JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate > JFK Assassination Discussion & Debate

Two simultaneous, unrelated plots - the solution to the mystery?

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Jim Hawthorn:

--- Quote from: Richard Smith on January 25, 2024, 04:46:28 PM ---Even your own baseless theory here has Oswald firing the shots.  So how exactly does expressing doubt that he would shoot the president from a position where he could be so easily identified advance your double conspiracy theory that accepts Oswald as a shooter? And how do you think Oswald could have pulled this off without being identified?  He was a former defector to the USSR who worked in the building from which the shots were fired.  Oswald knew there was no getting away with this act.   He accepted death or arrest in making his decision to carry it out.  It came with the territory.  He was likely as surprised as anyone that he pulled it off and got out of the building.

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I don't think he accepted arrest or death (for an assassination attempt) at all. His behaviour after the event reveals that - he looked very troubled and mystified by what was going on. No, I'm convinced it was just a stunt with a lousy rifle firing into the ground (twice). He expected to be arrested for that stunt (which is why he left the rifle, cartridges, bag and prints) but not for murder. Whether he killed Tippet or not is open for discussion (seeing as the chain of evidence was all over the place).

Steve M. Galbraith:

--- Quote from: Charles Collins on January 25, 2024, 10:42:23 AM ---
Oliver Stone might be interested in your fantasy. Have you contacted him yet?

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I'm thinking that Oswald would have received more than a simple "disturbing the peace" charge for taking shots at JFK. This was a crowded street, the president, et cetera. Was he going to argue that he was just kidding? A Judge would accept that? Given his documented radical background I don't think anyone is going to be persuaded that he was just pretending. He's going to be put away for years. So much for the "Then he gets out, goes to Cuba, is welcomed by them, and spies on Havana for the CIA" idea.

If the CIA (them again) wanted to pad his legend, his pro-Castro resume I would think they'd just have him approach the limo waving a Cuban flag or photo of Castro and shouting "Viva the Revolution" or something? Not pretend to shoot at him.

Jim Hawthorn:

--- Quote from: Steve M. Galbraith on January 25, 2024, 04:59:19 PM ---I'm thinking that Oswald would have received more than a simple "disturbing the peace" charge for taking shots at JFK. This was a crowded street, the president, et cetera. Was he going to argue that he was just kidding? A Judge would accept that? Given his documented radical background I don't think anyone is going to be persuaded that he was just pretending. He's going to be put away for years. So much for the "Then he gets out, goes to Cuba, is welcomed by them, and spies on Havana for the CIA" idea.

If the CIA (them again) wanted to pad his legend, his pro-Castro resume I would think they'd just have him approach the limo waving a Cuban flag or photo of Castro and shouting "Viva the Revolution" or something? Not pretend to shoot at him.

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Good point - unless Oswald wanted to do something far more dramatic than wave a flag. However, for all we know, Oswald might have fired Blancs.
The fact that he tried to call the Langley area doesn't fit with he LN assassin idea.

Even if the "stunt" theory is ruled out, the coincidence theory still holds up.

Richard Smith:

--- Quote from: Jim Hawthorn on January 25, 2024, 04:56:27 PM ---I don't think he accepted arrest or death (for an assassination attempt) at all. His behaviour after the event reveals that - he looked very troubled and mystified by what was going on. No, I'm convinced it was just a stunt with a lousy rifle firing into the ground (twice). He expected to be arrested for that stunt (which is why he left the rifle, cartridges, bag and prints) but not for murder. Whether he killed Tippet or not is open for discussion (seeing as the chain of evidence was all over the place).

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You believe looking "troubled" is inconsistent with someone knowing he is going to be arrested or killed and somehow lends itself to innocence despite all the evidence that he left behind?  Oswald killed Tippit in broad daylight on a public street in the presence of several witnesses who identified him as the person with the gun.  He is stone cold guilty of both the JFK and Tippit murders.  In fact, it is difficult to contemplate how there could be much more evidence of the fact than exists. 

Jim Hawthorn:

--- Quote from: Richard Smith on January 26, 2024, 02:03:27 PM ---You believe looking "troubled" is inconsistent with someone knowing he is going to be arrested or killed and somehow lends itself to innocence despite all the evidence that he left behind?  Oswald killed Tippit in broad daylight on a public street in the presence of several witnesses who identified him as the person with the gun.  He is stone cold guilty of both the JFK and Tippit murders.  In fact, it is difficult to contemplate how there could be much more evidence of the fact than exists.

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A possibility is that his troubled look is due to the fact that he realised that he was in fact being accused of killing the POTUS! - something that he hadn't planned to do at all. THAT is the gravity of his predicament hitting home. I suggest (I'm only throwing this out there by the way) that for Oswald, his descent from the 6th was supposed to be amidst an atmosphere of confusion about shots ringing out (his own dummy shots). To his horror, JFK had actually been shot and from then on, his own plans were in total disarray and he fled.

I agree that it does look like he killed Tippit but that doesn't prove that he intentionally tried to assassinate JFK. It has been theorised that Tippit was involved in the plot concerning Oswald (to escort him to a Dallas airfield). The theory is that Tippet realised that this whole thing might have been related to the assassination and he quizzed Oswald about it and things got heated, leading to him moving in on Lee and thus getting shot and silenced forever.


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