I agree with Jim H. that the Z224 frame is distinctly the lapel flap movement and not a motion blur effect.
I almost agree with Jerry Organs computer graphic Model of JC’s shoulder angle at approx Z223-224 with exception that imo, JCs left leg was turned right also and adjacent to his right leg because the hat had be on the OUTSIDE of the left leg so that the bullet exiting the wrist does not go thru the hat.
I still do not understand how Andrew M. cannot see the obvious involuntary reaction of JC to the effect of the Z224 bullet hitting JC in his back which is off center to the right of his spinal cord thus causing the spin effect of his right shoulder abruptly turning counterclockwise and his body moving forward, followed by the involuntary clutching of his hat caused by the SAME 224 bullet that went thru his wrist.
Finally, I’m not certain if the Z 312-313 frame apparent movement of JFKs head forward Is the result of the actual film or was THIS where the crucial part of the film may be altered in order to better convince all that the head shot came from behind the limo. ?
Because without those 2 critical frames and then as Mr Griffith pointed out, the Z film single 1/18th frame dissipation of blood splatter is NOT the same as Myttons deer head shot gif because that would require 6 frames or more approx, so now I’m suspicious again 😳