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Author Topic: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview  (Read 67909 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #408 on: March 10, 2024, 05:03:59 PM »
You are calling the what you have presented research and contribution? You can't even present an explanation of Styles and Adams beyond the elevator on floor one. Your whole thought about their travels ends there.

Take a nap and then brush up on your English.
And at least I'm not presenting lies.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #408 on: March 10, 2024, 05:03:59 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #409 on: March 10, 2024, 05:05:30 PM »
When a pathetic weasel like Nessan starts misrepresenting my words, you know you are dealing with a typical LN clown.

He assumes that Sgt Harkness was the officer that told Adams and Styles to go back into the building and that it happened at 12:36, when there is not a shred of evidence for it.

Harkness never said in any of his statements that he saw Adams and Styles and/or told them to go back into the building. Just how perfect would it have been for the WC to discredit Victoria Adams if Harkness could indeed confirm he saw both women leaving the building at 12:36? But he didn't say that! Instead he only says that he had the back of the building sealed off by 12:36, which means that if he encountered Adams and Styles at that time he would not have allowed them to go outside or let them go round the building to the front entrance.

What Nessan ignores is that, within two minutes after the shots, there were officers in the parking aera next to the TSBD searching cars. Adams and Styles would have encountered them as soon as they had passed by the loading dock and turned left to go the front of the building.

Secondly, the idiot, assumes that Adams and Styles could have walked three sides of the building and have Styles' photo taken near Sawyer's car in less than a minute, as the front of the building was sealed off at 12:37.

But there is more. Sawyer testified that he arrived in his car at the front door of the TSBD at around 12:34. The first thing he did was run up to the 4th floor and come back down again. According to Nessan, Adams and Styles must have left the 4th floor at no later than 12:35 in order to run into Harkness at the back of the building a minute later, at 12:36. This means the women must have been on the stairs when Sawyer and his men were there, either going up or coming down. That didn't happen! And that, of course, makes Nessan's imaginary story complete BS....
« Last Edit: March 10, 2024, 07:54:38 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #410 on: March 10, 2024, 05:50:46 PM »
When a pathetic weasel like Nessan starts misrepresenting my words, you know you are dealing with a typical LN clown.

He assumes that it was Sgt Harkness was the officer that told Adams and Styles to go back into the building and that it happened at 12:36, when there is not a shred of evidence for it.

Harkness never said in any of his statements that he saw Adams and Styles and/or told them to go back into the building. He does say that he had the back of the building sealed off by 12:36, which means that if he encountered Adams and Styles at that time he not only would have told them to go back into the building but he also would not have let them go round the building to the front entrance.

What Nessan ignores is that, within two minutes after the shots, there were officers in the parking aera next to the TSBD searching cars. Adams and Styles would have encountered them as soon as they had passed the loading dock and turned left to go the front of the building.

Secondly, the idiot, assumes that Adams and Styles could have walked three sides of the building and have Styles' photo taken in less than a minute, as the front of the building as sealed off at 12:37.

But there is more. Sawyer testified that he arrived in his car at the front door of the TSBD at around 12:34. The first thing he did was run up to the 4th floor and come back down again. According to Nessan, Adams and Styles must have left the 4th floor at 12:35 in order to run into Harkness at the back of the building at 12:36. This means the women must have been on the stairs when Sawyer and his men were there. That didn't happen! And that, of course, makes Nessan's BS story exactly that....

He assumes that it was Sgt Harkness was the officer that told Adams and Styles to go back into the building and that it happened at 12:36

He assumes it was Harkness??
That can't be true.
How on earth could he justify such a notion?

Barnett returns to the front of the building after two and a half minutes. He reports seeing officers in the railroad yard and near the back door of the building.
It is clearly one of these officers Adams is referring to. If Barnett had gone round the back and there were no officers there, that would be a different matter, but as Adams reports, there is at least one officer there between approximately 60 and 90 seconds after the assassination. Perfectly in synch with what Barnett reports.

