Where in the Warren Report does it say the back wound was to the left of JFK's midline?
Where does the Clark Panel say the entry wound was as far as 5 inches from the EOP wound?
Where does the Clark Panel say the entry wound was in the crown of the head?
Humes located the EOP by touch only and the other two went with that.
Please use arrows to show the "EOP" wound in the autopsy photos. And explain what the hole is that the ruler is next to in the Back-of-the-Head-Photo.
Good for Humes. There was no entry wound in the crown area.
The Bethesda pathologists endorsed autopsy photos showing the gaping scalp opening was not at the very rear of the head. Four Parkland doctors visited the Archives and endorse the same photos.
"Where in the Warren Report does it say the back wound was to the left of JFK's midline?"
do try to read properly before you reply . that IS NOT what i said . i said
"BY HIS OWN ADMISSION he admitted seeing atleast one autopsy photo that showed the wound in question several inches below and to the left ON THE BACK "
"Where does the Clark Panel say the entry wound was as far as 5 inches from the EOP wound?"
firstly it would be much better if you quoted what you are replying to , as i did here with you .
" the foregoing observations indicate that the decedents head was struck from behind by a single projectile . it entered the occipital region 25 mm to the right of the midline and 100 mm ABOVE THE EXTERNAL OCCIPITAL PROTUBERANCE . "
https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/arrb/master_med_set/md59/pages/Image11.gif100mm or roughly 10 cm equates to roughly 4 inches . i said some 4 to 5 off the cuff as it were , and only from memory as i some times do . while 5 is an accidental over statement 4 inches is perfectly acceptable .
"Where does the Clark Panel say the entry wound was in the crown of the head?"
well correct me if i am wrong but it appears that you are disputing that the clark panel placed the head entry wound about 4 inches ABOVE the level of the EOP ? . i relate 4 inches above the level of the EOP to be in the area (not the entire area ) where a man can have a bald spot .i think i was clear enough on that point .
"they said it was in the crown of the head where a man has a bald spot "
if you desire to argue about the circumference of a mans bald spot have at it , i am sure all will vary some what in width and length .
"Humes located the EOP by touch only and the other two went with that."
i really should not have to explain every single thing , but often i find it to be the case with some people that i do . now if you desire to argue that none of the three men conducting jfks autopsy had the basic knowledge to locate the EOP and that they erred and mislocated it well do that to your hearts content , it however is not an argument i will be engaging in .i dont have time for silliness .
"DESPITE the fact that autopsy photos show a wound at the EOP"
above i was very clear about what the autopsy PHOTO shows near the EOP . here is what the commission said
, “approximately 2.5 cm. laterally to the right and slightly above the external occipital protuberance is a lacerated wound "
"Good for Humes. There was no entry wound in the crown area."
yes i think we already established this YES ? .
"The Bethesda pathologists endorsed autopsy photos showing the gaping scalp opening was not at the very rear of the head. Four Parkland doctors visited the Archives and endorse the same photos."
these are the same pathologists (and i use that term lightly ) who endorsed a right of neck entry wound in and around the level of the shirt collar yes / no ? . i am not getting into what anyone endorsed , the autopsy photos that we have dispute them on that .as do the holes on jfks clothing that are on the back , certainly not in the collar areas of his clothing . i know the PBS documentary that you refer to . one of the doctors was mclellend and he maintained his position before and after that documentary , which was that he saw a large wound in the right rear of jfks head .why did you not mention that ? . i do think its important information along with the fact that certain parkland doctors originally said jfk had a right rear head wound or that they saw cerebellum but then reversed and contradicted them selves .and we should give the readers here as much information as we can so that they can decide for them selves on this matter .