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Author Topic: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth  (Read 8828 times)

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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JFK isn't "reacting" at all prior to Z226.

This is silly denial of the obvious. I notice you ignored the point that we have known for years that even the WC's experts recognized that there is "some jerkiness" in JFK's movements in Z199-205, and that his right elbow "appears to be raised to an artificially high position" in Z204-205 ("Memorandum for the Record: Conference of April 14, 1964, to Determine Which Frames in the Zapruder Movies Show the Impact of the First and Second Bullets," written by WC attorney Melvin Eisenberg, 4/22/64, p. 1).

The HSCA's "Z190" SBT timeline is total nonsense and totally wrong.

Your comment is what is total nonsense and totally wrong. It is beyond me how you can say this stuff on a public board and still pretend to be any kind of serious researcher of the JFK case. You simply ignored the HSCA PEP's point that Willis slide 5 was snapped at Z202 in response to hearing a gunshot that hit Kennedy, which would put the shot at around Z184-190.

You also ignored the fact that Olson and Turner noted the same reactive motions before Z207 that the HSCA PEP noted, and that even the WC's experts recognized JFK's pre-207 reaction.

President Kennedy's right hand is still being LOWERED between Z224 and 225:

Uh, yeah, that's because his forearm motion is jerky as he is trying to bring his hands up to his throat. It is not one smooth upward motion--it is a halting, jerky motion because he's been injured and is feeling considerable pain.

And in Z224, his left arm, which had been lying comfortably at his side, is now elevated, is bent inward, and is nearly up to his throat. This fact alone destroys your silly Z224 SBT. There is no way this reaction could be in response to a Z224 hit. Humans can't react that quickly to a gunshot wound.

And in Z222, Jackie is staring intently at JFK. She begins to turn her head rapidly toward JFK at Z202, and she is still looking at him in Z222. Why? Obviously, because she has realized that something is wrong with her husband, and she clearly realizes this long before Z224.

Only people who are willing to deny reality and delude themselves will deny that these reactions self-evidently, undoubtedly, indisputably show that JFK was hit many frames before Z224.

Connally's and Kennedy's right arms are then simultaneously moving upward between 225 and 226. And Connally was struck in his RIGHT wrist during the shooting. Just a coincidence? If so, what's causing this rapid up-then-down movement of the exact same arm/wrist that was wounded by a bullet?

Yes, again, it is entirely a coincidence because JFK plainly and clearly begins to bring both of his hands up to his throat long before Z224. I know you can see these things, but you won't acknowledge them. And, once again, you simply ignored all the evidence I cited and merely repeated your claim.

I notice you seem to have a habit of repeating your arguments after you dismiss or ignore facts that refute them.

CTers have come up with all kinds of lame-ass excuses to explain away all of the many things we see going on with Governor Connally in Zapruder frames 224 to 230 [GO HERE to see about a dozen such excuses], but sensible people can easily see through the B.S. and constant denial being exhibited by the conspiracy theorists.

Well, 2/3 to 3/4 of the Western world rejects your view of the assassination, so you might want to exercise just a tiny bit of caution and decorum in your verbiage instead of this overheated polemic.

Actually, CTers have offered a very sensible, plausible explanation for Connally's head turn and reaction in Z224-230, starting with the fact that Connally himself--you know, the guy who actually experienced the wounding--adamantly insisted that he was not hit before Z228, and that he chose Z234 as the frame of impact.

Connally himself also explained why he turns his head from right to left in Z224-230: because he has just finished trying to look at JFK in response to hearing a gunshot! This explains why he looks tense and stiff. He knew he had just heard a gunshot, so of course he became tense and stiff and had got a concerned look on his face.

But, according to you guys, by Z230 it has been six frames since Connally has had a bullet tear through his chest, shatter his right wrist, and penetrate into his thigh!

Incidentally, I notice that you again said nothing about JFK's dramatic Z226-232 forward-jolt reaction, which happens to be the subject of this thread. I notice you keep ignoring it. How do you explain Connally's lack of dramatic pre-Z238 reaction to Kennedy's being jolted sharply forward in Z226 twelve frames earlier?

Re: the HSCA's absurd "11-degree upward angle" of the bullet path through JFK's upper back and neck....

