Dan;“I've read your earlier posts on this matter and I've read through what Sawyer, Harkness and Barnett have to say.'”
Read them again.
Dan;“No need.
There's nothing in them.
If you think there is let's hear it.
No thanks, you stated you have read them, they are obvious why the girls did not leave early. They shut down this whole storyline. The photo that shows nothing and the whole Shelley-Lovelady saga. I am satisfied there is nothing to this.
After reading what you have posted and what you believe I really don’t think you want this to end.

Sixth time Jack - present the evidence that refutes Adams leaving within seconds of the assassination.
This is your best evidence that makes you believe Adams stayed on the fourth floor for a few minutes before racing downstairs.
Just present the evidence Jack.
It's as if you don't want this to end.
I'm asking you over and over and over again to present this evidence that you claim you have.
What is the evidence Jack?
You are starting to look really foolish.
Just cut and paste this evidence from other posts or give a brief summary of who said what, just a sentence or two.

It's as if you are trapped. You don't have the evidence you claim to have but you don't have the backbone to own up to it.
You either own up or silently disappear. Showing the evidence isn't an option as it doesn't exist.
What's it going to be Jack?
I'm quite excited to see how this ends!