he problem is your whole little theory has crapped out on you.
This issue was settled by the WC with the time stamps of the police involved decades ago. Not one point or analysis brought up by you has changed the understanding of Adams and Styles. Recently you have managed to reinforce it with Mitch Todd’s analysis.
D O’Meara: “In his WC testimony Harkness makes the point that at around 12:36pm he and two other officers go around the back of the building to seal it off and lock the building down:
In the diagram below the route Adams and Styles took is marked out. The circle is where Shelley and Lovelady were stood, the star is where Adams and Styles run into the police officer.”
In his WC testimony Harkness makes the point that at around 12:36pm he and two other officers go around the back of the building to seal it off and lock the building down:
Mr. BELIN. How soon after 12:36 p.m., would you say the building was sealed off?
Mr. HARKNESS. It was sealed off then because I was back there and two other men.
This is mind-boggling that you could be so confused by this problem. It is just simple math, and by simple, I mean a third-grade word problem.
I will post the math for you in case you are struggling with it.
Basic facts, an average person walks at a pace of 3 to 4 mph.
At 4mph = 352 feet per minute
At 3mph = 264 feet per minute
TSBD dimensions-- 80 feet x 80 feet
TSBD dock addition --40 feet
4th floor to 1st floor –40 feet
You have stated they encountered Sgt Harkness and his officers behind the TSBD at 12:36 as per his lockdown time stamp.
If Adams and Styles leave the fourth floor and then encounter Sgt Harkness and his men behind the TSBD at 12:36 and Adams and Styles had walked approximately a distance of 200 feet from the 4th floor window, at a 4mph pace, when did they leave the fourth-floor window? The average person walks at a pace of 3 to 4 mph.
Sgt Harkness, and because you have been struggling so badly with this, I will add that he had men with him, you would not think that would have to be stated but it seems necessary for you to understand, locked down the back of the building at 12:36 which resulted in the girls being told to return to the building. The distance from the 4th floor where the girls started from and where they met the police in the back is approximately 200 feet. At a 3mph walking gait it would not have taken them but about a minute to reach the back. They stated they ran.
A minute from 12:36 is 12:35.
The distance to return to the front is approximately 250 feet. At the leisurely pace of 3mph it would take a minute. Sawyer stated he locked down the front at 12:37. Now you are even stating he locked it down a minute later at 12:38. Either way it does not change what is known.
It is good to see you add something positive about Adams and Styles travels, see you can add something positive to the understanding of the movements of the girls, adding more time only helps the understanding.
Seeing Shelley and Lovelady on their travels only further confirms their later departure.
You're really starting to embarrass yourself now, Jack, and it's all getting a little sad.
Your profound ignorance regarding the most basic aspects of this case and your general confusion, are making reasoned debate virtually impossible.
This issue was settled by the WC with the time stamps of the police involved decades ago.
The WC settled nothing. As I've explained elsewhere, the WC were complicit in fabricating a timeline that was specifically used to undermine the testimony of Vicki Adams. This is from Reply#401:
Just to be clear, Jack's Lie isn't that Vicki waited for four or five minutes before racing down to the first floor.
This is a Warren Commission Lie and, like a good little Nutter, Jack just regurgitates what the WC tells him to regurgitate.
On the 20th March 1964, Baker and Truly took part in time trials which established how quickly both men took to get up to the second floor lunchroom after the assassination. The first time was around 90 seconds, the second time 75 seconds.
Five days later both men testify before the WC and talk about the time trials. So the times taken by Truly and Baker to get inside the TSBD building and up to the second floor are firmly established by this point.
On the 7th April the testimonies of Adams, Lovelady and Shelley are taken. Adams goes first, telling the Commission she raced down the stairs to the first floor and was there in 30-60 seconds and saw Lovelady and Shelley there. There is no contradiction between her testimony and the Truly/Baker time trials - the reason she didn't see them and they didn't see her is that she was already out the back door before Truly and Baker got to the elevators.
Then come the testimonies of, first Lovelady, then Shelley, during which both men tell exactly the same lie which completely contradicts the Truly/Baker time trials and the testimony of Adams.
Both men testify to the effect that Truly and Baker were still outside the TSBD building at least three minutes after the assassination. This completely contradicts the time trials. The timings for Baker and Truly entering the TSBD building have already been firmly established. Now both Lovelady and Shelley are more or less testifying that Baker and Truly were lying and that the whole time trial was a sham. And it's not just one of them telling this lie...it is both of them. It is an organised and co-ordinated Lie.
I'm not sure if the Commission was aware of the Darnell footage at the time of the testimonies of Lovelady and Shelley. Film evidence proving the lies of these men.
Unbelievably, the Commission never questions these lies. The lies are allowed to stand, unchallenged.
