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Author Topic: US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden  (Read 4826 times)

Online Richard Smith

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US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« on: January 11, 2024, 02:11:26 PM »
COVID continues under Old Joe's incompetence.  The media no longer is reporting it night and day because the politics don't lend themselves to hurting Trump, but there have been approximately 1,500 US deaths per week recently.  Old Joe's rollout of the booster was a fiasco with shortages.  No one is promoting it and almost no Americans are taking it.  It just demonstrates how politicized the entire 2020 pandemic was to harm Trump.  You don't see the death ticker on CNN.  You don't hear the media talking about COVID.  Old Joe said he would "shut it down" by waving some magic wand.  No criticism.  If Trump were still president, they would be raving night and day about this.

ABC News:
"For the week ending Dec. 9, the last week of complete data, there were 1,614 deaths from COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The last four weeks of complete data show an average of 1,488 weekly deaths."

JFK Assassination Forum

US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« on: January 11, 2024, 02:11:26 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2024, 12:37:42 AM »
At 1,500 deaths per week, that is 6,000 per month and about 72,000 this upcoming year.  Way to shut it down Joe!  The media apparently doesn't care.  Where is the hysteria about masks and social distancing?  Where is the criticism about not encouraging vaccinations?  You were a murderer in 2020 if you weren't vaccinated but Old Joe has waved a magic wand and if you die in 2024 of COVID it is hunky dory.  Not his fault.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 01:21:25 AM by Richard Smith »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2024, 02:49:13 PM »
Americans continue to die by the thousands from COVID and Old Joe and his administration have checked out.  The media almost never even mentions it.  No outcry for folks to get vaccinated.  No blame for the president for not promoting vaccines.  No blame for botching the rollout of the booster.  No death ticker on CNN keeping track of the deaths.  Old Joe waved a magic wand and COVID was suddenly no longer a problem.

"Since Thanksgiving, about 1,400 people per week have been dying from COVID-19."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2024, 02:49:13 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2024, 09:02:03 PM »
The COVID-19 deaths are gradually dropping over time, ignoring seasonal variations, as one would expect as the population becomes more and more resistant to it, either through vaccines or getting sick from it. It will eventually cause the same level of deaths that they flu does each year. Biden's response to the disease is fine.

As an aside, for someone who is against Trump on most any issue, I think he handled COVID-19 well. Yes, he was stupid to say that maybe it should be treated. inside the body. with bleach or UV light. But he did rush the vaccine into production and order millions of vaccines in advance before it was known for certain whether they would work or not. This was a good gamble, which I assume was recommended by experts. He was wrong to say masks were not effective. But this didn't really hurt, because a certain number of people had to get sick before we would know if the vaccines worked or not and we could make them available to all. Minimizing the transmission rate to a low level so we don't find out until June 2021 that everyone should get the vaccine is not any better (actually worse) than having a higher transmission rate so we can find out by December 2020.

What would I have done if I was in charge? Encourage mask wearing as much as possible when in public. Experts said the new vaccines were:
* highly unlikely to be very harmful (vaccines are always a little harmful).
* highly likely to work against COVID-19.

After about 3 months of trials, when it was confirmed that the vaccines were not harmful, start mass production of the vaccines and offer them to anyone who wants them, making it clear that these have not been proven to work. We could have had the vaccines used months earlier. This is a gamble because:
* if the vaccines don't work, billions would be wasted. This is a good gamble because you would save, I should think, over 100 times as much in the economical benefits alone.
* more seriously, the public's trust in vaccine's would be damaged.

Hence, the need to make it clear. This is not a tried and true vaccine that has been scientifically proven to work. This is an experimental vaccine that may work. So don't judge all vaccines if this one fails. I would have been one who gladly would have taken a smart gamble and take the vaccine early.

It is possible that medical experts would have convinced me, if I was in charge, that this would be too great a gamble. Public trust in vaccines is too great to gamble with. Maybe so.

But, about Trump, what can I say. A broken clock is still going to be correct twice a day.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2024, 09:05:10 PM by Joe Elliott »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: US Covid Deaths Skyrocketing Under Biden
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2024, 09:02:03 PM »