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Author Topic: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?  (Read 10025 times)

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2024, 02:10:44 AM »
James W. Courson          Larry Sneed         University of North Texas Press      Chapter  View Citation
Additional Information  In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:
JAMES W. COURSON Solo Motor cycle Officer Dallas Police Department "We were taught in the Marine Corps on the rifle range to count your shots, then on the police department the same thing on the pistol range: count your shots! That's one reason that I know there were three shots, and they probably came from the same gun..."
Jim Courson served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War and joined the Dallas Police Department after his discharge in 1954. Two years later, in 1956, he became a solo motorcycle officer and was assigned to escort the Kennedy motorcade on November 22, 1963. The Kennedy motorcade was much the same as many others which I had escorted. We went to work fairly early that morning and spent a lot of time getting our equipment shined and polished since we always wanted to look sharp on those escorts. At that time, we were riding Harley-Davidsons, which was a tradition with the police department. We were given our assignments that morning through our sergeant which had been coordinated between the Secret Service and the police department. It had been raining that morning, so we had to wear our yellow slicker rain gear out to the airport. Just as we pulled in to Love Field and just as the plane arrived, the sun came through making for a beautiful day. We then stripped off the rain gear and put them in our saddle bags.
128 NO MORE SILENCE               After the President had met with many in the large crowd, we all left the airport, made a left tum on Mockingbird Lane, then a right on Lemmon Avenue. There were people scattered all along the route. In the early stages of the escort, they were not big crowds, but as the sirens were heard, businesses let their employees out and it appeared to be a good tum out. It was all fairly routine for us. The motorcycle officers were concerned with the traffic, with side streets and driveways, and making sure that no one ran out into the motorcade. Tactical officers and patrol officers were stationed at all the intersections including all railroad trestles and overpasses throughout the entire route. There was a lot of security out that day. No traffic was moving except for the motorcade. The motor jockeys in the escort were all experienced and were graduates of the Motorcycle Training School. When they got through with you, you were ready for just about anything. The newer, less experienced men were stationed further back in the escort. The ones in the front and around the President's car were the more experienced.
The route itself was fairly straight, with the exception of a few turns, and was designed for convenience and quickness. It would have been shorter and safer to have gone a more direct route between Love Field and the Trade Mart, but Kennedy wanted to be exposed to as many people as possible, so the route included the downtown area which was out of the way.
By the time we arrived in the downtown area at Harwood and Main, many of the City Hall employees and policemen came out to watch. On Main Street, the crowds were very heavy, three or four deep. All was going well until we had just made a right tum from Main onto Houston Street due to the limousine having to make the sharp left tum up ahead on Elm which slowed the motorcade. We had to stop, thus I was sitting on my motorcycle in the left lane on Houston looking more or less at the Book Depository.
That's when I heard the shots! I couldn't tell exactly from where the shots came because of the echo pattern, but there were three very distinct shots. The first two were fairly close together then there was more space between the second and third. I could tell that they came from
JAMES W. COURSON, MOTORCYCLE 129            one location, but really I was concentrating more on the President and seeing if they needed help up ahead. People near me were just astonished: there were surprised, shocked looks. They didn't know what had happened. I looked to my left and tried to see down across Dealey Plaza what was going on then sped to catch up with the President's car. At that point, we forgot about the rest of the escort; we were just concerned about the President. We had orders if...
« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 02:11:10 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2024, 02:10:44 AM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2024, 02:15:52 AM »
Marrion L. Baker       Larry Sneed          University of North Texas Press      Chapter      View Citation
Additional Information        In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:
MARRION L. BAKER Solo Motor cycle Officer Dallas Police Department
"What attracted my attention was this huge bunch of pigeons that flew off; fifty to a hundred of them were flying off the top of this building. I just knew that it had to be close to them or they wouldn't be disturbed like that... "
Patrolman Baker was born in the small town of Blum located in Hill County, Texas. After moving to Dallas in 1940, Baker later graduated from W.H. Adamson High School, located in Oak Cliff only a few blocks from where Officer J.D. Tippit allegedly was slain by Oswald. Baker worked at a variety of jobs after high school, then joined the Dallas Police Department in 1954. After nearly two years in Radio Patrol, he joined the Solo Motorcycle Division and had ridden motorcycles for seven years prior to the Kennedy motorcade.
