Right, generic face sheets are used in virtually all autopsies so the location of wounds and injuries on the
deceased can be obscured. geez
Tell us Bill are JFK's wounds accurately depicted in the illustrations below?

The head shot looks relatively accurate if Jackie's statement 'top, behind the forehead' was accurate.
I prefer actual photos to drawings. How a wound position is described to an artist is the responsibility of the person describing it; if the result is inaccurate then something went sideways between the two.
Do you understand the difference between sloped v square shoulders
Show us where Kennedy's square* shoulders match the sloped shoulders in the generic face sheet drawing
Show us where the 14 x 14 measurement noted on the face sheet changed position
Again, tell us how a face sheet drawing is meant to replace the actual measurement of the body itself.
*Hint: Google 'JFK shoulders swim'