It’s very telling when the naysayers express doubts that LHO could get to the second floor in about 90-seconds. But in the same breath express no doubt that Vicky could be on the first floor in no more than a minute.
It’s very telling when the naysayers express doubts that LHO could get to the second floor in about 90-seconds.It's very tellling that LNs express no doubt that Oswald could get to the second floor in 75 (not 90) seconds, but can never show that he was actually on the 6th floor and did come down the stairs.
But in the same breath express no doubt that Vicky could be on the first floor in no more than a minute.Vicky Adams only had only 3 flights of stairs to go. The distance between the 6th and 2nd floor is four flights of stairs.
Dorothy Garner was quoted in the Stroud letter as having said that Adams and Styles had gone down the stairs before she saw Truly and a policeman (Baker) come up.
If this is true, Adams and Styles must not only have left the 4th floor directly after the shots (just like she told FBI agents Hardin & Scott, two days after the assassination) but also must have arrived on the 1st floor before Truly and Baker arrived at the bottom of the stairs.
Marian Baker was asked how long it took him, after hearing the shots, to get to the 2nd floor lunchroom. His answer was that there had been two trials runs for the WC on March 20, 1964. The first one was 90 seconds and the second one 75 seconds.
Mr. DULLES - I want to get clear in my mind and for the record, it started at the first shot and when did it terminate, when you saw Oswald?
Mr. BAKER - When we saw Oswald.
Mr. DULLES - When you saw Oswald?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. DULLES - And that time is how much?
The first run would be a minute and 30 seconds, and then we did it over, and we did it in a minute and 15 seconds.If the WC timing is correct, Truly and Baker must have arrived at the bottom of the stairs on the 1st floor about a minute after the shots.