I think that morning we were already assigned locations when we arrived at headquarters. They didn't want anyone around the Presidential car, so they told us to follow in behind the news media. We didn't know whose instructions those were; it might have been from the Secret Service. I know Johnson didn't want anyone around him, especially a motorcycle officer. He never liked that motorcycle noise beside his car. In fact, he didn't like police anyway.
As we made it all the way from Love Field to downtown, it was a pretty routine motorcade till we got to Main and Houston, then we cut over north on Houston. Most of the front of the
124 NO MORE SILENCE             motorcade had already turned west on Elm Street down toward the triple underpass. At the time, I was approximately 150 feet south of Elm Street traveling north on Houston on the right hand side of the street. Suddenly, I heard these three shots. It was my impression that they came directly in front of me and high. I just assumed that they came from the top of the Texas School Book Depository Building.
The shots were very distinct. The first two were pretty evenly spaced, and the last was a little bit closer. It was kind of BOOM! ... BOOM! ... BOOM! I wasn't sure what kind of gun it was. I just heard three distinct shots. What attracted my attention was this huge bunch of pigeons that flew off, fifty to a hundred of them were flying off the top of this building. I just knew that it had to be close to them or they wouldn't be disturbed like that.
 I immediately rode to the corner of Houston and Elm and parked my motorcycle. At that time, there was just mass confusion down there. I remember one woman standing on the corner screaming, "Oh, they shot that man! Oh, they shot that man!" I didn't know what man they had shot. I was assuming.
So I ran into the building, and at that time, it seemed like everybody else was, too. Most of them that were standing in front of it were going into the Texas School Book Depository Building. When I got there, I asked which way were the stairs or the elevator, and this man stepped up and said, "Officer, come on! I'm the building supervisor." So he led us into the back, and we tried to get the elevators, the freight elevators. For some reason he couldn't get them down so he said, "Come on, we'll take the stairway!" So we started up the stairwell at the back. I later learned that this was Mr. [Roy] Truly. Mr. Truly was ahead of me.
As he had turned the corner and started on around toward the third floor stairwell, I happened to look over in front of me, and about twenty feet away there was a doorway with a small glass. I caught a movement behind the glass, so I went over, opened up the door, and saw this man standing approximately twenty feet in this next room. At that time, I didn't know if it was a coffee room or what. By this time, I had drawn my pistol on the first flight of stairs. I called to him, "Hey, you!," and he started turning around toward me. He didn't have
MAR RIO N L. B A K E R, MOT 0 R eye L E 125                 time to respond; it was momentary. He didn't have time to say anything, and...
« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 02:16:25 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2024, 08:41:55 PM »
Retired Dallas Police Officer Died During Charity Event
Published December 8, 2008 • Updated on December 8, 2008 at 8:33 am
A longtime veteran of the Dallas Police Department died in a motorcycle accident over the weekend.
73-year-old Raymond Ross was taking part in the Santa Cops charity event in Mesquite SaPersonay when he lost control of the motorcycle he was riding and hit a curb at Big Town Boulevard and I-30.
Ross' grandson tells The Dallas Morning News the medical examiner is investigating whether a health crisis, such as a stroke or heart attack, caused the accident.
Ross was a 30 year veteran of the Dallas Police Department from February 1960 to July 1990.
The Dallas Morning News reports Ross was on duty on Nov. 22, 1963 when President John F. Kennedy was shot and was assigned to search boxcars for suspects in the rail yards near Dealey Plaza.
Ross was a member of Blue Knights, a motorcycle club of retired police officers.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 08:43:00 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2024, 08:41:55 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2024, 10:40:17 PM »
Ok, i am now thinking that it was Patrolman JC White that confronted Adams & Styles.
Duz anyone know of any other info re White's movements?
White's reference to a passing train is a mystery. Did a train pass soon after the shots. Has anyone any info?
