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Author Topic: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film  (Read 12305 times)

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2023, 03:53:40 PM »
  Thanks John. Appreciate your giving me a modicum of credit. What I do and why is my concern and my concern alone. I refuse to infuse some around here with knowledge, which is why they beg me to post this-n-that. They thirst for what I know and am thinking. Backstage is where the bulk of my work product and knowledge is discusses/dispensed. The old guard researchers know their day is done and therefore are doing all they can to NOW get up-to-speed on the current Breakthroughs occurring in this case. Too Late for that. Once anything transforms into a Fossil, it is what it is. It goes Nowhere from that point forward.

  You shouldn't flatter yourself, Mr. Storing.  I'm not the LEAST bit impressed with a single post that you have made in this forum.  Anyone who can't/won't post what they CLAIM is evidence in any case when it's available for all to see is terribly unsure of their claim.  You're not fooling anyone around here.  This isn't a "Stage", Mr. Storing, and therefore there is no such thing as "backstage".  We're talking about the murder of John Fiztgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States.  The "Old Guard" as you call us, present evidence to prove our point.  You do not. How unprofessional of you.  The "Old Guard's" day will never be done, but you just keep dreaming.  Just keep flattering yourself, Mr. Storing.  It goes nowhere , it gets you nowhere, and never will.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2023, 03:53:40 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2023, 06:49:35 PM »
  You shouldn't flatter yourself, Mr. Storing.  I'm not the LEAST bit impressed with a single post that you have made in this forum.  Anyone who can't/won't post what they CLAIM is evidence in any case when it's available for all to see is terribly unsure of their claim.  You're not fooling anyone around here.  This isn't a "Stage", Mr. Storing, and therefore there is no such thing as "backstage".  We're talking about the murder of John Fiztgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States.  The "Old Guard" as you call us, present evidence to prove our point.  You do not. How unprofessional of you.  The "Old Guard's" day will never be done, but you just keep dreaming.  Just keep flattering yourself, Mr. Storing.  It goes nowhere , it gets you nowhere, and never will.

     The above is a perfect example of an Old Guard JFK Researcher FOCUSED on Flattery, getting Upstaged, and general Me, Me, Me, centered stuff. The current undercurrent to all of this is just plain old fashioned LN FEAR. The Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the , "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", has been a dagger to their heart. Their Lone Gunman claim being corner stoned by the SBT, which was cooked up by a political wannabe with a pointer and a Mock Automobile Backseat squirreled away down inside a basement. That same backseat looking a lot like the one Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney used during their "sparking" scenes during the Andy Hardy series movie run. There Never was any SCIENCE connected to the SBT. All conjecture, could be/might be hokum.
      Since Knott Labs SCIENCE has you down for the count, I'll be kind and buy you a vowel. Altgens beat both Officer Hargis and Wiegman to the Knoll.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2023, 08:10:17 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2023, 09:16:28 PM »
     The above is a perfect example of an Old Guard JFK Researcher FOCUSED on Flattery, getting Upstaged, and general Me, Me, Me, centered stuff. The current undercurrent to all of this is just plain old fashioned LN FEAR. The Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the , "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", has been a dagger to their heart. Their Lone Gunman claim being corner stoned by the SBT, which was cooked up by a political wannabe with a pointer and a Mock Automobile Backseat squirreled away down inside a basement. That same backseat looking a lot like the one Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney used during their "sparking" scenes during the Andy Hardy series movie run. There Never was any SCIENCE connected to the SBT. All conjecture, could be/might be hokum.
      Since Knott Labs SCIENCE has you down for the count, I'll be kind and buy you a vowel. Altgens beat both Officer Hargis and Wiegman to the Knoll.

