I have just finished a 19-part series on the clinton/jackson witnesses.
For the first time ever, i have put in my posts, excerpts from the notes of Anne Dischler, Garrison's chief investigator.
Part 19 has some secrets never before revealed.
In his book "On the Trail of the Assassins", Garrison gives this explanation as to why Oswald's supposed fellow conspirators allegedly tried to get him a job at a hospital in Clinton, Louisiana, some 100+ miles outside of New Orleans. Yes, fasten your seat belt it's going to be a bumpy flight.

I guess getting him a menial job in NO - maybe oiling coffee machines? - was not considered? Does going 100 miles outside of NO make sense? And nowhere can I find an explanation by Garrison as to why Shaw and Ferrie
themselves had to go with Oswald, to appear with him in public. That again makes no sense from top to bottom. But I'm sure "something, something the CIA" would have been Garrison's answer. And the nice touch at the end - they could later switch Oswald's records from employee to patient - is classic Garrison.
Okay, we've returned to Planet Earth. You can now unbuckle you seat belt, the flight has landed.