I recall (photos) that White walked over & joined Officer Foster soon after the shots, ie before any train went throo.
White was a strange character, saw & heard nuthun (praps he was smarter than the others).

Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Is there a rail there?
Mr. WHITE. *Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. How many people were on that overpass that day?
Mr. WHITE. On the same side I was on?
Mr. BALL. Yes.
Mr. WHITE. None.
Mr. BALL. None? Any people attempt to come up on the overpass around noon?
Mr. WHITE. Not on my side.
Mr. BALL. They did not?
Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Had you seen your partner send any people away from the overpass?
Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. You had certain instructions, didn’t you?
Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. What were they?
Mr. WHITE. Not to let any unauthorized personnel on top of the overpass.
Mr. BALL. Now, you did permit some people to stay on the overpass, didn’t you?
Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Who were they?
Mr. WHJJ~E. Workers of the railroad company.
Mr. BALL. Were they people you knew?
Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Well, how did you know they were workers with the railroad company?
Mr. WHITE. Majority of them were there when we got there, working on the rails.
Mr. BALL. And you let them stay there?
Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Did you see the President’s car come into sight?
Mr. WHITE. No, sir; ilrst time I saw it it has passed, passed under the triple underpass.
Mr. BALL. You were too far away to see it, were you?
Mr. WHITE. There was a freight train traveling. There was a train passing between the location I was standing and the area from which the procession was traveling, and-a big long freight train, and I did not see it.
Mr. BALL. You didn’t see the procession?
Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Before the train went by, did you see some railroad personnel over on the-would it be the---
Mr. WHITE. East side?
Mr. BALL. East side of the overpass?
Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. B~L. How many people?
Mr. WHITE. About 10, approximately. I didn’t count them.
Mr. BALL. Did you hear any shots?
Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
Mr. BUL. Didn’t?
Mr. WHI’IIL No, sir.
Mr. BALL. First time you saw the President’s car it was going underneath?
Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. What did you do after that?
Mr. WHITE. As soon as the train passed I went over and on the northwest side of the Depository Building.
On the northwest side of the book store up there with the rest of the ofseers and after about 30 minutes they told me to go out and work tra5c at Main and Houston, and I stood out there and worked tra5c.
Mr. BALL. All right, now, you heard no sound of no rifle fire or anything?
Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
Here below is an aerial of a similar train filling the whole photo from left to right.
Notice that there is a bunch of low flat-bed cars on the TUP.
Dunno whether the train was  going N or S.
Photo was late Fri 22nov1963.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 11:12:35 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2024, 09:53:41 PM »
Patrolman Haygood, after running up to the TUP, then did sentry duty for a while at the Houston Dock,
probly after Barnett did sentry duty at the dock,
& probly before Mooney & Co did sentry duty at the dock.
Haygood would have had his Harley with him. But he was not mentioned by Romack (who was standing north of the dock for say 45 minutes after the shots).

Mr. HAYGOOD. “I talked to a guy at the scene who says the shots were fired from the Texas School Book Depository Building with the Hertz Rent A Car sign on top.”
Mr. BELIN. Is that what you said?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Approximately. I don’t recall the exact words.
Mr. BELIN. There was a response to you. What does it say there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. “Get his name. address, phone number and all information you can.”
Mr. BELIN. Did you do that?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No, I never.
Mr. BELIN. What happened?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Because I was told to go to the School Book Depository Building. I instructed the three different people to come to the front of the School Book Depository Building and remain there until they were talked to.
Mr. BELIN. You took these people that you had with you?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I did not take them, no.
Mr. BELIN. You instructed them to go there?
Mr. BELIN. In front of the School Book Depository?
Mr. BELIN. And remain there until someone talked to them?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Right.
Mr. BELIN. You don’t know the names of these people?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No, I don’t.
Mr. BELIN. Do you know who talked to them at all?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No; I don’t.
Mr. BFLIN. What did you do then?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time I went to the School Building at the rear location of it, which would be
Mr. BELIN. To the back door?
Mr. HAYOOOD. North side of it, yes.
Mr. BELIN. Where that door leads out there to the dock?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Yes; on the northeast corner there.

Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time I talked to the colored male that was standing at the door and asked him how long he had been there, and he said he had been there some 5 minutes or so. And I asked him if anyone had came out that door, and he said that they had not.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember his name?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No; I don’t.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time, it was people, squads and all arriving at the scene, and I went on into the building, which they stayed outside, and helped them search the building.
Mr. BELIN. Anything else?
Mr. HAYGOOD. That is about all.
Mr. BELIN. Did you search the building on the sixth floor or not?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 10:40:25 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2024, 09:53:41 PM »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2024, 10:07:37 PM »
Testimony of Clyde A. Haygood was taken at 9:13 a.m., on April 9, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. David W. Belin, assistant counsel of the President’s Commission.
Mr. BELIN. Would you stand and raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I do.
Mr. BELIN. Would you please state your name.
Mr. HAYGOOD. Clyde A. Haygood.
Mr. BELIN. What is your occupation?
Mr. HAY~OOD. Dallas police officer, solo motorcycle section.
Mr. BELIN. How old are you?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Thirty-two.
Mr. BELIN. Born in Texas?
Mr. BELIN. Go to school here in Texas?
Mr. BELIN. How far did you get through school?
Mr. HAYQ~~D. Finished high school.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Went into the service.
Mr. BELIN. What branch?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Air Force.
Mr. BELIN. How long?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Four years to the day.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do in the Air Force, generally?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Ground crew chief, flight engineer.
Mr. BELIN. Do you have an honorable discharge?
Mr. BELIN. What did you do when you got out of the Air Force?
Mr. HAYCJOOD. Went to work for the Dallas Police Department.
Mr. BELIN. What year was that?
Mr. HAYGOOD. 1955.
Mr. BELIN. You have been with them ever since?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Other than 11 months in which I left the department.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do in that 11 months?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Went into a business of my own.
Mr. BELIN. Then went back to the department?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Were you on duty on November 22,1963?
ik. BELIN. What was your assignment that day?
Mr. HAYBOOD. Solo motorcycle officer on escort of the Presidential motorcade.
Mr. BELIN. You started with the motorcade at Love Field?
Mr. BELIN. Went through town with him?
Mr. BELIN. Where were you riding as you went through town?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Riding to the right rear of the Presidential car.
Mr. BELIN. How many cars back, if you remember?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Well, it varied. It would be hard to say as to how many cars back.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember whether Officer M. L. Baker was riding?
Mr. HAYGOOD. He was riding in front of me.
MR. BELIN. So you would be riding several cars back, generally, from the President’s car, is that correct?
Mr. BELIN. Did you hear any shots at all?
Mr. BELIN. Where were you when you heard the shots?
Mr. HAYQOOD. I was on Main Street just approaching Houston Street.
Mr. BELIN. How many shots did you hear?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Three.
Mr. BEXIN. Were the three spaced equally distant?
Mr. BELIN. Go ahead.
Mr. BELIN. Was one more close than the other one?
Mr. HAYGOOD. The last two were closer than the first. In other words, it was the first, and then a pause, and then the other two were real close.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do after you heard the sounds?
Mr. HAYQOOD. I made the shift down to lower gear and went on to the scene of the shooting.
Mr. BELIN. What do you mean by the scene of the shooting?
Mr. HAYG~~D. There on Main Street.
Mr. BELIN. On Main Street?
Mr. HAYGIOOD. I am sorry, on Elm Street.
Mr. BELIN. What position of Eim Street?
Mr. HAYG~~D. Be just west of Houston Street.
Mr. BELIN. By the scene of the shooting, do you mean the place where you believed the President’s car was when the bullets struck?
Mr. BELIN. What did you do when you got there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. When I first got to the location there, I was still on Houston Street, and in the process of making a left turn onto Elm Street I could see all these people laying on the ground there on Elm. Some of them were pointing back up to the railroad Yard, and a couple of people were headed back up that way, and I immediately tried to jump the north curb there in the 400 block, which was too high for me to get over.
Mr. BELIN. You mean with your motorcycle?
