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Author Topic: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview  (Read 65060 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #224 on: January 14, 2024, 08:02:41 AM »
Hello again Martin,
.... Leaving the TSBD Building within about three minutes of the Presidential shooting and then proceeding to walk several blocks east on Elm Street in order to get on a bus that he only stayed on for a matter of a few minutes before getting off and catching a cab at the Greyhound bus terminal (which was likely the only time in his life that Lee Oswald paid for a taxicab ride while in the United States of America).

.... And after getting into William Whaley's cab on 11/22, where does Oswald tell the driver to drop him off? Not at the front doorstep of 1026 N. Beckley (which Whaley could have easily done), but instead Oswald tells Whaley to drop him off three whole blocks beyond his Beckley roominghouse.

.... Oswald then backtracks to his rented room, grabs his revolver and a jacket, and quickly leaves the roominghouse.

... Oswald then shoots and kills police officer J.D. Tippit on Tenth Street.
(Continual reminder for conspiracy theorists ----> Click Here.)

.... Oswald is next seen acting "funny" and "scared" while he has his back turned to the wailing police cars on Jefferson Boulevard in front of Johnny Brewer's shoe store.

.... Then it's on to the Texas Theater for LHO, as he sneaks in without bothering to pay for the cheap ticket.

.... Oswald then pulls his gun on police officer McDonald inside the theater.

.... And the comments made by Oswald at the time of his arrest in the theater certainly don't conjure up visions of an "innocent patsy" either.

So, as we can see, Oswald's movements certainly can't be ignored or swept under the rug---because, in my opinion, Lee Oswald's own movements and actions on Nov. 21 and Nov. 22 add up to the actions of a guilty person.

And when we add the physical evidence (plus the Tippit eyewitnesses) to Oswald's own guilty-like actions, then the only conceivable way to exonerate Mr. Oswald for the murders of John F. Kennedy and J.D. Tippit would be to do what most conspiracy theorists do, and that is to make the following bold claim (sans any proof at all):

All of that evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald was fake!


The chain of possession/custody for Bullet CE399 is, in my opinion, a lot stronger than most conspiracists believe it is. And it got even stronger in June 2022 when researcher Steve Roe discovered Elmer Todd's initials on the bullet:

More discussion on CE399's chain of custody HERE and HERE.

Lots more proof of Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt at the link below:

How old was Whaley?
"According to his army registration, he was born in 1908. ..."
"...William served in the Navy aboard a ship and fought in the Second World War."

Which ship was Whaley serving on when he earned a Navy Cross, "over Iwo Jima"?

The testimony of Mrs. Charlie Virginia Davis was taken at 9 a.m., on April 2, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building. Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex. by Mr. David W. Belin, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.


..Mr. BELIN. Did you call the police before or after you saw him cut across your yard?
Mrs. DAVIS. Before.
Mr. BELIN. In other words, to your---to the best of your recollection, you heard the shots, you ran outside, you saw Mrs. Markham---did you see anything else when you saw Mrs. Markham?
Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir; we just saw a police car sitting on the side of the road.
Mr. BELIN. Where was the police car parked?
Mrs. DAVIS. It was parked between the hedge that marks the apartment house where he lives in and the house next door.
Mr. BELIN. Was it on your side of East 10th or the other side of the street?
Mrs. DAVIS. It was on our side, the same side that we lived on.
Mr. BELIN. Was it headed as you looked to the police car, towards your right or towards your left?
Mrs. DAVIS. Right.
Mr. BELIN. Did you see any police officer in a police car when you first saw him?
Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir. .."

Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir; we just saw a police car sitting on the side of the road.
Mr. BELIN. Where was the police car parked?
Mrs. DAVIS. It was parked between the hedge that marks the apartment house where he lives in and the house next door..."