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #410 on: March 10, 2024, 05:50:46 PM »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #411 on: March 11, 2024, 03:00:33 PM »
You need to own up to your Lie, Jack.
You can't be taken seriously otherwise.
Your conversation with Martin has absolutely nothing to do with me, with the evidence I've presented or with the arguments I am making.
Introducing your discussion with Martin stinks of desperation.
There is not a single statement by Harkness, Sawyer or Barnett that refutes Adams racing down the stairs seconds after the assassination.
Not a single one.
I'm more familiar with this testimony than you will ever be and there is not a single statement made by any of them that has anything to do with how quickly Adams left the fourth floor.
That is why you have never provided such a statement. It's why you have to lie about it.

If it makes sense to you that the girls waited somewhere in the building for 4 or 5 minutes instead of watching the goings on from the window before departing, then believe that.

Are you having a bit of a senior moment Jack?
Have you forgotten it's you who is saying the girls were hanging around for 4 or 5 minutes, not me!
I'm saying they were out the back door in less than a minute.
Do you remember Jack?
Do you need a nap?

Victoria Adams FBI 11/24   

“They had not gone far until they were stopped by a police officer, who instructed them to return to the building.

Sandra Styles FBI 3/19

“We then went around to the side of the building where we saw a policeman talking to someone whom I did not recognize. I was told by a policeman to go around to the front of the building and out of that area. I then re-entered the building....

This encounter with the police officer was known to take place at 12:36 based on the testimony of Sgt Harkness as to when the back was sealed off.

This is the only thing you've written that comes even close to providing an argument.
When you say the encounter with this officer was known to have taken "place at 12:36 based on the testimony of Sgt Harkness", is this just another of your lies? Or is it just another senior moment? Or is it something you've just made up because it suits you?

As for Barnett, far from supporting your argument, he totally undermines it. After the shots have been fired he makes his way to the back of the building where he sees officers in the railroad yard and "officers down here watching this back door". Why you think there wasn't an officer at that location until 12:36pm is totally baffling. Mind you, a lot of what you think is totally baffling.
And as for your logic that this officer is something to do with the lock down of the building....I don't think "logic" is the right word to use. The point of the lock down is to stop people from entering or leaving the building. Yet here we have an officer who confronts Adams and Styles outside and tells them to get back inside the building!! It's the very opposite of what the lock down is about!
Only you know what you're thinking trying to make this officer part of the lock down. It's another senior moment as far as I'm concerned.

Other than the lies of Shelley and Lovelady you do not have a single scrap of evidence that has Adams and Styles waiting for up to four minutes before racing down to the first floor.
Not a single scrap.
It's disappointing that you are so willing to lie about this.
Your conversation with Martin has absolutely nothing to do with me, with the evidence I've presented or with the arguments I am making.

Yes, it does. You asked for the key evidence. You don’t like it? You wanted to know what the officers stated and now you do. I don’t blame you for distancing yourself from Martins statements and timeline. Martin is doing everything in his power to distance himself from his own poorly thought-out timeline. 

At some point in time, Martin even reasons if he just places an imaginary police officer in the story, to fill a need for an officer’s presence, it will make the whole proposed timeline work. It did not.

You are doing the exact same thing by claiming pictures are proof and then ignoring Adams and Styles’s own statements. The timestamps are the proof of what happened if you like it or not.
Introducing your discussion with Martin stinks of desperation.

You should not describe Martin’s timeline as “stinks”. It does but that is not the point being made. It needed to be shown because there was a real reluctance on your part to address the part of their travels that proved the first part was wrong. You do not want to address the entire travels of Adams and Styles and it is obvious why you do not. If your timeline is different than Martin’s man up and post it. You are talking a better game than you are playing.

What is interesting is you present a half-baked interpretation of the first part of Adams and Styles travels and Martin does the same with the second part. This is not as hard as you and Martin make it out to be.

Somehow you believe ignoring the second part of Adams and Styles travels will somehow make the first part about their “immediate” departure time from the 4th floor be more believable. It does not.

There is not a single statement by Harkness, Sawyer or Barnett that refutes Adams racing down the stairs seconds after the assassination.
Not a single one.

Wrong. The statements of those men refute the entire belief of an early departure. The time stamps of the officers make it possible to determine when they left the 4th floor. If it doesn’t then explain the time it takes them to get to the back of the building.

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #412 on: March 11, 2024, 03:04:41 PM »
Take a nap and then brush up on your English.
And at least I'm not presenting lies.