Even more unbelievably, when it comes to offer it's final version of events on the day of the assassination, the Commission somehow accepts the results of the time trials (contradicting the "3 minute" lie of Shelley and Lovelady), but they also use the testimony of these proven liars to undermine the testimony of Adams!!This is how they come up with their ridiculous claim that it took Adams five minutes to get down to the first floor. A 'conclusion' all Nutters happily swallow down without question.
But this is not Jack's Lie.
Jack's Lie is that the testimonial evidence of Harkness, Sawyer and Barnett refutes the timeline of Adams - that she left the fourth floor within seconds of the last shot.The WC not only allowed the lies of Shelley and Lovelady to stand unchallenged, they used these lies to undermine Adams' testimony, even though the lies completely contradicted the Baker/Truly timeline ( a timeline that had been firmly established by the time Shelley and Lovelady had their hearings).
There is no point in asking you to explain how the WC could accept these lies which completely contradicted the, already established, timelines provided by the Baker/Truly timelines.
There's probably no point even asking you if you understand what's being said here.
What can be said is that this issue is a real problem for all Nutters who just swallow down the WC's "narrative" whole.
D O’Meara: “In his WC testimony Harkness makes the point that at around 12:36pm he and two other officers go around the back of the building to seal it off and lock the building down:
In the diagram below the route Adams and Styles took is marked out. The circle is where Shelley and Lovelady were stood, the star is where Adams and Styles run into the police officer.”
I'm going to try, one last time, to explain your mistake. I'll explain it in a way that a child could understand.
Yes - Harkness reports that he and two others locked down the back of the building around 12:36pm
Yes - Adams reported running into an officer after she had left the building who told her to go back inside.
However, your identification of the officer who encountered Adams and Styles as Harkness is completely made up by you.You have invented this identification. I don't know if you understand that.
It's not a fact.
It's a figment of your imagination.
You then reverse engineer the situation using this imaginary identification - if the officer is Harkness and he was there around 12:36pm then Adams and Styles encountered him around 12:36pm therefore they must have lied about what time they left the fourth floor. This is all a figment of your imagination.
I can't explain it in a simpler way.
There's no point in getting into the fact that somebody locking down the building would not be stood about 50 ft away from the door and round the corner of the building, in a position where they couldn't even see the door. I think that would be too much information for you to process.
You have stated they encountered Sgt Harkness and his officers behind the TSBD at 12:36 as per his lockdown time stamp.
Errr...no, Jack. I'm not the one saying Adams and Styles encountered Harkness around 12:36pm
you who is saying that.
Don't you remember?

If Adams and Styles leave the fourth floor and then encounter Sgt Harkness and his men behind the TSBD at 12:36 and Adams and Styles had walked approximately a distance of 200 feet from the 4th floor window, at a 4mph pace, when did they leave the fourth-floor window? The average person walks at a pace of 3 to 4 mph.
Once again, your ignorance regarding the facts of this case is shocking.
Adams states over and over and over again that she ran:
Mr. Belin: You took those stairs.
Were you walking or running as you went down the stairs?
I was running. We were running.Mr. Belin: You had heels. Now, as you were
running down the stairs, did you encounter anyone?
Miss ADAMS: Not during the actual
running down the stairs; no, sir.
Mr. Belin: Did you immediately turn and run and
keep on running down the stairs towards the first floor?
Yes.Miss ADAMS. Yes, sir; going down the stairs toward the back,
I was running. I ran to the railroad tracks. I moved quickly to the front of the building, paused briefly to talk to someone, listened only to the report of the windows from which the shot supposedly was fired, and returned to the building.
Mr. BELIN. How long do you think it took you. to get from the window to the bottom of the stairs on the first floor?
Miss ADAMS. I would say no longer than
a minute at the most.Your idea, that Adams just strolled down the stairs and out of the building, just shows how little you know about this aspect of the case.
In Reply#362 I demonstrate that Adams and Styles could have made to the first floor 35 - 40 seconds after the head shot, perfectly within her own estimation of "a minute at most". Given that she "ran to the railroad tracks", her encounter with the officer could have taken place within 60 seconds of the headshot. Remember, Barnett must have seen the same officer when he got to the back of the TSBD building seconds after the shooting.
TSBD dimensions-- 80 feet x 80 feet
Again, this is really basic information you should be aware of. The footprint of the TSBD building is a shade under 100ft by 100ft.
Sgt Harkness, and because you have been struggling so badly with this, I will add that he had men with him, you would not think that would have to be stated but it seems necessary for you to understand, locked down the back of the building at 12:36 which resulted in the girls being told to return to the building. The distance from the 4th floor where the girls started from and where they met the police in the back is approximately 200 feet.
Yet again, you are unaware of the basics.
Adams is specific that it is only one police officer who stops them. There is never any mention of multiple officers.
Just do some basic research. You really are making a fool of yourself.