Virginia was describing Tippit's girlfriend's temporary residence. (Her estranged spouse at the time was suspected
of shooting Tippit after he found out Tippit had impregnated her.) (see Gary Mack's description of Larry Harris's research
into Johnnie Maxie Witherspoon and her ex-husband and her suspected Tippit fathered daughter; )


....No study exists on Angleton's efforts in retirement to spread his
conspiracy and other theories through writers such as Edward J. Epstein. .
The next significant book involving Angieton was Henry Hurt's
Shadrin, published in 1981. While working on Legend as an assistant to
Epstein, Hurt had become aware of the mysterious disappearance of
Shadrin, a Soviet defector. Sensing there was a story there, Hurt began interviewing the missing defector's wife and her lawyer. The Reader's Digest
agreed to provide financial support for the project, which began as a magazine article but quickly grew into a book. Fulton Oursler, then the chief editor of The Reader's Digest, was a man of strong rightwing views and much
influenced by the Angleton-Epstein theories. The inability of the US
authorities to provide an answer to the mystery of Shadrin's disappearance
had provoked wide criticism. Hurt's account not only revived the old
Golitsyn-Nosenko controversy but also made it more current by citing the
appearance of a mysterious KGB man referred to as "Igor."


Angieton doubtlessly contributed information to Hurt, but so did a
number of FBI people who talked more than they should have. In sum,
much classified information was made public that could only have endangered
the safety of Igor, assuming he was genuine. This was a matter on
which Agency people again divided: Angieton believed Igor was not
genuine; others thought his valuable information proved his bona fides. The
Hurt book, however, was essentially propaganda intended to benefit Mrs.
Shadrin. Its attack on the Agency, the FBI, and the new CI Staff did not
help her cause, and the book's many inaccuracies distorted an already confused situation.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 08:43:34 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #224 on: January 14, 2024, 08:02:41 AM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #225 on: January 14, 2024, 02:53:06 PM »
Hello again Martin,

As you no doubt already know, it's my opinion that absolutely none of the evidence in the JFK and Tippit murder cases has been faked or manufactured or planted, and as such it is fairly obvious that Lee Harvey Oswald was guilty of the two murders he was charged with committing on 11/22/63.

I also fully realize, of course, that most (if not all) people who lean toward believing in a conspiracy in the Kennedy and Tippit cases think that it is highly likely that at least some (and probably most) of the physical evidence that points toward Oswald was in some way tainted by the police and/or FBI following the two murders. So that's a disagreement that is always going to exist and will likely never be reconciled to please both sides of the debate.

But in addition to the physical evidence itself, a good deal of attention also needs to be focused on Oswald's own actions and movements on both November 21st and 22nd---which are things that I don't think even the most imaginative conspiracy theorist on the planet could possibly believe were "manufactured" by the authorities).

And when those actions and movements are examined, it becomes quite clear that Mr. Oswald did several unusual things on each of those days, such as:

.... Going out to Ruth Paine's house in Irving, Texas, with Buell Frazier on a Thursday (instead of his normal Friday).

.... Telling a lie about why he wanted a ride to Irving on Thursday, Nov. 21st. (And it's fairly clear that Oswald's "curtain rods" story was, indeed, nothing but a lie.)

.... Bringing a large-ish paper package with him to work on 11/22 (and telling a lie to Frazier about the contents of that package).

.... Walking ahead of Frazier into the TSBD Building on the morning of 11/22.

.... Asking for an elevator to be sent back up to him on an upper floor of the TSBD at about 11:45 AM on 11/22. (Now, why do you suppose Oswald wanted that to be done?)

.... Leaving the TSBD Building within about three minutes of the Presidential shooting and then proceeding to walk several blocks east on Elm Street in order to get on a bus that he only stayed on for a matter of a few minutes before getting off and catching a cab at the Greyhound bus terminal (which was likely the only time in his life that Lee Oswald paid for a taxicab ride while in the United States of America).

.... And after getting into William Whaley's cab on 11/22, where does Oswald tell the driver to drop him off? Not at the front doorstep of 1026 N. Beckley (which Whaley could have easily done), but instead Oswald tells Whaley to drop him off three whole blocks beyond his Beckley roominghouse.

.... Oswald then backtracks to his rented room, grabs his revolver and a jacket, and quickly leaves the roominghouse.

