Gary , your Post on the C-Span interview with FBI Agent James Sibert is very much worth listening to. It reveals that Gerald Ford changed the location of the back wound to the base of the neck in order to coincide with the magic bullet theory which more than likely made Ford and Arlen Specter to be in collusion about that entry placement . Sibert stood there at close range and he said the back bullet entry was in the upper back and not where Ford places it , which was in the base of the back of the neck . J. Lee Rankins son showed Sibert over 40,000 pages of notes that were taken during the Warren Commission and they found notes pertaining to Gerald Ford and his placement of the bullet hole . Sibert was at the autopsy and saw 1st hand where the wound was . They used a probe to go into the entry wound in " The Back " and the probe went in about as far as Humes went in with his small finger , which only went to his first knuckle . There was no exit for the back wound until Gerald Ford moves the entrance wound to the base of the neck so Specter can force feed all of us " The Single Bullet Theory " !