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Author Topic: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory  (Read 56100 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2018, 02:33:20 PM »
The original draft stated:

?A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine.?

That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back.

The final draft stated:

?A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck and slightly to the right of his spine.?

They changed the wording, not the location of the wound.

              The above is obviously Not a Medical Description designating the Exact Location of the BACK Bullet Wound. Lay Men ALL the time generally use the term Shoulder when they are in fact referencing the Shoulder Blade. All the WC had to do was include the Autopsy Face Sheet if they wanted to pin-point the Exact BACK Wound Location. This intentional Clouding of the Truth was in line with their obfuscation throughout the entire WC Report.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2018, 02:33:20 PM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2018, 02:45:03 PM »
"The authentic autopsy photos show that the wound was not below the shoulder.'


During an executive session of the WC Rankin tells McCloy they have color photos of JFK's body from the autopsy

Rankin tells another executive session of the WC they have a picture showing the wound in JFK's back is lower than the one in the front of his neck.

Rankin was wrong.  So what?

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2018, 03:09:10 PM »

         54+ years after the fact, your claim of "Rankin was Wrong" is the Best Rebuttal you can come up with? The glaring snippet amidst all of that was the statement regarding "....we don't have the Minutes of the Autopsy". 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2018, 03:09:10 PM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2018, 03:47:33 PM »
54+ years after the fact, your claim of "Rankin was Wrong" is the Best Rebuttal you can come up with?

You must have missed it.  The autopsy photos show that Rankin was simply wrong.  So what?

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2018, 05:49:15 PM »
Rankin was wrong.  So what?

So you've seen the color autopsy photographs of JFK's body that Rankin is referencing at those WC Executive


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2018, 05:49:15 PM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2018, 07:21:27 PM »
So you've seen the color autopsy photographs of JFK's body that Rankin is referencing at those WC Executive


 Rankin never saw any autopsy photos during the WC investigation.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 08:17:19 PM by Tim Nickerson »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2018, 07:23:27 PM »

         54+ years after the fact, your claim of "Rankin was Wrong" is the Best Rebuttal you can come up with? The glaring snippet amidst all of that was the statement regarding "....we don't have the Minutes of the Autopsy".

Rankin said that the bullet entered below the shoulder blade.

Was Rankin wrong?

Offline Wesley Johnson

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Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2018, 08:50:54 PM »
As a member of the Warren Commission that investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford suggested that the panel change its initial description of the bullet wound in Kennedy's back to place it higher up in the body. The change, critics said, may have been intended to support the controversial theory that a "single bullet" struck Kennedy from behind, exited his neck and then wounded Texas Gov. John B. Connally Jr. The Warren Commission relied on it heavily in concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was Kennedy's lone assassin, firing from a sniper's nest above and behind the president in the Texas School Book Depository. Ford's handwritten editing, revealed in newly disclosed papers kept by the commission's general counsel, was accepted with a slight change. The initial draft of the report stated: "A bullet had entered his {Kennedy's} back at a point slightly below the shoulder to the right of the spine." Ford wanted it to read:" A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine."   The Final Report said:" A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of his spine."       The Washington Post  By George Lardner Jr. July 3 , 1997

What you have to do is go by the autopsy report which states "situated on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the scapula there is a 7x4 millimeter oval wound. This wound is measured to be 14 cm from the tip of the right acromion process and 14 cm below the tip of the right mastoid process."
Also, there are several problems with CTers claiming this bullet did not pass through the president's body and hit Gov. Connally.
 One is: if this bullet did not create the exit wound to the president's throat then where is the exit wound for that shot and where did the bullet go? If it did exit (which there is no exit for) then the only thing in front of the president was Gov. Connally? Why was the Gov. not hit twice? Since there is no exit wound for this shot then the bullet would have remained in the president's body. It was not found.
 Two: If this shot did not pass through the president's body and create the wound to the president's throat and hit Gov. Connally then the wound to the throat was caused by a shot from the front through the windshield (as a lot of CTers claim) then where is the exit wound for that shot? If that bullet did not exit then where did it go? That bullet was not found. So, conspiracy people, you have two disappearing bullets that you have to explain. Talk about magic.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ford's Editing Backed 'Single Bullet' Theory
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2018, 08:50:54 PM »