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Author Topic: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What  (Read 27134 times)

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #80 on: January 25, 2024, 09:11:25 PM »
What is the basis for that claim, Jerry?  Here is what Knott shows as the trajectory at z225:

The animated gif by JohnM that I posted shows the Knott Lab trajectory exiting the President's left chest (I have also step-paused the video to confirm this).

The alternative-angle still just posted by Paul McBrearty shows their (or CT John Orr's) trajectory entered well over on the left side of Kennedy. I could be wrong, but the President's head seems unnaturally over to the left, as well.

Thanks Jerry. I am always impressed with your graphics skills.  But I would be more impressed with your points if you acknowledged the error range in your assumptions.  For example, you have JFK's elbow completely outside the car and his rib cage pressed against the side of the car.

The tip of his elbow extends over the car. I see nothing wrong with that; my guide is the Zapruder film. I don't think I have ever had JFK's "rib cage pressed against the side of the car" in any model. Certainly not in this model, which has a decent match for JFK to his position in Z193.

There has to be an error range associated with that position. Also, you are making assumptions about the distance from JFK's rib cage to his spine, and the width of JBC's back.  You are also using a downward angle of exactly 18 degrees.  That is based on the height of the SN above the entry wound and the horizontal distance from the rifle to the entry wound as well as the exact angle that the car is to the horizontal.  There are all error ranges in those figures.

1. you have the jump seat inside the car by 6 inches.  The Hess & Eisenhardt drawings show 2.5 inches.  Simple measurement on an actual photo from CE874 (allowing a generous amount for the space between the seat edge and door) shows that the space between the door and right edge of the jump seat shows that the space is between 15 and 18% of the seat width, which was 20.5 inches wide according to H&E.  That works out to 3.1 to 3.7 inches.

This is another of your long-running charges against me, and again with no merit.

2. you have JBC's left leg out to the side but not with his knee very high. The jump seat was on the floor and the knees had to be well above the seat:

His leg is comfortably high. That can be adjusted but you have to first get the bullet pass Connally's left torso. Oh yeah, what about how poorly "Mason Theory" Connally is away from matching the Governor's true position in the Zapruder film?

Taking all those errors and error ranges into account, the bullet through JFK goes close to the left thigh.  Keep in mind that the bullet was almost certainly tumbling after exiting JFK's neck.  Even if the trajectory was to the left edge of JBC's back, a tumbling bullet striking very obliquely on the turned back might have grazed the back of his suit but not penetrated.  It would be interesting to see what a close examination of the back of the jacket might show....

"Grazed the back of his suit but not penetrated". You're beginning to sound like Griffith and his imaginary "missile path" through the corpus callosum and Top-of-the-Head claim that locates the cowlick wound where the vertex area actually is.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 04:09:41 PM by Jerry Organ »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #80 on: January 25, 2024, 09:11:25 PM »

Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #81 on: January 25, 2024, 11:36:19 PM »
The animated gif by JohnM that I posted shows the Knott Lab trajectory exiting the President's left chest (I have also step-paused the video to confirm this).

The alternative-angle still just posted by Paul McBrearty shows their (or CT John Orr's) trajectory entered well over on the left side of Kennedy. I could be wrong, but the President's head seems unnaturally over to the left, as well.

The tip of his elbow extends over the car. I see nothing wrong with that; my guide is the Zapruder film. I don't think I have ever had JFK's "rib cage pressed against the side of the car" in any model. Certainly not in this model, which has a decent match for JFK to his position in Z193.
Knott has placed JBC where he appears to be from their analysis of the zfilm.  That is the JBC on the right.   The position of JBC that makes the SBT work is the JBC on the left.  I agree that on the z225 frame the green line trajectory is about an inch or so too far left. So move the left side JBC an inch or so to the right.  He is still sitting on the drive shaft!  That, incidentally, is where Thomas Canning had placed him for the SBT to work.  Are you suggesting that he was sitting that far left?

The point is that a right to left bullet trajectory through JFK goes well to the left of JBC's back entry wound.

