Beyond some cut and paste technobabble, you haven't presented a damn thing, it's about time you extract yourself from last century and learn how to present your evidence in the visual realm, it seems that all your evidence comes from the suddenly "authentic" -cough- photo record so why don't you graphically plot the course of the two bullet paths, so for those of us with "high school" educations can follow along. If it's so blatantly obvious, this simple visual representation should be a piece of cake! JohnM
I think this obvious dodge deserves further comment. I explained this issue in simple terms that anyone should be able to grasp. So did Dr. Riley. So did Martin Hay. Where was the "technobabble" in any of the statements below from my original post:
Let us examine in more detail the lone-gunman theory’s inability to explain the subcortical and cortical damage to JFK's brain. There is no wound path or fragment trail between these two wound paths—in other words, these are two separate, unconnected wound paths. The cortical damage is near the very top of the skull; it is close to the high fragment trail and is on the outer (or cortical) surface of the brain. The subcortical wound path is nearly 2 inches below the cortical damage and spans the length of the brain from front to back.
Dr. Riley:
In non-technical language, in addition to damage to the outside layer of the brain, there was massive damage deep inside as well, extending the entire anterior-posterior length of the brain. . . .
Martin Hay:
There were two separate and distinct areas of damage to the President’s brain, in the cortical and subcortical regions, and “no evidence of continuity” between the two.
What don't you understand about these plain statements? Where was the "technobabble" in any of these statements?
We both know that the real problem for you is that
you can't explain the two separate wound paths in JFK's brain. Your version of the shooting only allows for one bullet to the head, so you have no way to explain the presence of two separate, unconnected wound paths. Since you've obviously rejected the option of admitting that your shooting scenario is wrong, you've decided to pretend that this hard evidence is meaningless and to ignore it, even though you expose yourself as a propagandist in doing so.
You're doing a similar dance around the issues of the two back-of-head fragments, the high fragment trail, the raw contradiction between the skull x-rays and the brain photos, the absence of the low fragment trail in the extant skull x-rays, the astonishing failure of the autopsy doctors to mention the high fragment trail and the cortical damage, and the undamaged cerebral cortex in the location of the cowlick entry site. We both know that you have no rational, sensible, plausible explanation for these issues, so you duck and dodge and bob and weave around them, constantly going off on strawman diversions and evasions.
Not one of these issues is all that technical or hard to understand. The problem is that your version of the shooting can't explain them. A quick revisiting:
-- The high fragment trail does not end/begin at, or even near, the debunked cowlick entry site. In fact, the high fragment trail is
above the cowlick site. Its highest point is toward the back of the head, and from there it goes slightly
downward and ends, or begins, in the cloud of tiny metal particles in the right-frontal region. How in the world could a bullet that entered at a 15-degree downward angle at the cowlick site have created that fragment trail when the trail doesn't even extend to/from the site and is above the site?
-- You have no way to explain the two back-of-head fragments--the small fragment on the lateral x-rays that is within the AP x-ray's image of the 6.5 mm object and the McDonnel fragment. Not a single expert has denied the existence of these two fragments. Even SPersonivan has admitted that the lateral x-rays show a small fragment in the back of the head that vertically aligns with the image of the 6.5 mm object seen on the AP x-ray. The problem is that that fragment cannot be the partner image of the 6.5 mm object, which is undeniable evidence that the 6.5 mm object is not metallic but is an artifact.
How did those two fragments get there? What bullet could have deposited them? Not an FMJ bullet. No one has yet found a case where an FMJ bullet deposited a fragment in the outer table or the scalp when penetrating a skull, much less two fragments and much less from its cross section. A lead bullet could have deposited those fragments, but there's no entry point that could have enabled a lead bullet to deposit those fragments. They are 1 cm
below the cowlick site, and the McDonnel fragment is even farther away from the site than is the other fragment. The only feasible, scientific explanation is that they are ricochet fragments from the pavement strike.
-- To all but brainwashed WC apologists, the two separate cortical and subcortical wound paths scream two bullets. Those wound paths are a matter of record. The HSCA FPP described both of them, although their description of the subcortical path was suspiciously vague. However, the autopsy doctors described the subcortical damage in great detail in the supplemental autopsy report. Thus, no WC apologist can claim or pretend that there's any doubt about the two wound paths. The problem is that you guys only have one bullet to explain those wound paths.
-- The HSCA FPP acknowledged the subcortical damage but made no effort to explain it. They knew it is well below the cortical damage. They knew that the cortical damage is above the cowlick site and that the subcortical damage is below the cowlick site. And they knew there is no connection between the two paths. So, rather than try to explain how one bullet could have created two separate wound paths, they simply ignored the issue.
-- The autopsy doctors committed an even more egregious omission by failing to mention the high fragment trail
and the cortical damage! They described the subcortical damage in great detail, since that damage is consistent with the EOP entry wound. But, they said nothing about the cortical damage, and nothing about the high fragment trail. Why? Because they could not explain that damage and that fragment trail with the EOP entry wound, and because they were unwilling, or were not allowed, to posit two bullets to the head.
-- The autopsy brain photos show a virtually intact brain with only 1-2 ounces of tissue missing, as even Vincent Bugliosi foolishly (and gladly) acknowledged. There is a deep laceration (cut) in the right cerebrum (the right side of the brain), but there is virtually no brain tissue missing. However, in the autopsy skull x-rays, a large portion of the right brain is missing. This was first noticed by Dr. Fred Hodges (a member of the Rockefeller Commission's medical panel) and has been confirmed by a number of other experts--this has also been confirmed by optical density measurements.
It is not one bit surprising that the skull x-rays show a large amount of missing brain, given the fact that a number of witnesses who saw JFK's head wound (including mortician Tom Robinson) said a large part of the brain was missing, and given the fact that we know that bits of JFK's brain were blown onto at least 16 surfaces. But WC apologists duck and dodge over these facts because the autopsy brain photos show a brain with virtually no tissue missing (no more than 1-2 ounces).
-- The autopsy report describes a fragment trail that started at the EOP entry site and went upward to a point just above the right orbit. However, no such low fragment trail is seen on the extant autopsy skull x-rays.
Dr. Hodges said that on the autopsy skull x-rays that he examined, he saw tiny fragments in "a crude pathway between the right occipital bone and the right posterior mid-frontal bone" (p. 2). However, (1) this trail does not quite match the trail described in the autopsy report, although it is roughly similar to it, and (2) no other expert has seen this right-occipital-bone-to-rear-frontal-bone trail. The HSCA FPP didn't see it. The ARRB forensic experts, including the forensic radiologist, didn't see it. And Dr. Mantik, Dr. Aguilar, Dr. Chesser, etc., haven't seen it.
It is possible that Dr. Hodges was shown JFK autopsy skull x-rays that have not been shown to other experts. If some autopsy skull x-rays do show a trail from the right occiput to the rear part of the frontal bone, this is further devastating evidence against the debunked cowlick entry site.
In any event, the bottom line is that no other expert has seen a low fragment trail on the extant autopsy skull x-rays. If such a trail was present in the skull during the autopsy, this is powerful evidence for the EOP site and against the cowlick site. When the ARRB showed Humes the skull x-rays and asked him to identify the low fragment trail described in the autopsy report, he was visibly baffled and admitted he saw no fragments in the area described in the autopsy report.