Mr. H~YG~~D. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. All right.
Mr. HAYGOOD. And I left my motor on the street and ran to the railroad yard.
Mr. BELIN. Now when you ran to the railroad yard, would that be north or south of Elm?
Mr. HAYGOOD. The railroad yard would be located at the-it consist of going over Elm Street and back north of Elm Street.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do when you got there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Well, there was nothing. There was quite a few people in the area, spectators, and at that time I went back to my motorcycle-it was on the street-to the radio.
Mr. BELIN. Did you see any people running away from there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No. They was all going to it.
Mr. BELIN. Did you talk to any people over there or not?
Mr. HAYGOOD. In the railroad yard, I talked to one of the people I presumed to be a railroad detective that was in the yard.
Mr. BELIN. Had he been in the yard before or not?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No. He was just coming into the area after I was.
Mr. BELIN. He was coming into the area after the shooting?
Mr. BEZIN. Did he say anything to you, that you remember?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Nothing that I remember.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. HAYIXKXL I went back to my motorcycle, which was sitting on Elm St,reet.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time some people came up and started talking to me as to the shooting.
Mr. BELIN. What did they say?
Mr. HAYGOOD. One stated that he had seen the President when the first
shot was fired, and that he definitely was hit.
Mr. BEIJN. Did he say where the shot came from?
Mr. HAYGO~D. And I asked him about where the shots came from, and he stated that he didn’t know, that he was looking at him when the first shot was fired, and that he slumped. And when the second shot was fired, he went completely out of sight.
Mr. BELIN. You talked to any other witnesses there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Yes. There was another one came up who was located, at the time he stated, on the south side of Elm Street back toward the triple underpass. Back, well, it would be north of the underpass there, and said he had gotten hit by a piece of  concrete or something, and he did have a slight cut on his right cheek, upper portion of his cheek just to the right of his nose.
Mr. BELIN. Would he have been to the front or to the back of the Presidential car at the time of the shot?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I don’t know what you mean to the front or the back.
Mr. BELIN. When he was standing, was he to the west or to the east of the President’s car at the time of the shooting?
Mr. HAYGOOD. He would be to the south of it and then west.
Mr. BELIN. Southwest of it?
Mr. BELIN. Talk to anyone else?
Mr. HAYGOOD. And at that time, approximately, well, I was talking to him at the time this other man came up and told me that he didn’t know what it was about, but he was quite sure the shot had come from this building there which he pointed out to be the Texas School Book Depository Building.
Mr. BELIN. Did he say why?
Mr. HAYGOOD. He said when the Erst shot was fired he glanced back and there was something in the building, he couldn’t determine what it was, but it was just something there that he rouldn’t explain, but he was definite that the shots did come from  there. And after talking to him and the man that was on the other side that complained he was hit by a piece of concrete from the ricochet at that time, I called the dispatcher and asked for squads to cover the Texas School Book Depository Building off.
Mr. BELIE. Do you remember what your number was that day?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Beg your pardon?
Mr. BELIE. Do you remember what number you used for calling the dispatcher that day?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Yes. My original call number is 142.
Mr. BELIN. I have here a Sawyer Deposition Exhibit A, which appears to be a transcript of a police radio log, and I notice that at 12:X5 p.m., there is a call from 142 to 531. 531 is your station headquarters?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Right.
Mr. BELIN. Do you want to read what you said?
Mr. HAYGOOD. “I talked to a guy at the scene who says the shots were fired from the Texas School Book Depository Building with the Hertz Rent A Car sign on top.”
Mr. BELIN. Is that what you said?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Approximately. I don’t recall the exact words.
Mr. BELIN. There was a response to you. What does it say there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. “Get his name. address, phone number and all information you can.”
Mr. BFLIN. Did you do that?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No, I never.
Mr. BELIN. What happened?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Because I was told to go to the School Book Depository Building. I instructed the three different people to come to the front of the School Book Depository Building and remain there until they were talked to.
’ Mr. BELIN. You took these people that you had with you?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I did not take them, no.
Mr. BELIN. You instructed them to go there?