This is another of your long-running charges against me, and again with no merit.
If your jump seat is as you have shown now at 2.5 inches, I apologize - my mistake. One thing you have to keep in mind, however, is that the distance between JFK's neck exit wound and the plane of the seat back is on a downward path. I measured it to be 24.5 inches on my model:

Knott has placed JBC where he appears to be from their analysis of the zfilm.  That is the JBC on the right.   The position of JBC that makes the SBT work is the JBC on the left.  I agree that on the z225 frame the green line trajectory is about an inch or so too far left. So move the left side JBC an inch or so to the right.  He is still sitting on the drive shaft!  That, incidentally, is where Thomas Canning had placed him for the SBT to work.  Are you suggesting that he was sitting that far left?

The point is that a right to left bullet trajectory through JFK goes well to the left of JBC's back entry wound.


His leg is comfortably high. That can be adjusted but you have to first get the bullet pass Connally's left torso. Oh yeah, what about how poorly "Mason Theory" Connally is away from matching the Governor's true position in the Zapruder film?

"Grazed the back of his suit but not penetrated". You're beginning to sound like Griffith and his imaginary "missile path" through the corpus callosum and Top-of-the-Head claim that the cowlick wound is visible where the vertex area actually is.
Just looking at the positions at z195. Nothing imaginary about that.  The fact is that we do not have direct evidence of what the bullet (CE399) struck after it exited JFK's neck and grazed his tie knot.

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #82 on: January 26, 2024, 12:44:33 AM »

-- How could a bullet have exited the throat without tearing through the tie or at least nicking the edge of the tie knot? You realize that when Harold Weisberg finally obtained clear close-up photos of the tie from the National Archives, we learned that there was no hole through the tie and no nick on either edge of the tie, right? Right? You know about this, right?


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #82 on: January 26, 2024, 12:44:33 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #83 on: January 26, 2024, 01:57:28 AM »
Myers Vs. Don Knotts.

Connally's position as the Limo entered Houston and compare Don Knott's original Connally location which is virtually in front of Kennedy with Dale Myers much closer to reality position.

Also note how Don Knotts Lab has Connally's head too far forward, so that in their matching of Connally's head into Zapruder Z225, they could fraudulently place their Connally model further to the right!

JFK back wound was further to the right than Don Knott lab's guess and Myer's nailed it.

For a change, here's the Zapruder film reversed and Connally and Kennedy are both reacting simultaneously.

As Connally emerges from behind the sign his jacket billows as CE399 passes through and his right shoulder thrusts forward as his left shoulder violently raises.

At the same split second both Connally and Kennedy react simultaneously

Connally's hat flip and look of immense pain happen way before Z230.

Don Knott's lab say that in addition to the Autopsy drawings, they used the clothing of Kennedy, but in the final product how much of the position of the back wound was influenced by the clothing?

Using the Warren Report, autopsy drawings, and images of both President Kennedy and Governor Connally’s clothing, the bullet entry points on each individual were established in the digital model.

Because Kennedy's jacket was clearly bunched in Croft's photo.

And lastly, don't forget that Don Knott's had to satisfy their paying client, John Orr.

Knott Laboratory was hired by John Orr....


Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #84 on: January 26, 2024, 08:18:03 PM »
Myers Vs. Don Knotts.

Connally's position as the Limo entered Houston and compare Don Knott's original Connally location which is virtually in front of Kennedy with Dale Myers much closer to reality position.

Also note how Don Knotts Lab has Connally's head too far forward, so that in their matching of Connally's head into Zapruder Z225, they could fraudulently place their Connally model further to the right!

JFK back wound was further to the right than Don Knott lab's guess and Myer's nailed it.
Except that Myers refuses to show us:

1. How far he places JBC's jumpseat from the inside of the door to JBC"s right.
2. The angle from the trajectory from the SN  to the car direction at the time of the shot through JFK's neck
3. the view of the exact same position of the two men as seen from Zapruder's position.

Knott does all of this and provides the details.  When Myers does the same, we can make a fair comparison.

For a change, here's the Zapruder film reversed and Connally and Kennedy are both reacting simultaneously.
They do not begin reacting at the same time, but they are reacting at the same time.  The question, however, is: what is JBC reacting to? The sound of the first shot (which he said he recognized as a rifle shot and feared and assassination occurring so he turned around to check on JFK) or being hit in the back by it?  How can you tell it is the latter?

