"Displaced Aggression" means "Taking it out on the wrong person." "A" is mad at "B," but takes it out on "C." Displaced aggression seems to be a regular part
of forums or discussion groups that focus on the JFK assassination. Maybe it's part of every discussion group, I don't know. I was hoping this group would be different. However, that may not be a realistic hope. For 60 years, government agencies and insiders have been lying or otherwise withholding the full truth about JFK, thereby doing immense harm to our nation. In fact, it's enough to infuriate anyone, perhaps causing them to displace their anger, even if it means taking it out on fellow researchers.
What's the source of the anger? How can it be assuaged at this point? Okay, 30+ years ago one can say the investigations were incompetent, incomplete, poorly done. But now? I can't see anything that will address these feelings, not even lessen them.
This is the most investigated event in US history, one looked into by multiple generations of Americans in government, in the various branches, and multiple generations of Americans in the media and elsewhere. Insiders and outsiders, Democrats and Republicans (who can't or won't agree on anything have covered this up?), liberals, conservatives, people of various background have investigated this.
How much more needs to be done? There's nothing there; certainly nothing indicating some large "C" conspiracy. Unless you think all of these people have covered it up? For what reason? For what benefit?
What is the "full truth" that's been withheld? Who is withholding it? Everyone who would have been involved - ordering it, planning it, executing it - is long dead. Why would a generation of people TODAY cover up for something 60 years ago? What is the benefit?
If you
told asked a conspiracy believer in 1964 that over the next 50+ years there would be all of these investigations - by the government, by the media (the same media that exposed the abuses by the CIA and FBI and presidents) - would you be satisfied with the results? They would say, "That's all we want." But here we are and it's not enough. Conspiracists stare at photos and find gunman; or another bullet; or something - anything - that supports their view. It's endless. The idea that "the government" and "the media" have conspired to do this is preposterous. It cannot be done. The government is made of people - real human beings - not things. It's a bureaucracy with different interests and goals often at odds with each other. The idea that this could be kept together is again preposterous. It's a fantasy world.
Is this anger going to end if these last documents are released? What more needs to be done? It's not going to end if you insist on a conspiracy; whatever doesn't show a conspiracy is going to be viewed as more of a conspiracy. And more anger will ensue? From what I've seen conspiracists are often more angry with each other than with lone assassin believers. The anger will not go away until "their" theory is proven.
I'll finish off with a story that Seymour Hersh tells about meeting Oliver Stone when the two worked together on Stone's movie on Noriega. It's the mindset of the conspiracy believer; everything that goes against their conspiracy has to be another conspiracy, another layer of intrigue and lies. In this mindset it's the only explanation.