Nothing in your blog article--not one word--addresses the evidence cited by the HSCA Forensic Pathology Panel (FPP) and years earlier by Dr. Werner Spitz that the bullet entered at an upward angle and traveled upward inside the body. Allow me to again quote Dr. Spitz's 1975 finding when he served as a member of the Rockefeller Commission’s medical panel:

There is no doubt that the bullet which struck the President’s back penetrated the skin in a sharply upward direction, as is evident from the width of the abrasion at the lower half of the bullet wound of entrance. The term "sharply upward direction" is used because it is evident from this injury that the missile traveled upwards within the body. (Report of Werner Spitz, 4/24/75, p. 1, Rockefeller Commission papers, see

Can you cite a single medical expert who has disputed the HSCA FPP's evidence that the back-wound bullet penetrated at an upward angle and traveled upward within the body? A number of other medical experts have concurred with the FPP's finding, such as Dr. Mantik and Dr. Aguilar.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 06:41:04 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

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Online David Von Pein

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The VERY LOW position of both of JFK's hands at Z225 provides the
virtual proof that Kennedy was not hit nearly as early as Z190:

« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:51:19 PM by David Von Pein »

Online John Mytton

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Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2024, 02:48:27 AM »
The VERY LOW position of both of JFK's hands at Z225 provides the
virtual proof that Kennedy was not hit nearly as early as Z190:


From frame Z224 to Z225 Kennedy is lowering his right hand towards his chest which is starting to clench into a fist. The shadow on the back of his right hand in Z224 helps to indicate the orientation as his open hand begins to become a fist.

Then between Z225 to Z226 Kennedy swiftly raises his cupping right hand while attaining the resulting Thorburn position, towards his throat.

As the clip progresses, we see Kennedy's elbows shoot up and it's only then a concerned Jackie who while quickly glancing at the reacting Connally, places her hand on her husbands left elbow which proves that Kennedy was not hit earlier and thereafter Jackie realizes that in the previous couple of seconds something very drastic has just happened to the two men in the Limo.

With the benefit of these toggled frames we get to analyze with great precision these repeated movements. And I know that if Connally way back when he examined individual frames had this added degree of accuracy he would would heartily agree with this inescapable conclusion!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2024, 02:48:27 AM »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2024, 03:07:48 AM »
The VERY LOW position of both of JFK's hands at Z225 provides the
virtual proof that Kennedy was not hit nearly as early as Z190:

virtual proof :D

Online John Mytton

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Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2024, 04:35:33 AM »
Total number of shots and sequence:

Shot 1: circa z133 (perhaps a fraction of a second before Zapruder recommenced filming) The shot that missed.

Shot 2: at z224 (The single-bullet fact)

Shot 3: at z313 (The headshot)

Verdict: Beyond all reasonable doubt and accepted as fact by rational-thinking individuals, Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin, and there was no conspiracy. Long live the Warren Commission and its conclusions; case closed.


I looked at the shot jiggles at various point in the Zapruder Film and found that up to and including the headshot, Zapruder had 3 vertical jumps. And working backwards from the obvious headshot which confirmed the vertical jiggle a few frames later, next we have the SBF jiggle happening a few frames after Kennedy and Connally simultaneously react and then we come to the first jiggle which can be confirmed by Rosemary Willis hearing a gunshot and slowing down, and we also have the testimony from Connally that states he heard a gunshot and turned to look over his right shoulder. We can also see Kennedy's quick head snap to the right.

Zapruder also has some horizontal panning corrections which result in what appear to be horizontal jiggles but by studying the frames after the headshot and the SBF, we know how Zapruder reacted to the sounds of gunshots.


« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 04:38:22 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2024, 04:35:33 AM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2024, 02:52:14 PM »

From frame Z224 to Z225 Kennedy is lowering his right hand towards his chest which is starting to clench into a fist. The shadow on the back of his right hand in Z224 helps to indicate the orientation as his open hand begins to become a fist.

You people are incredible. Dealing with your denials of readily observable facts is literally like dealing with members of a cult or with Flat Earth Society members.

You and David Von Pein simply ignored my points about JFK's pre-207 reaction, about the fact that JFK's upward hand movement is jerky--that it goes up and then down and then up again--and is not one smooth upward motion, about the Z207-223 movement of JFK's left arm that we see still in progress in Z224, and about Jackie's pre-Z224 reaction (which, as the HSCA PEP noted, begins before Z207).

