Sure, John, sure. Sure, Bill, sure.
Here's my all-time favorite photo about this whole sordid deal. Here's your heroes again. Not us wacky and fun-loving conspiracy theorists but, you know, officialdom:

See the two markers on the stand-in? Do you know why they have TWO markers? It's very simple, Bill and John (and Jerry). First, they know what the medical evidence is. So now, after some lawyer tells them, "Well, we know your boss wants no questions about this. The playboy is gone and we can do all manner of fudging (and xxxing around with) the evidence. It's just gotta be one shooter from right up thar."
So they know the medical history. A hole in the throat (hence the sticker on the stand-in's back of the neck) and the lower sticker. Even G-Men know where the back of the neck and the back are located for crissake! And, you know, the EXACT SAME HOLES we see in the autopsy photos. So they put the stickers there to somehow - SOME WAY - try to figure it out during this reenactment.
Only they can't. It's not possible. The bullet's traveling downward, yet the stickers are going UPWARD. Duh, much?
So hence, the final report is honest ("back") until old Gerry pencils in "back of neck."
As John I says above, there was no bunch. But even if there was, it doesn't change anything. All you gotta do is look at the autopsy photo of the back. Even if the jacket had a hole way down the bottom due to bunching (but ALAS it doesn't) the back wound in the photo shows they got it right in the above photo like they got it right with the stickers.
Now if you guys want to let your Kennedy bias kick in again and go all like, "BUT BUT BUT what about this...or that...or this..." - then you go right ahead. And I'm sure you will. But all the bias in the world is not going to change what's obvious in these photos as well as the autopsy.
'Night John Boy. 'Night Mary Ellen.