You have failed to present anything at all. What you have presented up to now is so far from reality it can only be classified as fantasy or fiction, and not even good fantasy or fiction. This whole storyline lacks cohesion and continuity from one thought to the next. Maybe talking about UFO conspiracies would be a better fit. You seem to struggle here.

And at least I'm not presenting lies.
That is true. For it to be a lie it would have to be a little bit cleverer than this. This is just pure unadulterated nonsense.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #412 on: March 11, 2024, 03:04:41 PM »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #413 on: March 11, 2024, 03:09:06 PM »
There are clear ramifications to Vicki witnessing Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor within seconds of the assassination and, in between dealing with Jack's nonsense, I've been exploring these ramifications; using physical, film, photographic and testimonial evidence to test whether or not the version of events that are a consequence of Vicki's testimony, are actually feasible.
I've demonstrated that she could have been down on the first floor around 35 seconds after the headshot and that she could've been out the back door before Truly and Baker arrived on the scene.
I also started looking into a whether or not it was feasible for Shelley and Lovelady to have made it to the location on the first floor that Vicki observed both men, somewhere between 35 and 45 seconds after the assassination. Part of the evidence I presented was the testimony of DPD officer Joe Marshall Smith who made his way down the Elm Street extension immediately after the shots were fired and bumped into an 'hysterical' woman who told him about the shots being fired at the President. I argued that this woman was Gloria Calvery, who crossed paths with Smith as she raced back to the TSBD building.
This would lead to the following set of events:
1] The headshot.
2] Gloria runs back up Elm Street towards the TSBD building.
3] She runs into Shelley at the concrete 'spur' where the traffic light is situated.
4] She carries on to the TSBD building and runs into officer Smith.
5] She tells Smith about the shooting and carries on to the front steps followed by Shelley
6] Smith runs along the extension to where Gloria says the shots were coming from
7] At the same time Gloria and Shelley arrive back at the front steps.
8] A distressed Gloria tells Lovelady and others stood on the steps about the shooting.

I posted the pic below as part of the evidence I was presenting and would like to examine the significance of this image.
It is a still from the Darnell footage which shows Baker after he has parked his bike and is making his way towards the TSBD building. In the background is officer Joe Marshall Smith who is running up the Elm Street extension:

Let's say this image is taken 20 seconds after the last shot.
In the list above, this image represents number 6] - Smith running along the extension to where Gloria said the shots were coming from.
It means that before this image was taken the headshot had occurred, Gloria had run back up Elm Street, she had run into Shelley at the 'spur' and had already told Smith about the shooting.
It also means that, if we could see the front steps at this moment, we would see Calvery at the steps telling Lovelady and the others about the shooting. We would see Shelley returning to the steps. We would see Frazier stood at the stop of the steps, overhearing the "hollering" of Gloria as she told everyone about the shooting.
Luckily, we can see the front steps as the footage rolls on. The still below is a close crop from Darnell taken about 4 seconds after the image above. In it we can see Baker, who has just passed Truly, and is about to reach the foot of the front steps:

photo link

Seconds after this image is taken Baker forces his way past people on the steps and enters the front lobby. Truly turns and follows Baker up the steps and into the lobby. Does this image show the moment Gloria tells Lovelady and others about the shooting? Does it show Shelley returning to the steps? Does it show Frazier listening on?
If we look halfway down on the west side of the steps we can see the backs of two women who are facing towards the front entrance. Both are wearing headscarves, one black and one white. The woman in the white headscarf is very distinctive as she is wearing a white dress as well. When we see the actual footage it is clear that they have their arms linked. The woman in white is making her way up the steps but she has to stop because the woman in the black headscarf appears to be talking to a male figure stood just in front of her. The male figure appears to be a step or two above Black Headscarf, and directly facing her. He appears to be white and bald.
If the timings I've discussed are correct, this must be the moment Gloria [Black Headscarf] tells Lovelady [Bald Man] and other people on the steps about the shooting. At the top of the steps, half covered in shadow, is the well attested to figure of Buell Frazier as he listens on to the distressed Gloria.
Bill Shelley was known to be wearing a loose-fitting, baggy black (or darkly coloured) suit. At the bottom of the steps we can see such a figure. In the actual footage we first see this man from behind as he takes a step or two towards the front entrance before he turns to face the direction Baker is approaching from. This must be Shelley as he reaches the steps after following Gloria back from the 'spur'.

