Go to you tube and type in --- Uncut interview-- JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr.Robert McClelland . Starting at about the 9:00 minute mark , Dr. McClelland goes into detail of the wound in the right back of JFK's head wound where he describes a wound of about 5 inches in diameter and he ask the other Drs. if they have seen the back of his head of which they said no and with that Dr. McClelland says that the right side of the back of his head is gone . Dr. McClelland and Dr. Malcolm Perry were best of friends and Dr. Perry to Dr. McCelland that he was approached by a person who cautioned him that he should not say anything . It was odd that when I typed in the https://you tube.com/watch?v=IQ435IMaCng , it took me to you tube but it said the video was unavailable but when I just went to you tube and typed in --- Uncut interview--JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr. Robert Mclelland , then the video came up .
Hi Mike, McClelland in his WC testimony talks about looking down into Kennedy head wound, McClelland recalls
"and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself"?
To accurately analyse this event we have to look at the
total evidence because it only happened one way, now even though there may be what appears to be some contrary testimony, at the end of the day we have to look at the strongest evidence and what we have is the Zapruder film which shows an explosion over the right ear and matter moving forward, the Nix film which shows matter moving forward, the Autopsy photos show the same wound as does the Xrays.
Btw why would anyone place a shooter in front of Kennedy when your Lone Nut Patsy was behind that just doesn't make sense, if it was me I would place a dozen shooters behind with absolutely nobody anywhere else but that's just me!
