So hostile and emotional like a spoiled child. There is nothing in your endless posts on this topic that relate to a "homicide investigation" or Oswald's guilt? LOL. What is the whole point of this endless pedantic exercise then? You are just spending countless words to analyze the movements of people 6o years ago because you find them fascinating? HA HA HA. I can understand why you are running away now but you have been suggesting that Oswald - the prime suspect in a homicide - could not have made his way down the stairs unnoticed after the crime. And thus there is doubt that he is the assassin in a "homicide." My question to you is simple and does not require another childish tantrum. If you believe your own nonsense and think it has validity in shedding light on a homicide, why don't you take this "evidence" to the authorities and make your case? Why repeat it endlessly here? What do you hope to happen? This is not a trick question. That is what any normal person would do if they had relevant information on a homicide. Let us know what the DPD and FBI make of your arguments. That seems perfectly reasonable unless you have a dim awareness that your own claims are baseless under scrutiny outside of the Internet.
I can understand why you are running away now but you have been suggesting that Oswald - the prime suspect in a homicide - could not have made his way down the stairs unnoticed after the crime.

Running away from you??

That's like running away from a marshmallow.
And in which post on this thread have I been suggesting that Oswald could not have made his way down the stairs unnoticed?
Or is this another of your moronic lies?[of course it is]
And just for the record, this lost interview with Vicki Adams is evidence I was unfamiliar with and it's completely changed my opinion of this aspect of the case.
It demonstrates that Shelley and Lovelady lied about their movements after the assassination - they lied to the FBI and the Warren Commission under oath.
Of course, this means nothing to you because you're a zealot.
A rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth, fantasist.
In your fantasy it's just another day at the TSBD building, everybody innocently going about their daily tasks unaware that a psychotic loner was in their midst.
But if this was really the case, why would Shelley and Lovelady lie to the FBI and the Warren Commission about their movements after the assassination?
Why did they try to cover up that they had raced to the back of the first floor of immediately after the shooting?
Try to answer these questions without lying or being a moron.