All guys like you do, on a daily basis, is [tell] the same lies and misrepresentations hoping that some day they will actually become true.
I've never told any "lies" about the JFK case. (And an "opinion" that doesn't agree with your conspiracy-slanted version of events is not a "lie". I hope you'll keep that fact in mind if you ever decide to call me a liar again in the future.)
You can't even get it straight that I am not a conspiracy theorist.
Yeah, sure, Martin. Whatever you say.

Btw, I just had a quick look at part one of Oswald's time line on your site, and found it filled with assumptions and speculation. Time after time you say things like "I believe", "It's possible", "I assume" and you make claims for which there is not a shred of evidence.
Well, since there was absolutely nobody else up there on the 6th floor when Oswald was doing the things that I think he did just before 12:30 on 11/22/63, then
OF COURSE I've used terms like "I believe" and "It's possible" on my
Timeline Page. Isn't that better than saying Oswald "definitely did this" or "positively did that at exactly this time"?
Since there are no 6th-Floor witnesses to anything the assassin did, all I can possibly do is "assume" the things that "I believe" are most certainly "possible" regarding Oswald's exact actions and movements on the sixth floor on 11/22. It's either engaging in some guesswork or just forget about making up a "Timeline" at all. I chose the former option.
Obligatory ---->
Duh!!The whole saga of Oswald hiding in the snipers nest when Bonnie Ray Williams was on the 6th floor is pure fiction.
No, it's a reasonable inference (i.e., a good guess) as to where Oswald was located during the few minutes when Bonnie Ray was up there eating his chicken-on-the-bone sandwich lunch.
The truth is that you can't place Oswald on the 6th floor anywhere after a couple of minutes past 12 noon.
Wrong. I can place him in the Sniper's Nest shooting at JFK at exactly 12:30 --- via the witness all CTers love to hate, Howard L. Brennan.
But, like it or not, Brennan (in front of the WC) did positively I.D. Oswald as the assassin.
Plus: Via another "reasonable inference", I can place Oswald on the west side of the sixth floor, holding his Carcano rifle (another wholly "reasonable inference" there), at approximately 12:15 PM. Those reasonable inferences (guesses) come, of course, via the testimony of Arnold Rowland.
The story about Oswald going down the stairs is also a mere assumption for which there is no evidence.
Once again, it's a "reasonable inference" based on the evidence
AS A WHOLE, which is telling any reasonable and sensible person looking at that
totality of evidence that Lee Oswald (and his rifle) were, indeed, on the sixth floor shooting at the President at exactly 12:30 PM.
And since we have irrefutable proof (via Marrion Baker and Roy Truly) that Mr. Oswald was positively in the second-floor lunchroom (near the back stairway) within just two minutes or so after the President was shot by Oswald and his Carcano, then the
reasonable inference to reach here is:
Lee Oswald
must have utilized that back staircase between 12:30 PM and 12:32 PM CST on November 22nd. (And this inference/conclusion can easily still be reached regardless of the observations of Dorothy Garner, Victoria Adams, or anyone else. With the simple answer to the Garner/Adams/Styles controversy being: Adams and Styles beat everybody else to the stairs that day.)