You also ignored the fact that we now know that even the WC's experts recognized that there is "some jerkiness" in JFK's movements in Z199-205, and that his right elbow "appears to be raised to an artificially high position" in Z204-205 ("Memorandum for the Record: Conference of April 14, 1964, to Determine Which Frames in the Zapruder Movies Show the Impact of the First and Second Bullets," written by WC attorney Melvin Eisenberg, 4/22/64, p. 1).

You guys just brushed aside all these inconvenient facts and merely repeated your arguments.

Then between Z225 to Z226 Kennedy swiftly raises his cupping right hand while attaining the resulting Thorburn position, towards his throat.

Holy cow! The Thorburn position?! Did you really just repeat the Thorburn-position argument?! This is more embarrassing proof that you've never dared or bothered to read any serious research that challenges the lone-gunman theory.

The Thorburn-position nonsense is part of the quackery that John Lattimer fed to gullible WC apologists back in the 1970s. It was destroyed soon after Lattimer published it. Among other problems, Lattimer assumed that the back wound was as high as C6 (when in fact it was no higher than T1).

Even worse, Lattimer ignored the fact that Dr. Thorburn's patient, the one that Lattimer cited as an alleged example, was not even brought to him until four days after the injury. Dr. Thorburn never once claimed that this was an immediate reaction to a spinal injury.

Equally bad, Lattimer ignored the fact that Dr. Thorburn specified that his patient suffered a "complete transverse destruction of the spinal cord," but JFK suffered no such spinal injury.

Indeed, the SBT posits that the magic bullet somehow missed hitting the spinal cord. You see, if the bullet had even just nicked the spinal cord, it would have begun to pitch and yaw and thus could not have created a small, neat "exit" wound in the throat. This is why some WC apologists have produced bogus graphics with trajectory overlays that purport to show how the bullet supposedly could have avoided hitting the spine. (Dr. Mantik has proved with a CT scan overlay that the bullet could not have reached the throat without smashing through the spine.)

Worst of all, in Dr. Thorburn's own diagram of the Thorburn position, i.e., the diagram that Lattimer cited, the man's forearms are not bent inward; they are not on/near his chest and are nowhere near his throat--rather the man's arms are flexed outward with the elbows extended away from each side of the body and with the hands extended upward from each elbow and with the forearms bent upward. This bears no resemblance to the position of JFK's hands and arms in Z224-232. Have you ever even seen Thorburn's own diagram of the position?

You guys like to quote Pat Speer. Well, even Pat Speer admits that the Thorburn-position argument is absurd. I quote from Speer's online book:

But Lattimer and Posner compounded Life's silliness by desperately trying to explain away what would have to be seen as an incredibly rapid reaction by Kennedy to the bullet striking him at frame 224. Yep, in a moment of profound weakness, they offered up that the bullet nicked Kennedy's spine, and caused him to assume “Thorburn’s Position,” which they claimed was an immediate locking of the arms. . . .

Thus, in 1993, the very next year, the ever-inventive Posner offered the single-assassin faithful the solution they'd been looking for, telling them on page 328 that a spinal injury to Kennedy's sixth cervical vertebra, as purported by Lattimer, would cause an "instantaneous reaction." On the next page he spelled out just how "instantaneous." He wrote: "Kennedy's Thorburn response, from spinal damage, at frames 226-227, came between one tenth to two tenths of a second after the bullet hit him, which translates to 1.8 to 3.66 Zapruder frames."

By pretending that Kennedy's reaction could have started as late as frame 227, and that it could have taken as little as one-tenth of a second, Posner was, not surprisingly, covering his pet assassination theory. If people said Kennedy first showed signs of being hit by 227, he could say the reaction took two-tenths of a second. If they said he first showed signs by 226 he could say it took one tenth of a second.

Posner failed to tell his readers that both the Warren Commission and HSCA concluded that Kennedy was clearly reacting to something before frame 226, and that both sides of the 1992 mock trial he cited throughout his book agreed that the reaction time would be at least two tenths of a second, and that the one tenth of a second reaction time he presented for his readers' consideration was something he just made up. 

What we need to note here is that Lattimer and his devotee Posner, by pushing the "Thorburn theory," were simultaneously rejecting the conclusions of both the Warren Commission and HSCA that Kennedy was hit when he came out from behind the sign, and were instead pushing that Kennedy was not responding to a shot, but only waving, in frames 224 and 225 of the Zapruder film. And that's just plain silly.

