I already answered most of this in your other thread, please keep up. But I'll repeat it here just to rub it in.
No, you did not. Your idea of "answer" to throw up a bunch of flim-flam and smoke and posturing, and the few times you have tried to actually address a problem, you have blundered badly.
As for Brehm's son, you've been told and even shown the Zapruder sequence in real time, proving that your self serving opinion is worthless.
LOL! The sequence "in real time" has Brehm Jr. coming from behind his dad, then coming virtually parallel with him, and then standing calmly clapping in, by your admission, no more than 0.61 seconds. I guess you just can't wrap your mind around the fact that people can go watch the Zapruder film in real time and in slow motion and see all these things for themselves.
Again, if there's nothing unnaturally rapid about Brehm Jr.'s movement, you should easily be able to duplicate them in a reenactment. Do and record a reenactment, and duplicate those movements in 0.61 seconds, even with your stand-in already starting to step out when you start the timer, and post the video. That's all you gotta do.
For a start, your assumption that the frames in question begin with a stationary boy are already proven wrong because his extended leg is in the first inconvenient frame that you purposely omitted, so why do you persist with the lies?
Uh, I already answered this argument. How many times have I already told you that, yes, go ahead and assume that Brehm Jr. was already moving in Z277. That really doesn't help your case. I mean, never mind that your evidence that he's already moving in Z277 is questionable, as I've noted. But, again, for the fifth or sixth time, go ahead and assume that he's moving in Z277, because the movement is still unnaturally and impossibly fast even with this assumption.
As for the movement of Brehm's son, open your eyes and see the light.
Uh-huh. See above.
WOW, stop with the lies, you were the one who couldn't make a physical distinction between "stop" and slow", I simply showed and described the slowdown, which is obvious.
Oh, it's obvious?! Really?! This is more of your clown material. I would note that I already responded to this nonsense with several paragraphs of points and observations in previous replies.
Again, if your phony slowdown is so obvious, why did Luis Alvarez report that the only slowdown he could detect was the split-second slowdown from Z295-304, a slowdown that nobody had ever noticed before, a slowdown that is imperceptible when you view the film at normal speed, and a slowdown that does not even remotely resemble the stop or marked slowdown described by dozens of witnesses from all over the plaza?
Incredibly, you're still lying about my point regarding "stopped or markedly slowed" and "a stop and a rapid slowdown." You keep pretending that I've failed to distinguish "between stop and slow," when anyone who understands English can see that you're lying about this.
OMG, another massive Griffith Blunder, in the following year The Warren Commission published every single frame from Z171 though to Z334 and they are all the Full Frames that included the ghost images between the sprockets, they also included the graphic head shot.
And every frame is exactly what we saw published in Life Magazine a week later and up until what we see today.
Just how juvenile and ridiculous can you get? Are you so clueless that you don't understand that there is a huge difference between seeing the individual frames published in a magazine or a report and watching the film itself? I mean, how old are you? Seriously, you act and argue like a teenager.
I mean, duh, yes, we all know that the individual frames were published by the WC and by
LIFE magazine. Gee, no kidding!
Does your mom know you're using her Internet service?
The following week the most important key frames(besides the headshot) were published in LIFE magazine and allowing for production and distribution, the amount of time to alter these frames all of which can be perfectly slotted back into the original, was only a few days, and is simply was not enough time but don't believe me go and ask any older SFX specialist and ask them exactly what could be done with 8mm film or any film for that matter and then ask if your ideas are actually plausible.
Another problem for you is that all the individual elements that you think were edited all have their own specific properties as in lighting, motion blur, directional shadows and angles and etc, and if you cut something out and stick it somewhere else then it's a guarantee that the moved object will be out of place with the surroundings.
Good luck refuting any of this but I know from past experience that you can't, so you will try and find my missing apostrophe and blab about some "scholar" that is commenting on a subject that is way beyond his/her level of expertise. Yawn!
More of your repetition of blah, blah, blah based on your ignorance of the evidence and on your refusal to read any of the scholarly research on the evidence of Zapruder film alteration. Every one of these arguments has been addressed in the scholarly pro-alteration literature. The problem is that you haven't read any of it.
Tell me, which anti-alteration author has answered the research of Weatherly, Ryan, Costella, Schaeffer, Mantik, etc.? How about you cite me some of those rebuttals, hey?
And, clearly, you haven't read a single scholarly pro-alteration response to the anti-alteration arguments, because you keep repeating some of them and acting like you're presenting unanswered arguments.
Btw you keep saying "alteration" and now you have introduced "CIA's Hawkeyeworks photographic laboratory in New York" and repeated claims from "two CIA photo technicians at NPIC" and even referred to Costella who claims huge changes to the images, which by definition means that the films were not merely edited but manipulated and faked, . . .
More of your ducking and dodging and bobbing and weaving. You pull this stunt over and over. Rather than deal with the established fact that the Zapruder film was secretly diverted to two CIA photographic labs, you make phony strawman arguments that are based on your ideological refusal to take alteration seriously.
Notice that not one syllable of all of your hot air here explains why those detours occurred and why they were suppressed from the official record of the film's chain of custody.
And, just on a point of logic, not to mention basic English, a film that has major changes made to many of its images is still an altered film. A "fake" film is one that has been made up and is in no way based on the original. If someone got a bunch of actors and lookalike limos and cars and filmed a fake shooting in Dealey Plaza from Zapruder's position, that would be a "fake" Zapruder film.
yet you cowardly never explicitly say how and what was altered, please explain?

? Just HUH?

? LOL! Do you suffer from amnesia? Or, do you just really hope that no one has read our previous exchanges on the subject and also my article on Zapruder film alteration?

? Holy smokes. In my article, I discuss several things that were altered: the limo's movement (the stop/marked slowdown was removed), Brehm Jr.'s movements, Summers' foreleg movements, Jackie's and Hill's positions and locations on the limo's trunk, JFK's backward motion, the impossible speed of the disappearance of the explosive spray, etc., etc.
It's all well and good to keep adding all these contradicting "scholars" whose opinions are directly at odds with each other and your claims of simple editing but let's be honest here, all you are doing is a pathetic attempt to delay the inevitable time, when you have to specifically describe scientifically exactly how and what has been changed. JohnM
Nonsense. Those scholars are not "contradicting" and their opinions are not "directly at odds with each other." You are both lying and bluffing at the same time. I can tell by the arguments you're making that your research has been very one-sided and that you have read very little of the scholarly research that supports alteration.
I see you did another post trying to explain away the obvious conflict between the Nix and Zapruder films regarding Jackie's and Hill's positions and locations. You've done nothing but repeat your previous arguments, and your own graphics prove that the camera angles were not very different.
I just had to laugh out loud when you asked me if I realized that Nix and Zapruder were on opposite sides of Dealey Plaza! This qualifies you for the Captain Duh award, and the Captain Meaningless Argument award. Uh, yes, I've told you at least twice now that Nix and Zapruder were on opposite sides of the limo. What don't you understand about this?
And, again, your own graphics show that the camera angles were not that different, certainly not enough to account for the drastic differences in Jackie's and Hill's locations and positions in the Nix and Zapruder films.