Mr. BEZIN. In front of the School Book Depository?
Mr. BELIN. And remain there until someone talked to them?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Right.
Mr. BELIN. You don’t know the names of these people?
Mr. HAYGC~D. No, I don’t.
Mr. BELIN. Do you know who talked to them at all?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No; I don’t.
Mr. BFZIN. What did you do then?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time I went to the School Building at the rear location of it, which would be
Mr. BELIN. To the back door?
Mr. HAYOOOD. North side of it, yes.
Mr. BELIN. Where that door leads out there to the dock?
Mr. HAYCXJ~D. Yes; on the northeast corner there.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. HAYOOOD. At that time I talked to the colored male that was standing at the door and asked him how long he had been there, and he said he had been there some 5 minutes or so. And I asked him if anyone had came out that door, and he said that they had not.
Mr. BELXN. Do you remember his name?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No; I don’t.
Mr. B~LIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time, it was people, squads and all arriving at the scene, and I went on into the building, which they stayed outside, and helped them search the building.
Mr. BELIN. Anything else?
Mr. HAYOOOD. That is about all.
Mr. BEXIN. Did you search the building on the sixth floor or not?
Mr. BELIN. Were you there when they found the rifle?
Mr. BELIN. Were you there when they found the shells?
Mr. HAYG~~D. Yes.
Mr. BELIP*‘. Where were you when the shells were found?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I was on the sixth floor when the shells were found. I was still on the sixth when they found the rifle-on the fifth.
Mr. BELIK. On the fifth?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Sixth floor, rather, I am sorry.
Mr. BELIN. Where on the sixth floor were you when the shells were found?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I don’t recall just exactly where it was at. It was on the floor there, though. It was just a big open floor.
Mr. BELIN. Do you mean they were somewhere on that open floor?
Mr. BELIN. Did you hear someone say they have shells, something like that?
Mr. HAYG~~D. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember who that was?
Mr. HAYQOOD. No; I don’t.
Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Went up to another location there.
Mr. BFZLIN. You saw some shells there?
Mr. ~YGOOD. Yes.
Mr. BELIN. Where did you see them?
Mr. HAYGIOOD. They were there under the window.
Mr. BELIN. Which window?
Mr. HAYOOOD. On the southeast corner.
Mr. BELIN. South side or east side?
Mr. HAYG~~D. On the southeast corner facing south.
Mr. BELIN. See any paper bags or anything around there?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Yes ; there was a lunch bag there. You could call it a lunch bag.
Mr. BEZLIN. Where was that?
Mr. HAYQOOD. There at the same location where the shells were.
Mr. BELIN. Was there a coke bottle or anything with it?
Mr. HAYQOOD. Dr. Pepper bottle.
Mr. BELIN. See any long bags which would be a foot or foot and a half or more long?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Yes; just a plain brown paper bag with tape in the corner.
Mr. BELIN. What, tape?
Mr. HAYG~~D. Yes; there was just brown paper tape on it. Just a brown paper bag with paper tape. It had been taped up.
Mr. BELIN. How long was that, if you can remember?
Mr. HAYGOOD. The exact length, I couldn’t say. It was approximately rifle length.
Mr. B&IN. Would this have been right under the window, or to the east or west of the window, if you remember?
Mr. HAYG~~D. As I remember, it was directly in the corner, in the southeast corner.
Mr. BELIN. Well, as you remember, was the window directly in the southeast corner, or was the window a little bit to the west of that corner, if you remember?
Mr. HAYQ~~D. The window at that location faces south, on the southeast corner.
Mr. BELIN. About how far from the east corner of the building is the window?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Well, it is just approximately like that, and then the corner here. Like the window would be there, and then it would be a corner.
Mr. BELXN. As far as the window in this room from that corner [indicating in room] ?
Mr. Havsoon I wouldn’t even attempt to say the approximate distance of the window from the corner. I don’t know.
Mr. BEI.IN. Well, if you don’t know, that is what I want to find out.
Mr. BELIN. Was the bag right under the window?
Mr. HAYGOOD. It was in the corner.