... Oswald then shoots and kills police officer J.D. Tippit on Tenth Street.
(Continual reminder for conspiracy theorists ----> Click Here.)

.... Oswald is next seen acting "funny" and "scared" while he has his back turned to the wailing police cars on Jefferson Boulevard in front of Johnny Brewer's shoe store.

.... Then it's on to the Texas Theater for LHO, as he sneaks in without bothering to pay for the cheap ticket.

.... Oswald then pulls his gun on police officer McDonald inside the theater.

.... And the comments made by Oswald at the time of his arrest in the theater certainly don't conjure up visions of an "innocent patsy" either.

So, as we can see, Oswald's movements certainly can't be ignored or swept under the rug---because, in my opinion, Lee Oswald's own movements and actions on Nov. 21 and Nov. 22 add up to the actions of a guilty person.

And when we add the physical evidence (plus the Tippit eyewitnesses) to Oswald's own guilty-like actions, then the only conceivable way to exonerate Mr. Oswald for the murders of John F. Kennedy and J.D. Tippit would be to do what most conspiracy theorists do, and that is to make the following bold claim (sans any proof at all):

All of that evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald was fake!


The chain of possession/custody for Bullet CE399 is, in my opinion, a lot stronger than most conspiracists believe it is. And it got even stronger in June 2022 when researcher Steve Roe discovered Elmer Todd's initials on the bullet:

More discussion on CE399's chain of custody HERE and HERE.

Lots more proof of Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt at the link below:

Hi David,

Some of Oswald's actions and movements are indeed not easily understood or explained. Having said that, they are most certainly open to several interpretations depending on a person's (biased) point of view.

.... Going out to Ruth Paine's house in Irving, Texas, with Buell Frazier on a Thursday (instead of his normal Friday).

.... Telling a lie about why he wanted a ride to Irving on Thursday, Nov. 21st. (And it's fairly clear that Oswald's "curtain rods" story was, indeed, nothing but a lie.)

I know that the LN explanation is that he went to Irving to collect his rifle, but IMO there are several things questionable about that narrative. First of all, we don't even know for sure that there was a rifle there. The only person who allegedly saw a rifle wrapped in a blanket in Ruth Paine's garage is Marina, and that was about a week after her return from New Orleans, which puts it in late September. After that people have seen the blanket, but nobody has seen the rifle. I personally find it hard to believe that Oswald would surrender the rifle he allegedly used in the attempted murder of General Walker to a third party like Ruth Paine and have it placed at a location he would have difficulty to get access to it. Secondly, Oswald only visited Marina in Irving a few occassions after he returned to Dallas, which means that if he went every Friday after he started working at the TSBD (on October 16th) and could drive down with Frazier, there were only four visits, because we know that he didn't go on Friday 11/15/63. That, IMO, can not really be seen as a pattern, but be that as it may, we know that Marina and Ruth Paine both believed that he came to Irving to make up with Marina and ask her to live with him again. Could he have done that on the following Friday? Sure, but it could also be that he went on Thursday so that he could have the Friday to look for an appartment, if Marina would say yes.

And then there is this to consider; If Oswald did indeed go to Irving to pick up the rifle, he must have done so because he had already made up his mind to try and kill Kennedy, right? But if that's the case, then why would he try so desperately to convince Marina to start living with him again? I know that some LNs claim that Oswald didn't decide to kill Kennedy until after Marina had turned him down and that him leaving money and his wedding ring would prove that, but that also doesn't make any sense, because those same LNs also claim that he made the paper bag at the TSBD, no later than Thursday, especially to conceal the weapon in. None of it makes much sense, if you ask me.

As for the curtain rods story, that can easily be taken out of context. Oswald wasn't the most talkative person and I don't think he would have told the then 19 year Frazier about his marital problems with Marina, and risk that Frazier would tell somebody else at work. So, although strange, it can be he told the curtain rods story to avoid having to tell Frazier the real reason for his visit on Thursday instead the "normal" Friday.