 The above by Royell Storing is a prime example of utter B.S. by a king CT.  Storing flatters himself again, then goes off on a tangient talking about playing a game with people who believe Oswald is guilty vs. his lunacy conspiracy theories, which never end.  It's constant babble by Storing.  A film or photograph is posted in this forum, and immediately, Storing and his ilk are searching for things that have no bearing on the assassination, except in their minds, where they creaate theory after theory, just dying to keep the conspiracy nonsense alive.  As I said, Royell Storing, nothing you have ever posted within in this forum have impressed me as a fact.  It's nothing but conjecture on your part.  You take otherwise innocent people and turn them into conspirators involved in the assassination.   And finally, if you think Knotts Lab have proven anything with their extremely sloppy renactment of the positions of JFK and JBC, well, that's par for the course where you are concerned.

 I don't need Knotts Lab to tell me anything regarding the single bullet. I already know that JFK and JBC were struck by the same bullet. The Zapruder film and common sense is all it takes to know.  Knotts Lab have just made a name for themselves according to all you conspiracy dreamers.  If they'd have solved the controversy of CE 399, it would be all over the news, but it isn't because they didn't.  People need not look any further than the Zapruder film.   The proof is right there, captured on film.   Just like JFK was stuck in the back of the head, blowing the top off his head off, and the majority of the fragments from his skull being found some 25 feet ahead of where he was struck with the bullet that hit him in the head, and one large fragment that can clearly be seen inside the limousine flying foward from his head landing on the top of the backrest of the seat occupied by Nellie Connally, and falling towards the floor, where it was found by Secret Service agent Samuel Kinney, and turned into the investigators.     
« Last Edit: December 15, 2023, 09:19:11 PM by Steve Barber »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2023, 09:16:28 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2023, 10:09:25 PM »
The above by Royell Storing is a prime example of utter B.S. by a king CT.  Storing flatters himself again, then goes off on a tangient talking about playing a game with people who believe Oswald is guilty vs. his lunacy conspiracy theories, which never end.  It's constant babble by Storing.  A film or photograph is posted in this forum, and immediately, Storing and his ilk are searching for things that have no bearing on the assassination, except in their minds, where they creaate theory after theory, just dying to keep the conspiracy nonsense alive.  As I said, Royell Storing, nothing you have ever posted within in this forum have impressed me as a fact.  It's nothing but conjecture on your part.  You take otherwise innocent people and turn them into conspirators involved in the assassination.   And finally, if you think Knotts Lab have proven anything with their extremely sloppy renactment of the positions of JFK and JBC, well, that's par for the course where you are concerned.

 I don't need Knotts Lab to tell me anything regarding the single bullet. I already know that JFK and JBC were struck by the same bullet. The Zapruder film and common sense is all it takes to know.  Knotts Lab have just made a name for themselves according to all you conspiracy dreamers.  If they'd have solved the controversy of CE 399, it would be all over the news, but it isn't because they didn't.  People need not look any further than the Zapruder film.   The proof is right there, captured on film.   Just like JFK was stuck in the back of the head, blowing the top off his head off, and the majority of the fragments from his skull being found some 25 feet ahead of where he was struck with the bullet that hit him in the head, and one large fragment that can clearly be seen inside the limousine flying foward from his head landing on the top of the backrest of the seat occupied by Nellie Connally, and falling towards the floor, where it was found by Secret Service agent Samuel Kinney, and turned into the investigators.     

Royell like a 12 year old class clown, just wants to be the centre of attention, I wouldn't take his empty words too seriously because not one of his theories has ever panned out.

The way he says "more to come" or some other such nonsense is just further proof of not wanting to divert attention away from himself, from what he believes is the limelight!
Whereas Lner's just lay all their evidence out for examination and go from there, but for some reason a lot of CT's just want to dribble out their theories while they think we will breathlessly wait for some sort of conclusion, it's a very strange tactic!

What I find funny is that Royell is on record as claiming the Zapruder Film is "bogus", but when I pointed out that Knott Labs relied on the Zapruder Film in it's findings, he quickly changes the subject and a few posts later, out come the Knotts Lab misrepresentations again, it's an endless cycle.

