Good god this actually gets worse by the minute.
Pictures with no point. Timelines that are questionable at best.
The biggest mistake I see is the timeline is not starting it with “once upon a time”.
What happened to the key ingredient of Shelley and Lovelady being at the elevator?
You know the Shelley the stated from day 1 that they first went to the park where they encountered Calvery. You are thinking then that they sprinted to the park to talk Calvery and then sprinted back to make this post 30 second shot meeting?
This is the only way the Stroud document can be correct.
That is right the only way. OK then, it is agreed the Stroud document is wrong
What a shock!!
No analysis or critique of the arguments presented, just the usual

nothingness. Boring and irrelevant.
What happened to the key ingredient of Shelley and Lovelady being at the elevator? Read what I've posted for once.
I clearly state it's a thought experiment examining how quickly Adams could have made it downstairs after the last shot.
That's all it is.
It is still the case Adams sees Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor. That hasn't changed just because I'm examining how quickly Adams could have got downstairs. Her testimony hasn't changed just because I've focused on the specific aspect of how quickly she could've got down to the first floor. The corroboration of her WC testimony contained in the "lost interview" hasn't changed just because I've demonstrated she got down to the first floor in the time she actually testified she got down there, 30-60 seconds.
Do you understand that or do I need to draw you a diagram?
Timelines that are questionable at bestThis is the only comment that comes close to a critique but, of course, you don't bother to mention which timelines and why they are questionable.
Provide a proper critique of the arguments I've put forward in the thought experiment. Show where you think it's wrong and why [I've already got the laughing emojis standing by].
That is right the only way. OK then, it is agreed the Stroud document is wrong

Jack has spoken!!
The evidence he doesn't like is wrong

What a typical Nutter way to deal with key evidence.
The good news is you've had some kind of breakthrough - you now understand that the way I've presented my argument is the only way the Stroud document can work. Well done.
And while you're at it - other than the lies of Shelley and Lovelady, what is the key evidence that convinces you Adams did not race down the stairs seconds after the shooting?
Don't bother ducking this question. You will be dragged into an honest debate kicking and screaming if that's what it takes.