What new? 2 LN's now morphing into SCIENCE DENIERS. 1 of 'em claiming he knows more than SCIENCE, the other trashing Cyril Wecht whose medical credentials are Top Shelf. This is what I mean by LN's being on TILT since the Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE found the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE". This is the same SCIENCE that is used in court rooms across this country day-in and day-out. You 2 are nothing more than FLAT EARTHER'S who now can Not bring themselves to abandon a half baked THEORY that was hatched in a basement.
That's correct, Royell Storing! I'm trashing Wecht because his demonstrations are dishonest HOGWASH, and you know it, and so does he! You know darned well that Kennedy and Connally weren't seated the way he sets those chairs up for his stand-ins. Connally's seat was lower, and to Kennedy's left. Kennedy was hugging the side of the car, as close as he could so he could rest his arm on the side rail. So why does Wecht not get two chairs that accomodate the actual way the two men were seated? He could if he wanted to, but if he were to reveal to the unknowing audience just how they were seated, it would destroy his entire "case". He's a Person, and that you support him and his flat out dishonest misrepresentation of how the men were actually seated makes you one, as well!
The single bullet fact would be impossible if both Kennedy and Connally were seated the way Wecht sets up the stand-ins during his presentation, but they weren't seated Wecht's dishonest way! So cut the crap, Storing!
Secondly, the type of animation that Dale Myers produced is used in a court of law, all over the world! You don't know half of what has been going on around you, Mr. Storing! You're nothing but a conspiracy buff who thinks everyone wearing an overcoat in Dealep Plaza killed JFK! You haven't a clue of the people who peer reveiewd Dale Myers work before it went public! So why don[t you look it up! That's asking too much, though. You'll find out that you're full of nothing but hot air if you did look it up, and that's more than likely why you won't!
Lastly, once again you've avoided answering the points I raised in my last post. That says a lot about you.