.... Bringing a large-ish paper package with him to work on 11/22 (and telling a lie to Frazier about the contents of that package).

.... Walking ahead of Frazier into the TSBD Building on the morning of 11/22.

Again, it depends in which context you place this. Although the LNs assume that Oswald carried the bag that was later found at the TSBD, it is in no way sure that is actually the case. Frazier (and to some extent Randle) described a bag that was smaller and Frazier has, to this day, always been adamant that he saw Oswald carry a different type of bag, between the cup of his hand and under his armpit. IMO, we can only speculate about what was in the bag and it totally depends on the content of the bag whether it is in fact significant in this case or not. In any event, I see really nothing suspicious in Oswald walking ahead of Frazier, who stayed behind briefly to charge the battery of his car.

.... Asking for an elevator to be sent back up to him on an upper floor of the TSBD at about 11:45 AM on 11/22. (Now, why do you suppose Oswald wanted that to be done?)

I have no idea why it is significant that Oswald asked the elevator to be sent back up some 45 minutes prior to the shooting. You really have to explain to me why you have included this in your list.

.... Leaving the TSBD Building within about three minutes of the Presidential shooting and then proceeding to walk several blocks east on Elm Street in order to get on a bus that he only stayed on for a matter of a few minutes before getting off and catching a cab at the Greyhound bus terminal (which was likely the only time in his life that Lee Oswald paid for a taxicab ride while in the United States of America).

.... And after getting into William Whaley's cab on 11/22, where does Oswald tell the driver to drop him off? Not at the front doorstep of 1026 N. Beckley (which Whaley could have easily done), but instead Oswald tells Whaley to drop him off three whole blocks beyond his Beckley roominghouse.

.... Oswald then backtracks to his rented room, grabs his revolver and a jacket, and quickly leaves the roominghouse.

The fact that Oswald left the TSBD within about 3 minutes is indeed a head scratcher. It seems an unlikely thing to do if he was a completely innocent man. However, I have never believed that Oswald was completely innocent, for the simple reason that it is near impossible (IMO) to frame somebody who is not somehow involved in what was going on. Some CTs claim that Oswald was indeed involved in some sort of scheme, but at a low level, and that, after Kennedy was shot, he realized that he had been set up as the patsy and that this was the real reason for him to try to get to the roominghouse as quickly as possible.

All this is of course highly speculative, because we will never know what actually was on Oswald's mind after his encounter with Baker, which btw I don't understand why it happened in the first place. If you accept that he came down the stairs from the 6th, then he was already through the door at the 2nd floor before Truly (and Baker) came up. So, why would he wait in the lunchroom (where Baker saw him looking calm and collected), when he simply could have turned right and walk through the office space to the front entrance? It doesn't make sense!

Having said that, the possibility of an alternative patsy scenario means that you can't just say he left so quickly because he was guilty of firing the shots at Kennedy. The patsy scenario also could explain why he asked Whaley to drop him off three blocks beyond the roominghouse. What I do not understand about the Whaley encounter is the fact that Oswald actually offered his cab to a lady. Now why would he do that, if he was indeed on the run?

... Oswald then shoots and kills police officer J.D. Tippit on Tenth Street.
(Continual reminder for conspiracy theorists ----> Click Here.)

This is where we part ways. On the page you linked to, you claim that it is impossible that somebody else, using Oswald's revolver and looking like Oswald, could have killed Tippit and then somehow handed the revolver to the real Oswald. Playing devil's advocate again, I would say there is a major flaw in your narrative. Although the revolver that Oswald allegedly ordered from Seaport Traders is apparently indeed the revolver that was used to kill Tippit, that doesn't automatically make it Oswald's revolver. When placed in a conspiratorial setting, the story could well be that Oswald was manipulated in some way to order the revolver and the rifle for some person using the Hidell name, who was only known to Oswald and thus always stayed deep in the background. Admittedly there is no evidence for such a person existing, but that's because it was never investigated and absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. During interrogation [if the reports are to be believed] Oswald apparently did admit that he carried a revolver when he was arrested, but he said he had bought it months earlier in Fort Worth. This was also - as far as I know - never investigated.

