(1) What area was the "roped off area" you are referring to? Also, the 3 Tramps were reported to have been found by DPD inside a "Boxcar". Do you know where this alleged "Boxcar" was situated? The Darnell and Martin films show only "Passenger" Cars + a Caboose sitting on the railroad tracks.
Found in Harold Weisberg's archive: according to a source in either DPD or the Sheriff dept (Weisberg speculated if Sheriff's dept it came from Roger Craig), Penn Jones was told the boxcar containing the Three Tramps most photographed that day was stopped opposite 260 South Houston St, as marked on the map, below. I'm guessing Bowers had the train stopped? if not, we would have never got to see these three tramps.

Allen photographs show the DPD and fire dept created a cordon around the TSBD using officers and vehicles. At points there was an actual rope holding back the crowds, as seen at southeast corner of Elm and Houston streets at approximately 1 p.m. below

Fire dept and DPD.

Interestingly, if you listen to the filmed interview with the 'Doyle' tramp, he says, the crowd was calling them names and very close. And this was very soon after the assassination, the Three Tramps alleged arrest sheet states they were apprehended right after JFK was shot. This event I believe was caught on film.

Frames from Mentesana show crowd still gathered in the pool area. above. I believe Mentesana shows the Gedney, Doyle, Abrams being escorted through this very close crowd of people, as Doyle described taking place 'right after JFK was shot'.
The Three Tramps photographed show no large crowds close to them, an hour or more after the assassination? The crowd situation around the TSDB is very much under control.

DCM is loitering around out front of the TSBD whilst suspects in the shooting of the president are casually led through the plaza. Maybe he knew them? Or he was known to the cops in control of security at the time. Wonder if he handed over his camera (he used to film the assassination) to the cops? seeing he was close it would have solved so much.

DCM holding a camera at waist height filming the oncoming limo. A spotter!
The guy just disappeared into thin air after the assassination. Maybe he was on the same train as our mysterious tramps!?!

Seems like no one seemed to give a flying you know what about DCM guy and what he was up to. Especially not the WC.