Of course you're laughing. You think all of your wild-ass assumptions should just be accepted as true.
How should I know what projectile would only penetrate an inch? That depends a lot on what it was, how fast it was going, where it came from, if it hit anything in between, and a whole bunch of other factors. The Sibert and O'Neill report says that the end of the opening could be felt with a finger. They were listening to what Humes was saying and writing it down. By the way, how did "could be felt with a finger" turn into "an inch"?
John you disappoint me. You really didn't try to give me an explanation on that did you? I was being sarcastic and joking because it is so stupid. By the way, "could be felt with a finger" turned into "an inch" because old Royell there said Humes stuck his finger in up to his first knuckle. Now I admit that some men's first knuckles could be longer than others!

I was being sarcastic John, lighten up old buddy. Could you explain to me what happened that day. I'm climbing up on that fence with you John. Is there enough room up there? Praise the lord! I see the light! Now tell me what really happened.