Far fetched? Maybe, but not impossible. The biggest problem I have with the revolver now in evidence is that there is no persuasive chain of custody for it. Hill was given the revolver and was told it was Oswald's, just like Gus Rose was given a wallet (containing the fake Hidell ID) by a never identified officer at the police station. Hill did not instantly present the weapon to the evidence room, but instead allegedly carried it around for some considerable time, before asking some officers in the police lunchroom (iirc) to initial it. Remarkably, a similar thing happened with the gray jacket as well. In both cases the officers initialed the revolver and jacket well after Oswald's arrest.

And let's not forget that shortly after the assassination police officers arrested a man who looked similar to Oswald. If there was one, that fooled the officers, there can also be another who looked enough to fool the witnesses who later identified Oswald, but of which most only saw the killer for a few seconds, and I know from personal experience, it's not so easy to be absolutely sure of an identification. I was once witness to a robbery and when police asked me, only a half hour later, if I could identify the man I had to say that I didn't think so because it all happened extremely fast.

I am also not convinced that Oswald had enough time to get from the roominghouse to 10th street in the first place. And there is, of course, of the splice in the DPD radio recording at the exact moment when Tippit is supposed to have been killed.

So, things may not be so straight forward and conclusive as you make them out to be.

.... Oswald is next seen acting "funny" and "scared" while he has his back turned to the wailing police cars on Jefferson Boulevard in front of Johnny Brewer's shoe store.

.... Then it's on to the Texas Theater for LHO, as he sneaks in without bothering to pay for the cheap ticket.

The question that needs to be asked here is why would Oswald act in a way that draws attention to him? This is the same man who Baker described as being calm and collected after Kennedy was killed.

.... Oswald then pulls his gun on police officer McDonald inside the theater.

According to McDonalds, but nobody else saw Oswald raise his revolver.

.... And the comments made by Oswald at the time of his arrest in the theater certainly don't conjure up visions of an "innocent patsy" either.

I'm not sure what comments you mean.

So, as we can see, Oswald's movements certainly can't be ignored or swept under the rug---because, in my opinion, Lee Oswald's own movements and actions on Nov. 21 and Nov. 22 add up to the actions of a guilty person.

Nobody, at least not me, is ignoring Oswald's movements or sweeping them under the rug. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but in my view there is enough reason for doubting that conclusion.


The chain of possession/custody for Bullet CE399 is, in my opinion, a lot stronger than most conspiracists believe it is. And it got even stronger in June 2022 when researcher Steve Roe discovered Elmer Todd's initials on the bullet:

Which means that the chain of custody from CE399 actually started in the FBI lab in Washington, when it should have started by the person who found it or the first officer the item was handed to. SS agent Johnson had studied Criminal Justice and thus was aware how to correctly handle evidence. Just putting it in a pocket of his jacket is most certainly not part of such a procedure.

Todd's initials on the bullet only mean that it was the bullet he received in a closed envelope from Secret Service chief Rowley. It does not mean it was the same bullet that Tomlinson found.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 08:28:39 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #226 on: January 14, 2024, 05:47:31 PM »
I'm sorry, did you just say something? Oh yeah, I see you have continued to ignore, misrepresent or dismiss completely what I have been telling you.

Evasive, making stuff up, not being able to present a shred of evidence for any of your bogus claims and a total inability to have a normal discussion..... and let's not forget making a total fool of yourself.

You could have at least tried to be somewhat original in your little ad hom attack instead of merely projecting, but it seems even that is too much to expect from you.

You have claimed (without evidence) that Adams and Styles stayed at the 4th floor for four minutes after the shots, despite the fact that Adams and Garner contradict that, but your main idiotic claim is that Harkness sealed of the back of the TSBD at 12:36 and was the officer who told Adams and Styles to go back in. In doing so, you completely ignore the fact that Shelley and Lovelady confirm they saw police officers running to the area west of the building and checking cars when they got there about two minutes after the shots. Obviously, you offer not a shred of evidence for the alleged Harkness/Adams/Styles encounter, because it does not exist. But even worse, we know that Styles re-entered the building at the front entrance before it was locked down at 12:37.

