It's too late Martin, Adams story as in the WC and confirmed in the OP video, is provably wrong!
You lose!
Run John run....
I'll leave you with this; I did not write any of my replies to your BS posts to try and convince you of anything, because it was clear from the outset that it would be impossible to do with a LN. I wrote the posts for other, far more reasonable readers than you, to show them just how far you would go with your usual BS to try and salvage your pathetic fairytale. It worked.
The irony of it all is that you have now resorted to calling two women, who had nothing to gain and were merely witnesses to a minor part of the case, liars and as a result you have accused them of conspiring to tell the same story decades after the event. Are you proud of yourself?
Oh, and let's not forget that you have also demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that you can not provide a shred of evidence that shows Oswald was on the stairs at all! Well done