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Author Topic: What did SS agent Kellerman mean by, "A flurry of shells come into the car?"  (Read 49657 times)

Online Royell Storing

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That looks more than a dent to me. That fat circular shape looks like an entire bullet is lodged in there, not an angular fragment. Thus, it couldn't have come from Oswald's rifle.

There is the Hickey theory of course (which I'm not a fan of) and Walt Cakebread had this to say about it a couple of years ago:

"The dent on the chrome molding above the rear view mirror was created by a slow moving projectile while the damage to JFK's head appears to have been caused by a high velocity projectile.   IOW ...   TWO different weapons .... And I believe the high velocity weapon was fired from in front of the Lincoln. ( one of the high velocity bullets hit JFK in the throat)

But I want to stress the point that the dent in the chrome molding appears to have been created by a slow moving heavy ( low velocity, subsonic) bullet. It definitely was NOT created by a light weight piece of a 6.5mm bullet.  The dent in he chrome appears to have been created by a 45 caliber bullet....( the diameter is the correct size)    It's no secret that the 45 caliber cartridge is not a high velocity cartridge, and the big heavy projectile ( .451" dia.  - 185 grain)  leaves the muzzle of the 45 pistol at near subsonic velocity so it is easily silenced with a muzzle muffler ( Silencer) Therefore the discharge of a weapon equipped with a silencer would be inaudible.  The big slow moving .45 caliber bullet has poor penetrating ability ( like the bowling ball) but it packs one hell of a wallop!....

Bottom line....The dent in the chrome molding was created by a silencer equipped .45 caliber weapon, fired from behind.",2818.msg106624.html#msg106624

    With respect to the possible "high velocity" weapon that was fired from the Front: (1) The moving of the picket fence by several feet, and (2) The tall train cars that were also sitting on High Ground need to be taken into consideration.
    That Train Yard remains an area that was NOT extensively filmed/photo'd and researched. I consistently have heard about the 3 Tramps that were discovered inside a Box Car. Yet, the only images I have seen inside that train yard are of PASSENGER CARS and a caboose. Where was this mysterious 3 Tramps BOX CAR located and what did it look like? And again, that is Not Officer Haygood guarding those Passenger Cars on the Darnell/Martin Films. Officer Haygood could Not have possibly covered all the ground he did and still be back at his motorcycle to make his Documented 12:35 radio transmission.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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What did SS agent Roy Kellerman mean when he testified that a flurry of shells came into Kennedy's limousine?

Mr. SPECTER. As you are positioning yourself in the witness chair, your right hand is up with the finger at the ear level as if clutching from the right of the head; would that be an accurate description of the position you pictured there?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes. Good. There was enough for me to verify that the man was hit. So, in the same motion I come right back and grabbed the speaker and said to the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit," and grabbed the mike and I said, "Lawson, this is Kellerman,"--this is Lawson, who is in the front car. "We are hit; get us to the hospital immediately." Now, in the seconds that I talked just now, a flurry of shells come into the car. I then looked back and this time Mr. Hill, who was riding on the left front bumper of our followup car, was on the back trunk of that car; the President was sideways down into. the back seat.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating on his left side.
Mr. KELLERMAN. Right; just like I am here.
Mr. SPECTER. You mean, correct, left side?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Correct; yes, sir. Governor Connally by that time is lying flat backwards into her lap-- Mrs. Connally--and she was lying flat over him.

LATER in his testimony he referred to a flurry of shots...

Mr. SPECTER. Now, did President Kennedy say anything beside, "My God, I am hit."
Mr. KELLERMAN. That is the last words he said, sir.
Mr. SPECTER. Did Mrs. Kennedy say anything at that specific time?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Mr. Specter, there was an awful lot of confusion in that back seat. She did a lot of talking which I can't recall all the phrases.
Mr. SPECTER. Well, pinpoint--
Mr. KELLERMAN. But after the flurry of shots, I recall her saying, "What are they doing to you?" Now again, of course, my comparison of the voice of her speech--certainly, I have heard it many times, and in the car there was conversation she was carrying on through shock, I am sure.

Is this evidence of a conspiracy??
What Kellerman meant was this.
Kellerman & Co did not know what would come out of the investigation/commission etc.
Kellerman knew that Hickey had fired an auto burst.
Kellerman knew that Kellerman would/could look silly (worse than silly) if he simply denied the auto burst.
So, Kellerman hedged his bet, he gave them some ambiguous info that could in the end be interpreted as a semi-acknowledgement re Hickey's auto burst.

Offline Jim Hawthorn

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Re: What did SS agent Kellerman mean by, "A flurry of shells come into the car?"
« Reply #146 on: February 01, 2024, 12:42:20 PM »
    With respect to the possible "high velocity" weapon that was fired from the Front: (1) The moving of the picket fence by several feet, and (2) The tall train cars that were also sitting on High Ground need to be taken into consideration.
    That Train Yard remains an area that was NOT extensively filmed/photo'd and researched. I consistently have heard about the 3 Tramps that were discovered inside a Box Car. Yet, the only images I have seen inside that train yard are of PASSENGER CARS and a caboose. Where was this mysterious 3 Tramps BOX CAR located and what did it look like? And again, that is Not Officer Haygood guarding those Passenger Cars on the Darnell/Martin Films. Officer Haygood could Not have possibly covered all the ground he did and still be back at his motorcycle to make his Documented 12:35 radio transmission.

OK, but what about that flattened and what looks like a whole bullet in the chrome trim?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: What did SS agent Kellerman mean by, "A flurry of shells come into the car?"
« Reply #146 on: February 01, 2024, 12:42:20 PM »