So, what you the readers of this forum to believe (again without offering any evidence) is that Harkness, at the back of the building, told the women to return to the building, and that they did not simply turn around and went back by way of the loading dock, but instead decided to walk/run (in high heels) three sides of the building to enter at the front entrance, and did so within less than a minute. Really? You don't understand just how crazy that claim is?

This "discussion" with you is utterly pathetic and not worth to waste anymore time on, but by all means keep on trolling and provoke massive laughter.

What a blowhard. No doubt you are moving on, it is your MO. Make bogus claims and then make tracks when you are proven wrong. The last time you ran to Tim Nickerson to hide from the truth, now it is David Von Pein. If memory serves the ridiculous timeline was the result of posts to Tim Nickerson.

It did not take Belin long to figure out, they just did not leave as fast as they thought. Even after having your hand held and walked through it, 3 and ½ years later you are still struggling.

You made unsubstantiated claims about the girls encountering a mysterious policeman earlier than what Harkness stated was the time the rear of the TSBD was locked down. Three minutes earlier. Maybe it is time for a new timeline to coincide with all the other oddball theories you present. You know these conspiracy theories, even though you are so unbiased. It is known Sgt Harkness and several other officers locked it down at 12:36 because that is what he stated. It is known that Adams saw Lovelady and Shelley on the first floor on their way out the back, because that is what she said. Lovelady and Shelley said they spent about 5 minutes walking around before returning to the TSBD, that would be about 12:35, because that is what they said. Sawyer stated they locked the front of the building down at about 12:37. You are right you need to go do something else because this seems to be a little to complex, with three known facts, for you. I am sure all your fans on the forum don’t like to see you flounder like this. 

Them still being on the fourth floor is the only way to explain the known times. The Shelley and Lovelady sighting place them not reaching the first floor until 12:35. No pretense will make these facts go away.

It is hard to understand why you are now pretending this goofy timeline is not yours. All it consists of is an unknown imaginary cop inserted to make it all work. Oh, and you also know how they struggled to walk. I forgot about the high heels nonsense.

Martin Weidmann---12.33.00 Adams and Styles encounter a police officer, somewhere near the North Western corner of the TSBD, and are told to go back to the building. The women walk along side the railway track, west of the TSBD and it's warehouse extension,

I am still not sure why you know so much about walking in high heels and what it is like walking alongside the track west of the TSBD in them.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #226 on: January 14, 2024, 05:47:31 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #227 on: January 14, 2024, 06:22:44 PM »
What a blowhard. No doubt you are moving on, it is your MO. Make bogus claims and then make tracks when you are proven wrong. The last time you ran to Tim Nickerson to hide from the truth, now it is David Von Pein. If memory serves the ridiculous timeline was the result of posts to Tim Nickerson.

It did not take Belin long to figure out, they just did not leave as fast as they thought. Even after having your hand held and walked through it, 3 and ½ years later you are still struggling.

You made unsubstantiated claims about the girls encountering a mysterious policeman earlier than what Harkness stated was the time the rear of the TSBD was locked down. Three minutes earlier. Maybe it is time for a new timeline to coincide with all the other oddball theories you present. You know these conspiracy theories, even though you are so unbiased. It is known Sgt Harkness and several other officers locked it down at 12:36 because that is what he stated. It is known that Adams saw Lovelady and Shelley on the first floor on their way out the back, because that is what she said. Lovelady and Shelley said they spent about 5 minutes walking around before returning to the TSBD, that would be about 12:35, because that is what they said. Sawyer stated they locked the front of the building down at about 12:37. You are right you need to go do something else because this seems to be a little to complex, with three known facts, for you. I am sure all your fans on the forum don’t like to see you flounder like this. 

Them still being on the fourth floor is the only way to explain the known times. The Shelley and Lovelady sighting place them not reaching the first floor until 12:35. No pretense will make these facts go away.