And lastly, don't forget that Don Knott's had to satisfy their paying client, John Orr.

Knott Laboratory was hired by John Orr....
I am not sure why you think a professional, obviously well equipped and capable lab would compromise their professional integrity to please a client.  Orr's original 1995 report can be downloaded from the link in the first comment on this youtube page.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #84 on: January 26, 2024, 08:18:03 PM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #85 on: January 26, 2024, 09:12:49 PM »
Except that Myers refuses to show us:

1. How far he places JBC's jumpseat from the inside of the door to JBC"s right.
2. The angle from the trajectory from the SN  to the car direction at the time of the shot through JFK's neck
3. the view of the exact same position of the two men as seen from Zapruder's position.

Knott does all of this and provides the details.  When Myers does the same, we can make a fair comparison.

Along with his own cartoonish attempts at modeling, Mason defending Don Knotts Lab over Myers tells all we need to know about his grasp of 3D. Pretty sad case of courtroom shenanigans, I think.

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #86 on: January 26, 2024, 09:27:14 PM »
Abraham Zapruders' involuntary startle response to the sound of a gunshot at z224 is evident by the sudden film blur at z227.
Here is my jiggle analysis of the Zapruder footage, for the record.
I found that the jiggles/blurring do not tell us whether Z218 (my estimate) or Z222 (the standard estimate) are the magic bullet.
Re the jiggles/blurring at Z227 & Z228, i found nothing significant.

............... I had a close look at Z001 to Z486.
I rated each frame as 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 for blur – for horizontal blur[H] , & for vertical blur [V].
There was significant blur (ie rated 2 or 3 or 4) in the following frames (ie ignoring any 0 or 1).

.............. Z001 to Z132 The first sequence.
Z003 H2 V0.
Z013 H4 V0.   Z014 H2 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z037 H3 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
ZO53 H3 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z058 H2 V0.
Z066 H4 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z068 H3 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z070 H2 V0.
Z082 H2 V1.
Z087 H3 V0.   Z088 H2 V0.   ZO89 H3 V1.   ZO90 H3 V1.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z104 H2 V0.
Z108 H2 V0.
Z132 H3 V0.   Probly due to the camera stopping.  This is the last frame of the first sequence.

………… Z133 H0 V0.  This is the first frame of the 2nd sequence.
Z134 H3 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special. [edit][a voluntary jiggle at Z134 suggests a shot at pseudo Z112]
......... Z135 H0 V0.
Z191 H2 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special. But could suggest a shot at Z169.
Z197 H3 V0.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special. But could suggest a shot at Z175.
………… Z218 H0 V0.  This is where i reckon that JFK & Connally were hit (the magic bullet).
………… Z219 H0 V0.  Z220 H0 V0.  Z221 H0 V0. 
………… Z222 H1 V0.  This is where many reckon that JFK & Connally were hit.  If so then Oswald would have fired at Z219.8. The sound would reach Zapruder at Z224.3, ie there might be a shock jiggle at Z225, & a possible startle jiggle 5 frames later at Z230, & a possible voluntary reaction 18 frames later at Z243. But there is no significant jiggle of any kind until Z318.  Likewize there is no jiggle to support the magic bullet landing at my Z218.  The magic bullet simply did not result in a jiggle of any kind, ie zero shock jiggle, zero startle jiggle, zero voluntary jiggle. The jiggles do not tell us whether Z218 or Z222 are the magic bullet.
………… Z223 H0 V0.  Z224 H0 V0.   Z225 H0 V0.   Z226 H0 V0.   Z227 H0 V1.   Z228 H0 V0.   Z229 H0 V0.  Z230 H0 V0.
………… We have H0 V0 for the next 46 frames. The previous significant jiggle was at Z197. The next significant jiggle is at Z318.
………… Z313 H1 V0.   This frame shows the fatal headshot.
………… Z314 H0 V0.  This is where we could get a shock jiggle due to Hickey's AR15 shot at Z312.85.
......... Z315 H0 V0.
………… Z316 H0 V0.  This is where we could get a shock jiggle if Oswald fired a Carcano shot at Z310.80.
………… Z317 H0 V0.
Z318 H4 V4.   Z319 H3 V2. This is Zapruder's startle reaction to seeing the headshot at Z313 (delay=5 frames).
………… Z320 H1 V0.   Z321 H0 V0.   Z322 H0 V0.   Z323 H0 V0.   Z324 H1 V0.  Z325 H1 V0.  Z326 H0 V0.  Z327 H0 V0.  Z328 H0 V0.  Z329 H0 V0.  Z330 H0 V0.
Z331 H2 V1.   Z332 H2 V2. This is Zapruder's voluntary reaction  (delay=18 frames).
………… Z333 H0 V0.
Z360 H2 V0.   Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z363 H2 V3.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z385 H3 V3.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
Z417 H2 V1.  Probly not a true reaction to anything special.
The later frames up to the last frame Z486 are not worth rating.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 09:50:26 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #87 on: January 27, 2024, 01:17:03 AM »
Except that Myers refuses to show us:

