Oswald is not visible, Harold Norman is not visible, if the girls were standing back a little in the room too, we probably would not see them either. One person standing close to the window takes up the whole window as can be seen next to the open window. Elsie Dorman was sitting on the floor there at the window filming the motorcade with her husband's camera. She is not seen either. The window starts 14 inches off of the floor and only opens up to a max of 3 to 4 feet, if it is like the fifth and sixth floors windows.
Shelley stated they ran across the street where he spoke to Calvary. Lovelady stated they headed towards the limo and it sped off. He states they stayed there for approximately 5 minutes before returning to the TSBD.
A completely meaningless post.
In the pic below Adams, Styles, Garner and Dorman are supposed to be stood at the open set of windows. They are nowhere to be seen. Look to the set of windows to the left and there is a woman stood looking out of the window. Look at how much of her we can see - from her knees upwards. Even if Adams and co. were stood "back a little in the room" we would still see them:

This is exactly the kind of piss-weak response i was expecting.
Ignore all the testimony, ignore the photographic evidence and make up a piss-poor scenario that isn't attested to anywhere.
Good work Jack.
Adams states in numerous and various different ways that immediately after the shooting she raced down the stairs with Sandra Styles. Dorothy Garner has stated she followed them out of the office in time to hear them clattering down the stairs. After a couple of minutes she saw Truly and an officer (obviously Baker) coming up the same stairs.
Adams and Styles never see Truly and Baker. Truly and Baker never see Adams and Styles. The Dillard pic explains why - Adams and Styles were gone within ten seconds of the shooting and were running flat out. They hit the first floor and were out the back door before Truly and Baker were on the scene.
At no point is there any hint or mention of the women going to the back of the office for a chat. It's just a really weak attempt to change what the evidence is telling us.
Adams wants to know what's going on. She believes the President has been shot at and may have been hit. Before the limo reaches the underpass she decides to race outside to find out what's going on. She talks to everyone she meets if they know about the President being shot. She listens to the radio transmissions on the motorcycle to try and get some information about it.
To put forward the suggestion that she waited out of sight of the only windows she could see out of, towards the back of the office, is genuinely poor.
The reason Adams and Styles are not seen in the Dillard pic is because they are already racing out of the office - just like they said they did. Confirmed by Garner. Confirmed by the Stroud document.
Shelley stated they ran across the street where he spoke to Calvary. Lovelady stated they headed towards the limo and it sped off. He states they stayed there for approximately 5 minutes before returning to the TSBD.I see I'm going to have to spoon feed you the point I've been labouring to make in my last few posts -
Shelley and Lovelady lied about their movements after the shooting!That is the importance of what Adams witnesses.
Within a matter of seconds she is on the first floor. Lovelady and Shelley are already there!
In their affidavits taken a couple of hours after the assassination neither man mentions staying outside of the building for any amount of time. Neither mention going down the Elm Street extension. Neither mention hanging around the railroad yard watching what was going on. Neither mention re-entering the building through the west door. Both men give the distinct impression that they went back inside the building, through the front door, almost immediately after the shooting.
Adams confirms that this is exactly what they did.
In all their subsequent statements both Shelley and Lovelady lied about staying outside after the assassination.
They lied to cover up the fact that they had rushed towards the back of the TSBD building within seconds of the shooting.
Why did they do that?
Note - it's strange how everyone really relies on the testimonies of Shelley and Lovelady for various timings. I had done it myself until I listened to the recording of the interview posted in this thread. It hadn't dawned on me to simply accept what Adams was saying - that she immediately raced downstairs, she hit the first floor within one minute of the shooting and Lovelady and Shelley were already there.
If Lovelady and, in particular, Shelley, were lying through their teeth about their movements after the assassination, what else did they lie about?