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Author Topic: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital  (Read 21861 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2024, 10:00:24 PM »

     (1) Where is the Trap Door wound in the (R) temple area? (2) What happened to the bullet? Is this the one where the bullet ended up penetrating the dashboard?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2024, 10:00:24 PM »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #73 on: February 11, 2024, 10:21:59 PM »
     (1) Where is the Trap Door wound in the (R) temple area? (2) What happened to the bullet? Is this the one where the bullet ended up penetrating the dashboard?

 You're a scream, Royell Storing.  You actually believe that a gunshot wound can be exactly duplicated?!!!  Think again, because it cannot.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #74 on: February 11, 2024, 10:48:14 PM »
You're a scream, Royell Storing.  You actually believe that a gunshot wound can be exactly duplicated?!!!  Think again, because it cannot.

   Don't blame me, blame SCIENCE. Science requires Duplication Verification. Which leads us to the Now DISPROVED SBT.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #74 on: February 11, 2024, 10:48:14 PM »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #75 on: February 11, 2024, 11:26:23 PM »
   Don't blame me, blame SCIENCE. Science requires Duplication Verification. Which leads us to the Now DISPROVED SBT.

 I do indeed blame you!  You're the one who asked the silly question about the "Trap Door" over the temple area during the reconstruction.  "Science" is in the eye of the behollder, Storing. Science also tries to tell us that God doesn't exist, when yes He does.  The only people who accept that are atheists.   
  It isn't humanly possible to duplicate a bullet wound exactly as it happened anymore than it is to duplicate how a bullet will act when leaving the rifle barrel .  And as for your ludicrous support of the guys whom you claim disproved the SBT through "Duplication  Verification,   your guys have Connally so misplaced in that sloppy mess that you support that a child could see their errors. But you go on ahead and believe their slop. The loss of credibility is your own.  If these guys would have been correct it would have been all over the news.  It wasn't and it will never be because they proved nothing except that they failed at attempting to disprove the SBF.       
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 11:34:17 PM by Steve Barber »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #76 on: February 11, 2024, 11:51:23 PM »
I do indeed blame you!  You're the one who asked the silly question about the "Trap Door" over the temple area during the reconstruction.  "Science" is in the eye of the behollder, Storing. Science also tries to tell us that God doesn't exist, when yes He does.  The only people who accept that are atheists.   
  It isn't humanly possible to duplicate a bullet wound exactly as it happened anymore than it is to duplicate how a bullet will act when leaving the rifle barrel .  And as for your ludicrous support of the guys whom you claim disproved the SBT through "Duplication  Verification,   your guys have Connally so misplaced in that sloppy mess that you support that a child could see their errors. But you go on ahead and believe their slop. The loss of credibility is your own.  If these guys would have been correct it would have been all over the news.  It wasn't and it will never be because they proved nothing except that they failed at attempting to disprove the SBT.       

      (1) "SCIENCE is in the Eye of the beholder"?? Not true.  But this does DQ you from asking for anyone to ever PROVE anything. And know that I will remind of your laughable dictum whenever required. (2) Religion is FAITH Based. Enough said. (3) The Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE" was "....all over the news". Widen your horizons.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 11:51:49 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #76 on: February 11, 2024, 11:51:23 PM »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #77 on: February 12, 2024, 01:32:29 AM »
      (1) "SCIENCE is in the Eye of the beholder"?? Not true.  But this does DQ you from asking for anyone to ever PROVE anything. And know that I will remind of your laughable dictum whenever required. (2) Religion is FAITH Based. Enough said. (3) The Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE" was "....all over the news". Widen your horizons.

   "Not true". 
   Yes, it is true. My personal opinion on the acoustics, for example. I don't care how many scientists said there were gunshots on the Dictabelt. Same ith your guys and the SBF.
"[T]his does DQ you from asking for anyone to ever PROVE anything. And know that I will remind of your laughable dictum whenever required."
 Don't flatter yourself,Storing.  You forget that I disproved a bunch of scientists who said that there are gunshots on the Dictabelt recording when there are none. And I didn't need a scientific panel to prove that the crosstalk I discovered disproved the scientists at BBN and Weiss and Aschkenasy. I knew what it was going to do to the conclusions of the scientists hired by the HSCA the moment I heard the crosstalk. 

   " The Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE" was "....all over the news". Widen your horizons." 

 How about some sources?   Furthermore, there has yet to be any further news on the Knotts conclusions, and whether or not they're valid conclusions. As long as they leave Governor Connally seated the way their model shows it, it will never be valid. 

Online Royell Storing

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #78 on: February 12, 2024, 08:08:56 PM »
   "Not true". 
   Yes, it is true. My personal opinion on the acoustics, for example. I don't care how many scientists said there were gunshots on the Dictabelt. Same ith your guys and the SBF.
"[T]his does DQ you from asking for anyone to ever PROVE anything. And know that I will remind of your laughable dictum whenever required."
 Don't flatter yourself,Storing.  You forget that I disproved a bunch of scientists who said that there are gunshots on the Dictabelt recording when there are none. And I didn't need a scientific panel to prove that the crosstalk I discovered disproved the scientists at BBN and Weiss and Aschkenasy. I knew what it was going to do to the conclusions of the scientists hired by the HSCA the moment I heard the crosstalk. 

