Over on the Photo Gallery, you can NO Longer click onto a JFK Assassination image in order to Enlarge it.
This has been the situation for almost a week running.
Is this merely a short-term "glitch" or is this permanent?
In order to better scrutinize those JFK Assassination Images, the viewer needs that option of "Blowing" them up.
Thanks Royell, for alerting the Forum to this issue.
The cause of this specific problem is an SQL Injection Attack and Hack.
The Gallery has been subject to these attacks for the past 2 to 3 years and I have had to implement a lot of security issues to prevent total destruction of the Gallery.
This is a new exploit, so I don't know how trying to fix it will go.
I repeatedly need to fix these issues,ie, different attackd, but they keeps on returning, and are virtually unstoppable, so far, to a non qualified Techie like me.
I'll try and fix this issue and inform you and the Forum once I have deleted all of the exploited pages.
The fix will involve deleting hundreds of exploited pages, so have patience.
In the meantime, the Gallery is still safe to visit.