Shelley and Lovelady must follow Baker into the front lobby. While he is trying to find out how to get up the building and having his interaction with Truly, Shelley and Lovelady make their way towards the back of the first floor where they are spotted by Adams. Seconds later Truly and Baker arrive. Adams and Styles have already left through the back door and Baker observes two white men (who can only be Shelley and Lovelady) at the back of the first floor.

“Seconds after this image is taken Baker forces his way past people on the steps and enters the front lobby. Truly turns and follows Baker up the steps and into the lobby. Does this image show the moment Gloria tells Lovelady and others about the shooting? Does it show Shelley returning to the steps?” 

Another picture. Another moment of disbelief. Do you see it? The fact that it does not fit your story. 

If Baker then Truly pass Shelley and Lovelady on the steps, how do Shelley and Lovelady encounter the descending Adams and Styles by the first floor elevator before the girls can meet Baker and Truly ascending up the stairs? Shelley and Lovelady are now behind Truly and Baker in the mad dash.

Shelley and Lovelady must follow Baker into the front lobby.

Why? Because without this happening, it is beyond ridiculous that the people who you are surmising in the first place to be Shelley and Lovelady, would even do this.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #414 on: March 11, 2024, 03:53:55 PM »
It's a pity you don't have the brains to assess the evidence yourself.
Your pathetic whining about those researching certain aspects of this case is as meaningless as your 'contribution' in general.
If you had the courage of your own convictions you'd genuinely participate in the debate - analyse and critique.
Instead it's just a cowardly whining from the side-lines and bare-faced lies.
You're an utter disgrace as a 'researcher' and it has been a pleasure making you look like a complete idiot every time you dare to venture onto any threads I'm participating in.
The cowardly way you disappeared from the debate earlier in this thread speaks volumes. Once again, crushed in front of the forum and back under your rock.
You have no contribution to make, so don't bother trying to make any.

Such hostility and rudeness.   Do you have parents who can teach you any manners or is it too late by age 12?  I've asked you a very simple question for which you have constantly responded with rants and rudeness that reflect insecurity.  Why don't you present your arguments and evidence to the DPD if you believe they have validity and that you have "crushed" others who disagree with you?  What do you expect to happen here with your endless insults toward those who disagree with your conclusions?  Do you think that folks who disagree with your pedantic subjective interpretation of events based on imprecise witness recollections and testimony will be persuaded by your insults?  And even if that were possible, what significance would it hold?   If you have any friends, perhaps send them a copy of your post above and ask them for an honest assessment of your behavior.   

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #415 on: March 11, 2024, 07:53:06 PM »
Such hostility and rudeness.   Do you have parents who can teach you any manners or is it too late by age 12?  I've asked you a very simple question for which you have constantly responded with rants and rudeness that reflect insecurity.  Why don't you present your arguments and evidence to the DPD if you believe they have validity and that you have "crushed" others who disagree with you?  What do you expect to happen here with your endless insults toward those who disagree with your conclusions?  Do you think that folks who disagree with your pedantic subjective interpretation of events based on imprecise witness recollections and testimony will be persuaded by your insults?  And even if that were possible, what significance would it hold?   If you have any friends, perhaps send them a copy of your post above and ask them for an honest assessment of your behavior.

Such hostility and rudeness.

If there's anything inaccurate about what I 've posted please point it out and I will correct it.
Not for one second did it occur to me that your suggestion to contact the DPD was in anyway to be taken seriously.
I can't believe how badly I've underestimated how moronic you can be.
The "Lost Interview" is new evidence to me and all I'm doing is examining the ramifications of Vicki Adams witnessing Shelley and Lovelady on the first floor seconds after the assassination.
That is all I'm doing.
For some bizarre reason you felt compelled to attack me for simply examining this aspect of the case, accusing me of posting gibberish and calling me a "loon".
It's none of your f%cking business what I choose to study regarding this case.
If you don't like the arguments I put forward then show a bit of backbone and put a counter argument forward, instead of your moronic rants and lies.
Now back under your rock.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Vicki Adams: The Lost Interview
« Reply #415 on: March 11, 2024, 07:53:06 PM »