Hi Allan. I posted a question on this in another thread. I joined here specifically to see what people believe she was doing on the trunk at that moment. The reason I ask is that in the Zapruder film, Jackie's head position in front of JFK's head at the moment of the headshot means she was not able to see any skull landing on the boot and yet within roughly two seconds of the head shot to JFK, she begins climbing up onto the trunk.
As she turned aft to begin climbing out of the seat, she had not yet turned her head rearward to look aft and notice the piece of skull identify it before deciding to retrieve it and then setting into motion. She doesn't seem to have been in any position to know that a piece of skull was at the back of the car yet she set off purposefully, reached out and grabbed something and returned.
What's the consensus in here on what she was grabbing? Or does everyone go with the theory that it was a piece of JFK's skull or brain?
It's a sunny day, the motorcade is a few minutes away from the Trade Mart and the crowds are beginning to thin out. Jackie is probably miles away, thinking about the rest of the day. Suddenly, her husband starts acting weird, he's got his hands up to his throat and Connally is screaming "No, no, no.", she doesn't have a clue what's going on. Then her husband's head literally explodes and for a very brief second she is staring into the open top of his skull, staring directly at his exposed brain. And she starts to scream:

Traumatised, her reaction is to get away. In the Z-film, as she gets out of her seat, she can be seen to push JFK's head away. She is getting out of the limo, away from the horrific sight of JFK's exposed brain and if it wasn't for Clint Hill she would have been off the back of the limo and under the Secret Service follow up car.
She isn't reaching for a piece of brain or skull.
She's just trying to get away.