Another example of his niggling is when I pointed out the antenna over the right door on the Lead car and he kept denying it and because he thought he had an advantage, he kept repeatedly implying that all of my other work was not to be trusted but when I found proof that he couldn't deny, he went silent! He never even acknowledged that I was right and an apology would have been nice, but no, just more silence.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2023, 10:36:34 PM by John Mytton »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2023, 10:47:04 PM »
The above by Royell Storing is a prime example of utter B.S. by a king CT.  Storing flatters himself again, then goes off on a tangient talking about playing a game with people who believe Oswald is guilty vs. his lunacy conspiracy theories, which never end.  It's constant babble by Storing.  A film or photograph is posted in this forum, and immediately, Storing and his ilk are searching for things that have no bearing on the assassination, except in their minds, where they creaate theory after theory, just dying to keep the conspiracy nonsense alive.  As I said, Royell Storing, nothing you have ever posted within in this forum have impressed me as a fact.  It's nothing but conjecture on your part.  You take otherwise innocent people and turn them into conspirators involved in the assassination.   And finally, if you think Knotts Lab have proven anything with their extremely sloppy renactment of the positions of JFK and JBC, well, that's par for the course where you are concerned.

 I don't need Knotts Lab to tell me anything regarding the single bullet. I already know that JFK and JBC were struck by the same bullet. The Zapruder film and common sense is all it takes to know.  Knotts Lab have just made a name for themselves according to all you conspiracy dreamers.  If they'd have solved the controversy of CE 399, it would be all over the news, but it isn't because they didn't.  People need not look any further than the Zapruder film.   The proof is right there, captured on film.   Just like JFK was stuck in the back of the head, blowing the top off his head off, and the majority of the fragments from his skull being found some 25 feet ahead of where he was struck with the bullet that hit him in the head, and one large fragment that can clearly be seen inside the limousine flying foward from his head landing on the top of the backrest of the seat occupied by Nellie Connally, and falling towards the floor, where it was found by Secret Service agent Samuel Kinney, and turned into the investigators.     

    Here we go again. SCIENCE PROVES an LN Wrong, and Immediately they know more than SCIENCE. So much for actually seeking the Truth as to what exactly went down on 11/22/63. And what happened to that "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" mantra?
    And stop with the "No backstage"  BS:  Like I said, some of us know what shell the pea is under. Some people boldly seek out The Truth, while others weakly are attracted to the comfort afforded by surrounding themselves with bobble headers and back patters. A peripheral benefit of the Knott Labs Laser 360 finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", is that Cyril Wecht has finally been rewarded for Steadfastly Standing Tall amidst the decades of slings and arrows that he has endured. That guy issa living testament to the word Perseverance.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2023, 10:47:04 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2023, 11:20:49 PM »
    Here we go again. SCIENCE PROVES an LN Wrong, and Immediately they know more than SCIENCE. So much for actually seeking the Truth as to what exactly went down on 11/22/63. And what happened to that "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" mantra?
    And stop with the "No backstage"  BS:  Like I said, some of us know what shell the pea is under. Some people boldly seek out The Truth, while others weakly are attracted to the comfort afforded by surrounding themselves with bobble headers and back patters. A peripheral benefit of the Knott Labs Laser 360 finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", is that Cyril Wecht has finally been rewarded for Steadfastly Standing Tall amidst the decades of slings and arrows that he has endured. That guy issa living testament to the word Perseverance.

There can be no possibility for truth when you are doing a recreation for money to satisfy your client who was footing the bill.
Even Blind Freddy with a more than passing interest in this case can see the myriad of mistakes in the Knotts Lab analysis.

Sorry Royell, the only SCIENCE that can be seen here, is Knott Labs satisfying their PAYING client!

"Knott Laboratory was hired by John Orr,....."
Nuff said!