Actually, Posner and the single-assassin community's propping up of Lattimer and his "Thorburn theory" to help sell the single-bullet theory is worse than their simply being silly. Lattimer's "Thorburn theory," holding that Kennedy's arms immediately locked into place after being hit, was, and is, a hoax. A careful viewing of the Zapruder film shows that although Kennedy’s elbows remain slightly bent after frame 224 for the phenomenal length of five seconds, his arms themselves are far from locked and drop almost immediately. Even more damaging, as discovered by Millicent Cranor and reported by Wallace Milam, the position described by Thorburn in the 1800's was not an immediate locking of the arms, but a position assumed over a couple of days as the afflicted patient sunk into paralysis and death. (

Read and educate yourself about the ludicrous Thorburn-position argument:

As the clip progresses, we see Kennedy's elbows shoot up and it's only then a concerned Jackie who while quickly glancing at the reacting Connally, places her hand on her husbands left elbow which proves that Kennedy was not hit earlier and thereafter Jackie realizes that in the previous couple of seconds something very drastic has just happened to the two men in the Limo.

With the benefit of these toggled frames we get to analyze with great precision these repeated movements. And I know that if Connally way back when he examined individual frames had this added degree of accuracy he would would heartily agree with this inescapable conclusion! JohnM

This is silly self-delusion and an amazing denial of visible reality. I mean, this is just crazy. As the HSCA PEP noted, by Z202-204 Jackie has made a sudden turn to her right to look at JFK, and she is still looking intently at him when she reemerges from behind the road sign in Z222. How can you deny these facts with a straight face?

At the very latest, Jackie's rightward head turn is obvious in Z206, and, again, she is still staring at JFK in Z222, obviously because she has already realized that something is wrong with JFK. I know you can see this. Anyone can. But you won't admit it because your theory says that JFK was not hit before Z224.

You guys also have to dance around the movement of JFK's left arm. Pre-Z207, his left arm is motionless and resting comfortably at his side, but barely 1 second later, in Z224, his left arm is now bent inward and his left hand is coming up toward his throat. I know you can see this. Anyone can. But you won't admit it because your theory says JFK was not hit before Z224, and there's no way he could have reacted with his left arm that quickly to a Z224 hit--in less than 56 thousandths of a second.

Finally, I notice that you are still ignoring the fact that JFK is suddenly jolted sharply forward starting in Z226. This is another fatal problem for the SBT because Connally's right shoulder is not slammed downward until Z238, not to mention that JFK begins to react to an earlier wounding starting no later than Z200 when he starts to whip his head to the left and suddenly freezes his waving motion and then his hand movements become irregular.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 02:53:19 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Offline Jim Hawthorn

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Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2024, 03:53:49 PM »
...even the WC's experts recognized that there is "some jerkiness" in JFK's movements in Z199-205, and that his right elbow "appears to be raised to an artificially high position" in Z204-205

I'm struggling to see that in the Zapruder frames. Would you have frames or a gif that reveals that?

« Last Edit: January 30, 2024, 06:12:26 PM by Jim Hawthorn »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2024, 06:41:50 PM »

...even the WC's experts recognized that there is "some jerkiness" in JFK's movements in Z199-205, and that his right elbow "appears to be raised to an artificially high position" in Z204-205

I'm struggling to see that in the Zapruder frames. Would you have frames or a gif that reveals that?

Regarding the jerkiness, just watch the film in slow motion (0.25 speed) and start at, say, Z185, and notice how his waving motion starts to freeze at around Z200.

Regarding the unusually high position of his right elbow in Z204-205, you can't see this? Just look at the still frames. It's pretty obvious that something odd is going on with his right elbow. That's not a natural position and is unlike his elbow's position up to that point.

The WC's experts saw these things. So did the HSCA PEP experts. So did Olson and Turner in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. So have a number of other private experts.

One of the most obvious Rosetta Stones that destroys the SBT is Jackie's self-evident reaction that starts in the Z190s and is impossible to miss by Z206, at the very latest. Starting in the Z190s, she suddenly snaps her head to the right and by Z202-204, no later than Z206, she has turned her head from left to right and is looking intently at JFK, and she is still looking straight at him in Z222. To all but the brainwashed and the blind, this is self-evident proof that she realized something was wrong with JFK before Z207 and before Z224.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK's Dramatic Z226-232 Reaction: More Proof that the SBT Is a Silly Myth
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2024, 06:41:50 PM »