In another thread, a WC apologist argued that the conspiracy position is a constantly moving, shifting target, that it is "flexible enough to support whatever conclusion" is deemed suitable/necessary. Now, this is mighty strange criticism coming from someone who supports the magic bullet and the single-bullet theory (SBT). Consider:
-- At first the SBT required that Connally was rotated 20-30 degrees to the right when the missile struck, in order to make his back wound align with the magic bullet's trajectory from JFK's throat, but now we're assured the theory can still work even though many of the theory's defenders admit that Connally's torso was rotated only 10-15 degrees.
Of course, recently, Knott Laboratory, a forensic engineering and animation lab, proved that Connally's position and back wound make the SBT impossible. Knott Lab engineers did a laser test in Dealey Plaza, collecting millions of data points, and determined that the SBT is impossible because Connally's back wound does not and cannot align with a bullet fired from the sixth-floor window and exiting JFK's throat. Here's a video on the Knott Lab study:
Why the 'single bullet theory' in JFK assassination is impossible video has already had nearly half a million views since being posted last month.
-- At first the back wound was above the throat wound, but, to their credit, the HSCA Forensic Pathology Panel (FPP) admitted that the wound was at least 1 inch lower than where the WC placed it. Yet, magically, the SBT still "works."
-- At first, pro-WC experts and apologists insisted that the bullet traveled
downward through the neck to exit the throat wound, but the HSCA FPP, again to their credit, the HSCA FPP said the back-wound photos prove that the bullet entered the wound at a slightly
upward angle.
But, more magic! The chairman of the FPP demonstrated how the SBT could still "work" by leaning at least 60 degrees forward. Well, yes, if JFK had been leaning that far forward, a bullet could have struck below the throat wound and at an upward angle and still have exited the throat. Just one small problem: No photo or footage shows JFK leaning that far forward during any of the proposed SBT timeframes (yes, there are more than one--more on this in the next point).
-- At first the alleged magic-bullet hit came at right around frame 210 of the Zapruder film (Z210). This was the WC's version. But then, the HSCA experts, to their credit, acknowledged the clear evidence that JFK was hit before Z190, and so the magic-bullet hit was changed to Z188-190. However, nowadays, WC apologists assure us that the magic-bullet hit was "positively" at Z224.
("What about the HSCA photographic experts' evidence that JFK was hit before Z190 and clearly begins to react before Z207," some might ask? Well, modern WC apologists uniformly reject that evidence because they realize it destroys the lone-gunman theory, since they base the alleged Z224 hit on the optical illusion of the lapel flip at Z224--and never you mind that the lapel flip was nowhere near Connally's exit wound or that there was a brisk breeze blowing in Dealey Plaza during the shooting.)
-- At first the alleged magic-bullet hit was the first shot (since the WC did not believe that their lone gunman could have missed not only JFK but the entire huge limo with his first, closest, and easiest shot), but now the magic-bullet hit was "positively" the second shot.
-- At first the SBT assumed Kennedy was sitting normally in his seat when the missile struck, but now the theory must assume he was leaning so far forward that most of his back was off the seat (a notion that is not supported by the photographic evidence).
-- At first the conflict between the holes in the back of the coat and shirt and the official locations for the back wound were explained by speculating that the coat and shirt "bunched" up to or beyond the collar, but now, in response to photographic evidence that shows the collar was never overlapped by the coat, we're told the coat and shirt bunched by forming a hump just below the collar. Yeah, uh-huh.
Now, try getting a WC apologist to explain how the bullet could have penetrated a coat and shirt bunched up in that way without creating two sets of overlapping holes in the bunched fabric.
-- At the very beginning, in its report, the WC indicated/implied, or deliberately allowed people to infer, that their wound ballistics tests did not contradict the SBT. This was one of the issues on which the WC got absolutely clobbered when the Commission's hearings and exhibits were released in November 1964. Not a single bullet in the WC's own wound ballistics tests emerged in CE 399's nearly pristine condition after doing damage similar to the damage that CE 399 allegedly caused.
Suffice it to say that no wound ballistics test and no real-world shooting case has produced an FMJ bullet that supposedly penetrated seven layers of skin and smashed through two sets of bones and yet emerged with its lands and grooves intact, with only slightly visible deformation to its base, and with only 2-3 grains of missing substance.