1. How far he places JBC's jumpseat from the inside of the door to JBC"s right.
2. The angle from the trajectory from the SN  to the car direction at the time of the shot through JFK's neck
3. the view of the exact same position of the two men as seen from Zapruder's position.

Knott does all of this and provides the details.  When Myers does the same, we can make a fair comparison.
They do not begin reacting at the same time, but they are reacting at the same time.  The question, however, is: what is JBC reacting to? The sound of the first shot (which he said he recognized as a rifle shot and feared and assassination occurring so he turned around to check on JFK) or being hit in the back by it?  How can you tell it is the latter?I am not sure why you think a professional, obviously well equipped and capable lab would compromise their professional integrity to please a client.  Orr's original 1995 report can be downloaded from the link in the first comment on this youtube page.

1. How far he places JBC's jumpseat from the inside of the door to JBC"s right.

I'll let the man himself explain.

Charge: Myers misplaces Connally’s jumpseat in order to ensure the alignment of the single bullet theory.

Truth: The location of the jumpseat has no bearing on the alignment of any trajectory plotted in my computer reconstruction. The figures of JFK and JBC were matched to the Zapruder film perspective, not to the location of the jumpseat. Frankly, you could eliminate the entire limousine from the reconstruction and the alignments of JFK and JBC would still be valid since their position in space is based on Zapruder's view of the scene and the relationship of JFK to JBC, and their combined relationship to the TSBD and the surrounding buildings. In short, the position and size of the jumpseat has no bearing on the single bullet theory.

2. The angle from the trajectory from the SN  to the car direction at the time of the shot through JFK's neck

3. the view of the exact same position of the two men as seen from Zapruder's position.

They do not begin reacting at the same time, but they are reacting at the same time.  The question, however, is: what is JBC reacting to? The sound of the first shot (which he said he recognized as a rifle shot and feared and assassination occurring so he turned around to check on JFK) or being hit in the back by it?  How can you tell it is the latter?

Really, both Kennedy and Connally as they appear from behind the sign are clearly reacting violently.

Here's Connally reacting to hearing a shot and he's not in any way showing the same reaction as above.

Mr. SPECTER. As the automobile turned left onto Elm from Houston, what did occur there, Governor?
Governor CONNALLY. We had--we had gone, I guess, 150 feet, maybe 200 feet, I don't recall how far it was, heading down to get on the freeway, the Stemmons Freeway, to go out to the hall where we were going to have lunch and, as I say, the crowds had begun to thin, and we could--I was anticipating that we were going to be at the hall in approximately 5 minutes from the time we turned on Elm Street.
We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt

I am not sure why you think a professional, obviously well equipped and capable lab would compromise their professional integrity to please a client.

Other researchers besides me have pointed out how Knott Labs have fudged their results, you can either believe what we have observed or not, but in the post you responded to, the forward extended positioning of Connally's head is undeniable and thus their placing of Connally to be more in front of Kennedy is an obvious deception.
And lastly, the paying client by definition must be satisfied, for instance how many defence lawyers have defended an obviously guilty man, the OJ case instantly springs to mind.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 01:30:15 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Shifting Single-Bullet Theory--It Always "Works" No Matter What
« Reply #87 on: January 27, 2024, 01:17:03 AM »