It is hard to understand why you are now pretending this goofy timeline is not yours. All it consists of is an unknown imaginary cop inserted to make it all work. Oh, and you also know how they struggled to walk. I forgot about the high heels nonsense.

Martin Weidmann---12.33.00 Adams and Styles encounter a police officer, somewhere near the North Western corner of the TSBD, and are told to go back to the building. The women walk along side the railway track, west of the TSBD and it's warehouse extension,

I am still not sure why you know so much about walking in high heels and what it is like walking alongside the track west of the TSBD in them.

Stop wasting people's time with repeating the same old BS over and over again. You haven't proven a damned thing and never will. You only present assumptions and speculations and call them "evidence" and "facts".

According to you Adams and Garner are liars. In fact you are saying that everything Adams said in her testimony about her movements is completely untrue, except the little part about seeing Shelley and Lovely on the 1st floor. How crazy is that? You assume Harkness is spot on with 12:36 sealing off the back of the building, when in fact he could easily be mistaken by a minute or so either way, and claim, without a shred of evidence, that it was Harkness who told Adams to go back. You also assume that Shelley and Lovelady re-entered the building at exactly 5 minutes after the shots, when neiter one said they did and it could well have been one or two minutes later, you idiotically assume that Adams and Styles could have walked three sides of the building in less than a minute and now you are babbling on about me somehow pretending that my timeline isn't mine.

You are way too detached from reality to be taken seriously.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 03:33:35 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #228 on: January 15, 2024, 07:14:16 PM »
Stop wasting people's time with repeating the same old BS over and over again. You haven't proven a damned thing and never will. You only present assumptions and speculations and call them "evidence" and "facts".

According to you Adams and Garner are liars. In fact you are saying that everything Adams said in her testimony about her movements is completely untrue, except the little part about seeing Shelley and Lovely on the 1st floor. How crazy is that? You assume Harkness is spot on with 12:36 sealing off the back of the building, when in fact he could easily be mistaken by a minute or so either way, and claim, without a shred of evidence, that it was Harkness who told Adams to go back. You also assume that Shelley and Lovelady re-entered the building at exactly 5 minutes after the shots, when neiter one said they did and it could well have been one or two minutes later, you idiotically assume that Adams and Styles could have walked three sides of the building in less than a minute and now you are babbling on about me somehow pretending that my timeline isn't mine.

You are way too detached from reality to be taken seriously.

You are way too detached from reality to be taken seriously.

It wasn’t a problem before. A number of posts resulted in some ignorant supposedly clever comments from you. All I want to know is more about your doofus timeline. Your opinion seems so idiotically uninformed and without merit, and I am just trying to help you.

Basically, just another blowhard post. Now instead of using your unbiased assessments on witness statements, statements that were incorporated in your doofus timeline, you are back to offering your opinion as fact and stating all the witnesses were wrong only you know what happened. Are you ever going to supply proof of your imaginary officer. Other police officers being located in Dallas is not proof. Without it the only known officers in the back of the TSBD are Sgt Harkness and his men locking it down at 12:36, just like he said. Seems you want proof of things from everybody but yourself. 

Here is a question for you because you like questions so much. Doesn’t that make you a clown hypocrite? You have ignored every witness statement except the part of Adams and Styles where they talk about leaving. Even ignoring them encountering Shelley and Lovelady and the police, which correspond to their statements. Everybody else is wrong but them, obviously the fact the math doesn’t work is of no concern to someone with your unbiassed opinion. We are so lucky to have you here. 

I am still not sure why you know so much about walking in high heels and what it is like walking alongside the track west of the TSBD in them. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #228 on: January 15, 2024, 07:14:16 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #229 on: January 15, 2024, 09:29:42 PM »
You are way too detached from reality to be taken seriously.

It wasn’t a problem before. A number of posts resulted in some ignorant supposedly clever comments from you. All I want to know is more about your doofus timeline. Your opinion seems so idiotically uninformed and without merit, and I am just trying to help you.

