Exactly right what is not seen but should be seen is important.
Yeah Jack, that's what I'm saying.
If Adams and Styles don't immediately race down the steps then they should still be at the window. But they're not. They're nowhere to be seen.
The reason for this is because, as Adams states in various different ways, within a few short seconds after the last shot is taken both she and Styles are running towards the back stairs.
I know you think she's lying, but the Dillard pic shows otherwise.
What is known is Adams and styles were behind Dorman. If you can’t see Dorman, you definitely would not be able to see Adams and Styles.

This is a piece of logic Dick would be proud of.
And your fixation with Harold Norman is really odd.
You don’t know if they are there or not.

They are definitely not there Jack.
What a bizarre thing to say!
One last time - in the last crop of the Dillard pic I posted there is a woman (either Yola Hopson or Ruth Nelson) stood in the set of windows to the west of the open window Adams and Styles were looking out of before they raced downstairs (I won't bother posting the pic again). She is stood as close to the window as Adams would need to be to see down towards the underpass and we can see her from the knees upwards as the window sills are only a few inches off the floor.
But when we look at the open window Adams and Styles and Dorman are supposed to be at there is absolutely no sign of them.
How far back in the room would they need to be before we couldn't see them ?
It would have to be a few feet at least. Why would they be stood a few feet back from the window? How could they see down towards the underpass if they were stood a few feet back in the room?
The scenario you are presenting is completely nuts (mind you, you are a Nutter).
It's incomprehensible how you can stand by such a ridiculous assertion and still consider yourself serious.
Adams isn't there because she and Styles are already racing towards the back stairs. She decides to race downstairs immediately after the third shot and before the limo has reached the underpass. Less than five seconds later the Dillard pic is taken, proving Adams was true to her words.
Your denial of this evidence is disappointing.
You can stand back from the window and see the roadway. The window is only 14 inches off the ground.
I know it's possible to see the road if you stand back from the window. That's not what I was saying - you're starting to come across a bit like Tricky Dicky.
The point I was making was that she would need to be stood close to the window to see towards the underpass as it's off to her right.
You know that's the point I was making as well.
Once this sort of trickiness is required it's a sure sign you're not interested in evidence, reason or honest debate.
Here's a question I will be requiring an answer to - in your
scenario, how far back from the window are Adams and Styles stood?
From day 1 Shelley states he went across the street to the park area where he encountered Calvery. So based on your timeline it would be impossible for him to be at the elevator.
How so?
I too accept that after the first shot Shelley ran across the Elm Street extension and encountered Calvery.
Det Sawyer, Sgt Harkness, Patrolman Barnett, and Shelley and Lovelady provide time stamps that coincide with the movement of Adams and Styles.
Sawyer, Barnett and Harkness have absolutely nothing to do with providing timestamps for the movements of Adams and Styles.
Only Shelley and Lovelady do, and they were lying to cover their tracks.
But only hers and not anybody else's, they are being called liars.
In regard to the movements of Adams and Styles, the only people I'm calling liars are Shelley and Lovelady.
True. They said it was at 5 minutes post shot, not one minute later.
I'm not going to ask you to cite where Shelley and Lovelady state they were near the elevators "5 minutes post shot".
We both know they said nothing of the sort.
You think Adams is a liar - you don't believe her when she says she took off at a run after the last shot and before the limo reached the underpass. Even though the Dillard pic is photographic evidence perfectly confirming this account.
It is also the only way the Stroud document makes sense - for Adams and Styles to go down the stairs before Truly and Baker come up them, and for neither pair to see the other, can only happen if Adams and Styles race off immediately. It can happen no other way.
So ignore all this evidence like a good Nutter.
I think Shelley and Lovelady are liars but you think they're solid, but we've never really established which version of events you think they're telling the truth about.
Is it the version where Lovelady never leaves the steps and both men immediately re-enter the TSBD after the shooting and never go down to the railroad yard?
Or is it the version where they both race down to where the limo was and stay there for about 5 five minutes? - adding the time it would take to get there, get back to the TSBD and then to the elevators, it's difficult to understand how they could be seen by Adams 5 minutes after the shooting.
Or is it the version where they accompany some police officers to the railroad yard and stay there for ten minutes? - again, it's very difficult to imagine how they could be at the elevators within 5 five minutes, as you keep on insisting.
Or is it the version where they see Baker and Truly still stood outside the TSBD at least 3 minutes after the shooting, and they spend a few more minutes at the "little old island" then down at the railroad yard?
Or is it the version where Lovelady doesn't go back inside the TSBD building for 15 to 20 minutes after the shooting?
Which version is it Jack?
But they're not. They're nowhere to be seen Once again that is correct. How do you know they are gone and not just out of sight in the room? No different than Norman and Dorman can not be seen in the photo. They should be seen in the windows and are not, but neither Dorman or Norman are heading down the steps to go outside.
They are definitely not there Jack.
What a bizarre thing to say! No, if they are behind Dorman and Dorman cannot be seen, why would you think you would be able to see Adams and Styles or know if they have left or not?
absolutely no sign of them.
How far back in the room would they need to be before we couldn't see them ? Ask Garner. Far enough to not be seen through the window to their left.
The point I was making was that she would need to be stood close to the window to see towards the underpass as it's off to her right.
You know that's the point I was making as well.
No they would not to just look out the window.
Here's a question I will be requiring an answer to - in your
scenario, how far back from the window are Adams and Styles stood? Far enough to not be visible. How far back was Norman and Dorman. Both are known to be there but are not seen in your photo. To imply Adams and Styles have definitely left the floor is just wishful thinking and cannot be known by looking at the photo.
Sawyer, Barnett and Harkness have absolutely nothing to do with providing timestamps for the movements of Adams and Styles.
Only Shelley and Lovelady do, and they were lying to cover their tracks. The statements of Adams and Styles contain interactions with the police, so the timestamps of the police most certainly do matter.
Shelley and Lovelady state they went out to see what was happening and then returned. At no time does that place them back at the elevator within a minute of the assassination. They do not return until an estimated 5 minutes later which makes all the movements of the various people mesh.
I'm not going to ask you to cite where Shelley and Lovelady state they were near the elevators "5 minutes post shot".
Not a problem -----FBI March 19—Lovelady
“William Shelley and myself stayed in that area for approximately 5 minutes when we then re-entered the Depository building by the side door located on the west side of the building.”
It is also the only way the Stroud document makes sense - for Adams and Styles to go down the stairs before Truly and Baker come up them, and for neither pair to see the other, can only happen if Adams and Styles race off immediately. It can happen no other way.
So ignore all this evidence like a good Nutter.
No, or Adams and Styles leave later and then their travels flange up with all the various statements.
I think Shelley and Lovelady are liars but you think they're solid, but we've never really established which version of events you think they're telling the truth about. Which version is it Jack? Their WC testimony and Affidavits,
Stick to the basics and do not get caught up in time altered memories.