Mr. RELIN. Not under the window?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No: it was in the corner of the building, the southeast *corner.
Mr. BELIN. Anything else you noticed up there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. That is all.
Mr. BELIN. Now, where were you when you saw the-when you heard a rifle had been found?
Mr. HAY~OOD. On the floor there, best as I can remember, and I went to that same location as the other one, just like I stated on the other one where the shells was found.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember where that rifle was found, roughly, or not?
Mr. HAYGOOD. It was in a row of books back on the opposite corner. Be on
the west side of the building, back to the northwest corner.
Mr. BELIN. All right, anything else you remember while you were there?
Mr. BELIN. What did you do after that, after the rifle was found?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Well, it still wasn’t determined whether the assailant wasn’t still in the building even at that time, even after the rifle was found, and the search was continued in the building for a while after that.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time after that I went to the street, went downstairs to the street.
Mr. BELIN. Did you participate in any other investigation that day?
Mr. BELIN. What about on SaPersonay?
Mr. HAYWARD. On SaPersonay I was on my way to Colorado.
Mr. BELIN. So you weren’t around on Sunday either?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No. On Sunday when the other shooting was taking place, I was knee deep in snow in Colorado.
Mr. BELIN. Is there any other information you can think of, whether I have asked it or not, that in any way would be relevant to the assassination of the President or the shooting of Officer Tippit?
Mr. HAYOOOD. No, nothing; I was out of town.
Mr. BELIN. All right, sir. We thank you very much for your cooperation here. You have an opportunity, if you want to come down and read this deposition and sign it before it goes to Washington, or you can waive the reading and signing of it and just have the court reporter send it directly to us, whatever you want to do?
Mr. HAYGOOD. It makes no difference.
Mr. BELIN. It makes no difference to us either.
Mr. HAYGOOD. Just waive the signing. I don’t know when I can get back over here.
(Officer Haygood was summoned back in a few minutes from across the street at the Republic National Bank Building to answer the following question.)
Mr. BELIN. Officer Haygood, I will continue your deposition with one more question, if you would, and you are still under oath. You mentioned in your sworn deposition that you talked to about two people that you saw, and you pointed it out in your transmission at 12:35 p.m., under your Call So. 142. Is that correct?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Right.
Mr. BELIN. I notice on there another transmission at 12:37 p.m. Could you read what the transcript has there.
Mr. HAYGOOD. Well, this part of the deposition I covered it a while ago but I gare JTNI, is when I called to have the Tex!s Srhool Book Depository covered there. That is one of the witnesses I had that believed the shot came from that location.
Mr. BELIIN. Could you read what you said there?
Mr. HAYGOOD. It says, “Get men to cover the building, Texas School Book Depository, believe the shots came from there, facing it on Elm Street looking at the building it will he the second window from the end in the upper right hand corner.”
Mr. BELIN. Did you say that?
Mr. BELIN. Then the transmission made to you, 531 to 142 calling, “How many do you have there?” And you made a response which is?
Mr. HAYGOOD. “One guy possibly hit by a ricochet off the concrete and another seen the President slump.”
Mr. BELIN. Were there two more people in addition to the one that you saw?
Mr. HAYGOOD. They are still the same people I was referring to back on the transmission that I made.
Mr. BELIN. How many different people did you talk to? One that was possibly hit by a ricochet?
Mr. HAYG~~D. Piece of concrete.
Mr. BELIN. Was he the one that saw the President slump?
Mr. HAYG~~D. No.
Mr. BELIN. Was there someone that saw the President slump, and a third stated it was from the second window from the end in the upper right-hand rot-tier ?
Mr. HAYGOOD. I don’t recall how many it was. There was quite a chaos there at that time.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember if there were two or more than two?
Mr. HAYGOOD. No, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember anything about the description of the man that said that the shot came from the second window from the end in the upper right-hand corner?
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember if he was white or Negro?
Mr. HAYGOOD. He was a white man.
Mr. BELIN. Man or woman?
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember whether he was young or medium or old?
Mr. HAYGOOD. That would be a guess on my part. I don’t recall. He was just a medium age.