   " The Knott Labs Laser 360 SCIENCE finding that the, "SBT IS IMPOSSIBLE" was "....all over the news". Widen your horizons." 

 How about some sources?   Furthermore, there has yet to be any further news on the Knotts conclusions, and whether or not they're valid conclusions. As long as they leave Governor Connally seated the way their model shows it, it will never be valid.

    Permit me to help you out with the still ongoing dictabelt issue. Sitzman during her Entire interview by Josiah Thompson, talked about numerous things simultaneously. She's tough to follow, so the listener needs to pay very close attention. At one point, Thompson was asking her about possibly hearing shots from close by. Thompson had been told by some other JFK Assassination researcher that Sitzman had previously detailed hearing shot(s) and their hurting her ears. (something along these lines). Sitzman told Thompson this was Not true and that she never said anything like that. She then said, "the loudest thing I heard that afternoon was the siren, and that was..............", at this point Thompson CUT HER OFF. I think he did this because Sitzman was Not giving answers that supported his theories. I believe that Sitzman was about to say the loudest thing she heard that day was the SIREN on the Queen Mary and maybe the JFK Limo. SA Kinney/"Queen Mary" Driver, detailed in his "Original Report" that he hit that cars' SIREN immediately after seeing JFK, "fell to the seat to the left". Kinney also noted that SA Greer did likewise at the same time with the JFK Limo SIREN. This mandates: (1) Find out exactly which model Sirens were used on the Queen Mary and the JFK Limo, (2) Obtain those same model Siren(s), (3) get an "acoustic footprint" on one/both sirens, (might be identical Sirens), (4) Search for the SIREN(s) Acoustic Footprint appearing on the dictabelt. That "footprint" should SUDDENLY Appear at the same point in time that SA Kinney hit it. That Siren "footprint" should appear a few seconds after the Kill Shot Acoustic Footprint  If there is No Trace of the Siren(s) Acoustic Footprint, then that DPD motorcycle recording was Not done inside Dealey Plaza at the time of the shooting. The HSCA did acoustic footprint matchups with shots fired from different locations inside Dealey Plaza vs the dictabelt recording. Doing this same procedure with the AUTO SIREN(S) should also be employed. Any possible DPD Cop Car sirens and possible motorcycle sirens would have been a generally common sound to the ear of Sitzman. I believe the Siren(s) used by the Queen Mary and the JFK Limo would have sounded Different/Louder to the ear of Sitzman. This Siren(s) sound "difference" made them stand out to Sitzman. The Siren(s) sound being so great/different that it warranted her mentioning it to Thompson.         
« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 10:24:44 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #79 on: February 13, 2024, 05:38:35 PM »
    Permit me to help you out with the still ongoing dictabelt issue. Sitzman during her Entire interview by Josiah Thompson, talked about numerous things simultaneously. She's tough to follow, so the listener needs to pay very close attention. At one point, Thompson was asking her about possibly hearing shots from close by. Thompson had been told by some other JFK Assassination researcher that Sitzman had previously detailed hearing shot(s) and their hurting her ears. (something along these lines). Sitzman told Thompson this was Not true and that she never said anything like that. She then said, "the loudest thing I heard that afternoon was the siren, and that was..............", at this point Thompson CUT HER OFF. I think he did this because Sitzman was Not giving answers that supported his theories. I believe that Sitzman was about to say the loudest thing she heard that day was the SIREN on the Queen Mary and maybe the JFK Limo. SA Kinney/"Queen Mary" Driver, detailed in his "Original Report" that he hit that cars' SIREN immediately after seeing JFK, "fell to the seat to the left". Kinney also noted that SA Greer did likewise at the same time with the JFK Limo SIREN. This mandates: (1) Find out exactly which model Sirens were used on the Queen Mary and the JFK Limo, (2) Obtain those same model Siren(s), (3) get an "acoustic footprint" on one/both sirens, (might be identical Sirens), (4) Search for the SIREN(s) Acoustic Footprint appearing on the dictabelt. That "footprint" should SUDDENLY Appear at the same point in time that SA Kinney hit it. That Siren "footprint" should appear a few seconds after the Kill Shot Acoustic Footprint  If there is No Trace of the Siren(s) Acoustic Footprint, then that DPD motorcycle recording was Not done inside Dealey Plaza at the time of the shooting. The HSCA did acoustic footprint matchups with shots fired from different locations inside Dealey Plaza vs the dictabelt recording. Doing this same procedure with the AUTO SIREN(S) should also be employed. Any possible DPD Cop Car sirens and possible motorcycle sirens would have been a generally common sound to the ear of Sitzman. I believe the Siren(s) used by the Queen Mary and the JFK Limo would have sounded Different/Louder to the ear of Sitzman. This Siren(s) sound "difference" made them stand out to Sitzman. The Siren(s) sound being so great/different that it warranted her mentioning it to Thompson.       

   Nice dodge, Mr. Storing!

 Firstly, I'm not interested in your "help" re: the acoustics. It's over and done with.

 Secondly-and lastly- Marilyn Sitzman did, in fact, tell Tink Thompson during that interview with her that the loudest thing she heard was the siren.
Yes, Thompson "cut her off", but she told him anyway, that the siren was the loudest thing she heard.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK What the doctors saw.....Parkland hospital
« Reply #79 on: February 13, 2024, 05:38:35 PM »