Since you mentioned Cyril Wecht, here's Cyril Wecht's SBF recreation which has even more errors than the Knotts Lab failure.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2023, 11:25:07 PM by John Mytton »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2023, 12:56:14 AM »
    Here we go again. SCIENCE PROVES an LN Wrong, and Immediately they know more than SCIENCE. So much for actually seeking the Truth as to what exactly went down on 11/22/63. And what happened to that "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" mantra?
    And stop with the "No backstage"  BS:  Like I said, some of us know what shell the pea is under. Some people boldly seek out The Truth, while others weakly are attracted to the comfort afforded by surrounding themselves with bobble headers and back patters. A peripheral benefit of the Knott Labs Laser 360 finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE", is that Cyril Wecht has finally been rewarded for Steadfastly Standing Tall amidst the decades of slings and arrows that he has endured. That guy issa living testament to the word Perseverance.

 Cyril Wecht?????   That's all I needed to see!  You actually believe Wecht, eh?  The guy who knows better than to seat two people at the same level, one directly in front of the other, and then stand and lie to unknowing people presenting his B.S. about the buleet "zig and zag" when NOTHING could be further from the truth!  You just told on yourself, Storing.  Don''t ever say anything about "Truth" or "SCIENCE" again !   You wouldn't know what the truth or actual science is if it kicked you in the rear end!  Wecht is a Class-A liar. Now I see what type of person you really are.  John Mytton hit the nail square on the head. You ARE indeed like a class clown!  Dale Myers created a 3-D animation of the assassination and if you knew half of what you think you do, you'd know that his animation is an exact computer replica of the Zapruder film, frame by frame.  All of his measurements of the limousine and Dealey Plaza are precise--as are the positions of JFK and Connally. But as i recall, you did nothing but ridicule Myers' work, which was peer reviewed before it was ever shown publicly. You ridicule it because because it proves the SBF as a fact-not theory.  How about taking some lessons on how to post photos, videos in here, and how to work with YouTube so you can post links to YouTube videos?  Of course not!  You won't do this because you know that as soon as you post a video and highlight what you call "evidence" you're going to be questioned about it.  I'd love to see your proof that Clyde Haygood walked down Elm Street extension, which you say was captured on film. I'd also like an answer to my questions regarding Altgens.  Why did you ignore/brush offmy questions?   I was only responding to what you said about him in the Wiegman footage.  Where do you claim he is on the nroth side of Elm? Why don't you tell us?
« Last Edit: December 16, 2023, 01:08:50 AM by Steve Barber »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2023, 01:08:06 AM »
John Mytton

Royell like a 12 year old class clown, just wants to be the centre of attention, I wouldn't take his empty words too seriously because not one of his theories has ever panned out.


The way he says "more to come" or some other such nonsense is just further proof of not wanting to divert attention away from himself, from what he believes is the limelight!
Whereas Lner's just lay all their evidence out for examination and go from there, but for some reason a lot of CT's just want to dribble out their theories while they think we will breathlessly wait for some sort of conclusion, it's a very strange tactic!

Amen to that!  Trying to get Mr. Storing to present photographic proof to support his claim(s) is like pulling teeth, I've noticed.

What I find funny is that Royell is on record as claiming the Zapruder Film is "bogus", but when I pointed out that Knott Labs relied on the Zapruder Film in it's findings, he quickly changes the subject and a few posts later, out come the Knotts Lab misrepresentations again, it's an endless cycle.

Yessir.  Very funny how these guys like to dis the Zapruder film, claim it's "fake" , tampered with, bogus, a hoax, but when they're backed into a corner they can't do without it! 

Another example of his niggling is when I pointed out the antenna over the right door on the Lead car and he kept denying it and because he thought he had an advantage, he kept repeatedly implying that all of my other work was not to be trusted but when I found proof that he couldn't deny, he went silent! He never even acknowledged that I was right and an apology would have been nice, but no, just more silence.

  Typical CT.  won't admit when they're wrong/  EVER. Even the proof of their mistake is provided in living color, they still won't admit their mistake. Silence is golden to them, but it only proves the LN point, and then some.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Groden's 16mm Copy Of The Wiegman Film
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2023, 01:08:06 AM »