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember if he was dressed in a suit or not a suit?
Mr. HAYGOOD. Best I remember, just sports clothes. I mean, it consisted of no tie or coat.
Mr. BELIN. Okay, tbank you, sir. 

A burial service and Holy Eucharist will be held for Clyde A. Haygood, age 83, of Sulphur Springs, Texas at 2:00 p.m., April 2, 2015, at St. Philips’s Episcopal Church ................. Clyde was born October 12, 1931 in Dallas County, Texas, to William A. and Lillian V. (Sewell) Haygood. Clyde enlisted in the U.S. Air force in 1950. After returning from the Air Force he joined the Dallas Police Department where he met love of his life, Evelyn Ponder. They married on November 4, 1955.  He served for 23 years with the Dallas Police Department. First as a patrolman in the Traffic Division, then as a motorcycle officer for 13 years. He was one of the last surviving members of the officers in the motorcade when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 23, 1963.  He testified before the Warren Commissions. A picture of Clyde is on display in the Museum in the School Book Depository Building. He transferred to the Homicide Division and retired as a Homicide Investigator. After retirement from the Dallas Police Department, he went into the dairy business for several years. Upon Evelyn’s retirement from the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, they enjoyed many years of travel. He is survived by his wife Evelyn and ................
« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 10:36:55 PM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2024, 10:56:58 PM »
Here is a screenprint from Darnell. We see a plainclothes officer & a motorcycle officer & i think a sergeant.
The area near the NW corner of the TSBD is in the far background.
I dont know when this happened. Praps it was say 5 minutes after the shots.
I dont think that anyone here is Haygood or Foster or White, but the plainclothes officer might be Mooney.

A few seconds later Darnell pans to the right & we can see the TSBD itself.
We can see that there are no people/officers very near the NW cnr of the TSBD.
There does appear to be a civilian man walking east through that area.
And we can't see anyone near the Houston Dock (eg Romack)(or Haygood)(or anyone else). However the footage is very blurry.
Sam Pate has either not yet arrived at the dock, or, his Cadillac is hidden behind the dock (ie the Cadillac was i think parallel parked kerbside in Houston south of the rail tracks)(hidden by the dock structure in the footage).
Worrell has probly not yet run north along Houston & then east across Houston, near the Houston Dock.
And Vickie Adams & Sandra Styles have by this time passed throo, & are i suppose near the front door of the TSBD.
Shelley & Lovelady are i suppose standing about 20 yd behind Darnell. If they have not yet returned to the TSBD.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2024, 11:23:00 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2024, 11:54:46 PM »
Here is a screenprint from Darnell. We see a plainclothes officer & a motorcycle officer & i think a sergeant.
The area near the NW corner of the TSBD is in the far background.
I dont know when this happened. Praps it was say 5 minutes after the shots.
I dont think that anyone here is Haygood or Foster or White, but the plainclothes officer might be Mooney.

A few seconds later Darnell pans to the right & we can see the TSBD itself.
We can see that there are no people/officers very near the NW cnr of the TSBD.
There does appear to be a civilian man walking east through that area.
And we can't see anyone near the Houston Dock (eg Romack)(or Haygood)(or anyone else). However the footage is very blurry.
Sam Pate has either not yet arrived at the dock, or, his Cadillac is hidden behind the dock (ie the Cadillac was i think parallel parked kerbside in Houston south of the rail tracks)(hidden by the dock structure in the footage).
Worrell has probly not yet run north along Houston & then east across Houston, near the Houston Dock.
And Vickie Adams & Sandra Styles have by this time passed throo, & are i suppose near the front door of the TSBD.
Shelley & Lovelady are i suppose standing about 20 yd behind Darnell. If they have not yet returned to the TSBD.

The officer in the center is wearing boots and a helmet. That makes him a motorcycle officer, and the only one of those in the railyard at the time was Haygood. The only Sergeant in Dealey Plaza at this point was Harkness, so he has to be the officer to the right.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: TSBD Encirclement & Sealing.... Who? When? Where? Why? How?
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2024, 11:54:46 PM »