have to have access to, or knowledge of, the Dallas Post Office date stamp.
We'd have to have knowledge of the correct keypunch procedure.
We'd have to be familiar with Kleins and have access to or knowledge of their bank stamp.
We'd have to know that a Money Order within the archives had to have a "File Locator Number".
We'd have to have access to the National Archives
We'd have to know that our "File Locator Number" would allow retrieval from the Archives.
So in conclusion we would need for reference, some completed and stored Money Orders to use as a template, and various insiders with the appropriate knowledge of each different company, therefore any perceived missing bank stamps or any other missing details were most likely never on any Money Orders within the Archives in the first place, because why go to the trouble and time investment of recreating an undetectable Money Order with infinite precision just to let the entire deception down with an easily detectable flaw?
Either Oswald just bought a Mail Order rifle
or a massive team of conspirators went above and beyond, manufacturing a fraudulent transaction? If it was me and I was a Conspirator I would have just convinced 1 shop owner to say that Oswald bought a rifle. Easy peasy!
Btw then we have another problem in that the rifle was ordered under Oswald's alias "A. J. Hidell" which opens up a whole new case of worms.
The Hidell ID was manufactured by conspirators
The Hidell ID was planted by the Police
The Hidell ID negatives were manufactured by conspirators
The Hidell ID negatives were planted by conspirators in the Paine residence
The Hidell name was inserted by conspirators into the New Orleans post box application records.
The Hidell name was connected To Oswald's New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee by conspirators.
The Hidell name was used as The "Chapter President" of Oswald's made up Cuba Committee by conspirators.
The Hidell name was forged by conspirators onto Oswald's "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets
The Hidell name was written on membership cards by conspirators other than Marina, who must have lied.
The Hidell name was a play on "Fidel" according to Marina who must have lied
The Hidell name was forged onto the Kliens coupon
The Hidell Kleins coupon addressed to Oswald was forged onto the Kliens microfilm
The Hidell name was forged onto the Kleins envelope
The Hidell Kleins Envelope addressed to Oswald was forged onto the Kleins microfilm
The Hidell name on on the Kleins Coupon found by Waldman on the night following the assassination was forgotten?
The Hidell rifle was never sent to Oswald's PO box
The Hidell newly manufactured microfilm was substituted at some point with Kleins business records microfilm.
The Hidell ID was admitted by Oswald or Police lied
The Hidell ID was admitted by Oswald or a Postal official lied
The Hidell ID was asked of Oswald or an FBI agent lied
The Hidell name was forged onto Oswald Job applications as a reference
The Hidell rifle was photographed with Oswald by either forgery or trickery
The Hidell rifle was planted on the 6th floor of Oswald's work by conspirators
The Hidell revolver coupon was forged by conspirators
The Hidell name was forged onto the Seaport-Traders paperwork
The Hidell revolver was lied about by the Police
The Hidell revolver was substituted by Police
And on and on it goes!