Basically, just another blowhard post. Now instead of using your unbiased assessments on witness statements, statements that were incorporated in your doofus timeline, you are back to offering your opinion as fact and stating all the witnesses were wrong only you know what happened. Are you ever going to supply proof of your imaginary officer. Other police officers being located in Dallas is not proof. Without it the only known officers in the back of the TSBD are Sgt Harkness and his men locking it down at 12:36, just like he said. Seems you want proof of things from everybody but yourself. 

Here is a question for you because you like questions so much. Doesn’t that make you a clown hypocrite? You have ignored every witness statement except the part of Adams and Styles where they talk about leaving. Even ignoring them encountering Shelley and Lovelady and the police, which correspond to their statements. Everybody else is wrong but them, obviously the fact the math doesn’t work is of no concern to someone with your unbiassed opinion. We are so lucky to have you here. 

I am still not sure why you know so much about walking in high heels and what it is like walking alongside the track west of the TSBD in them.

You are way too detached from reality to be taken seriously

It wasn’t a problem before.

I wasn't aware of just how bad it really was before.

I can't be bothered to give you any more attention. You are not going to baite me with false statements and outright lies. Start learning and understanding the evidence and stop being an ignoramus.

If you want to continue the conversation, then provide the evidence for Adams and Styles staying on the 4th floor for 4 minutes (which you falsely claimed was everywhere) and provide the evidence that it was Harkness who told Adams to go back into the TSBD. Without that you don't get any more response from me.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 09:50:10 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #230 on: January 15, 2024, 09:34:28 PM »
You are way too detached from reality to be taken seriously.

It wasn’t a problem before. A number of posts resulted in some ignorant supposedly clever comments from you. All I want to know is more about your doofus timeline. Your opinion seems so idiotically uninformed and without merit, and I am just trying to help you.

Basically, just another blowhard post. Now instead of using your unbiased assessments on witness statements, statements that were incorporated in your doofus timeline, you are back to offering your opinion as fact and stating all the witnesses were wrong only you know what happened. Are you ever going to supply proof of your imaginary officer. Other police officers being located in Dallas is not proof. Without it the only known officers in the back of the TSBD are Sgt Harkness and his men locking it down at 12:36, just like he said. Seems you want proof of things from everybody but yourself. 

Here is a question for you because you like questions so much. Doesn’t that make you a clown hypocrite? You have ignored every witness statement except the part of Adams and Styles where they talk about leaving. Even ignoring them encountering Shelley and Lovelady and the police, which correspond to their statements. Everybody else is wrong but them, obviously the fact the math doesn’t work is of no concern to someone with your unbiassed opinion. We are so lucky to have you here. 

I am still not sure why you know so much about walking in high heels and what it is like walking alongside the track west of the TSBD in them.

You have ignored every witness statement except the part of Adams and Styles where they talk about leaving.

 Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:

And let's not forget that Styles has later refuted this early departure and has further clarified that they went to the passenger elevator first which is not only totally logical but with Adam's admitting she was wearing 3 inch heels is completely practical! Running down stairs with 3 inch heels??


Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #231 on: January 15, 2024, 09:49:03 PM »
Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:

And let's not forget that Styles has later refuted this early departure and has further clarified that they went to the passenger elevator first which is not only totally logical but with Adam's admitting she was wearing 3 inch heels is completely practical! Running down stairs with 3 inch heels??


Johnny is back and he is cherry picking again. Styles refuted nothing. She made several different statements over the years and once actually said that she could be wrong and that Adams probably had the best recollection.

But you completely ignored that, right? One can only wonder why.....

Vickie Adams told FBI agents Hardin and Scott on 11/24/63 that she and Styles ran "immediately to the back of the building where the stairs were located and ran down the stairs". Isn't amazing that a statement by Styles 48 years after the fact is considered to be more accurate by you than Adams' recollection 2 minutes after the fact

Running down stairs with 3 inch heels??

What's with the question marks. Adams and Styles did run down the stairs in 3 inch heels, didn't they?

« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 09:51:46 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #231 on: January 15, 2024, 09:49:03 PM »